Mixture of Cabrite: reviews, composition, rating

The choice of a quality mixture is one of the important moments in the life of a newborn. The product should not only satisfy hunger, but also saturate the children's body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals; contain prebiotics that improve the digestion process; to be tasty and not cause digestive problems. This is exactly what Cabrite’s mixture is, reviews say that it rarely provokes an allergic reaction and prevents colic.


The Cabrite mixture, the composition of which is distinguished by its nutritional value, contains all the substances necessary for the development and growth of the baby. And if it is not possible to breastfeed, then you can replace breast milk with this product. The mixture is well absorbed by the children's body, contains natural and high-quality goat milk.

The composition includes lactose and vegetable fats, among which the DigestX complex stands out, which includes natural oils (rapeseed, palm, sunflower). The mixture contains goat whey protein concentrate, skimmed goat milk powder and whole goat milk powder. The composition of the product includes corn starch, as well as fructooligosaccharides, galactooligosaccharides. The mixture is enriched with minerals. It added fish oil, a source of docosahexaenoic acid from the omega-3 class. The product also contains arachidonic acid, vitamins, taurine. Cabrite includes choline and nucleotides, bifidobacteria and mesoinositol.

It should be noted that the DigestX complex in the mixture recreates the structure of breast milk. This improves the digestion process, prevents constipation. Promotes rapid absorption of calcium. Stimulates energy metabolism. Prebiotics in the form of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and galactooligosaccharides (GOS), together with the living bacteria Bifidobacterium BB-12, strengthen the immune system. Nucleotides participate in metabolic processes, perform the functions of bioregulators. Omega-3 and Omega-6 have a positive effect on the brain and vision.

Assortment of Cabrite products

Under the brand name "Cabrita" they produce baby formulas and cereals in goat milk for the first feeding. So, the produced mixture is divided into three types:

  • Cabrita-1 - for children from 0 to 6 months.
  • Cabrite-2 - for babies from 6 to 12 months.
  • Cabrite-3 - for children over a year old.

cabrite mix reviews

Cabrite baby cereals (goat milk is the main component here) are divided into four types:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • buckwheat with apple and apricot;
  • porridge of seven cereals with a banana.

All of them are instant, when preparing them, it is enough to fill them with warm water. Saturate the children's body with useful substances and energy. Do not contain whole milk, sugar, salt, artificial and flavoring additives.

Positive sides

The Kabrita Gold line is modern goat milk blends. It contains the necessary substances for the full development of the baby.

kabrita gold

The product has an adapted protein component individually selected for each age category, which eliminates constipation and other digestive tract disorders that occur when switching to artificial feeding. So, the ratio of whey protein and casein is presented in mixtures as follows:

  • Cabrite-1 - 60% whey protein and 40% casein.
  • Cabrite-2 - 47% whey protein and 53% casein.
  • Cabrite-3 - 37% whey protein and 63% casein.

The mixture is well tolerated and assimilated. The composition contains less protein αs1-casein and more protein β-casein. The first complicates the process of assimilation of milk and its digestion.

Digest complex stimulates the digestion process. Positive effect on energy metabolism. Improves calcium absorption. Prevents constipation and softens the stool. DHA / ω-3 and ARA / ω-6 have a positive effect on brain development and improve vision. Nucleotides provide a good immune response, act as the main tissue for DNA and RNA. They play the main role in the process of energy exchange. Enter into synthesis with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prebiotics and probiotics strengthen the immune system. Maintain a healthy intestinal microflora.

The mixture has a mild creamy taste that children like. All components are balanced and satisfy the physiological needs of babies from the age of one to three years. Ideal for children with an allergic reaction to cow's milk protein. It does not contain maltodexin, sugar, artificial additives and dyes.

Cooking method

The Cabrite infant formula is prepared immediately before the baby is fed and in the norms indicated in the table.

Nutrilon mix

To get one hundred grams of the mixture, you need three scoops without the top of the dry product (this is about 13.5 g) pour 90 g of boiled water. Cooking includes the following steps:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Sterilize the bottle and pacifier by boiling for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour the required volume of water with a temperature of 40 ° C into the container.
  4. Pour the required amount of dry product into the water.
  5. Close the bottle and mix everything (shake the container vigorously).

milk formula rating

When preparing the mixture, you must adhere to the instructions indicated on the jar. The remains of the finished product are not subject to storage and subsequent use.

Can not be used for cooking for the baby:

  • unboiled water;
  • unsterilized nipples and bottles;
  • expired product;
  • mixture after improper storage and transportation.

After opening the packaging must be used within a month and stored at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C.

Indications for the introduction of the mixture in goat milk

The mixture of Cabrite (reviews indicate that its crumbs are eaten with pleasure) is well absorbed by the children's body. Suitable for babies with protein intolerance to cow's milk and often spitting up after feeding, as well as having low lactase deficiency. It has antireflux properties. It has a delicate texture that does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is quickly absorbed by the children's body. The mixture stimulates the digestive process, removes constipation and helps to cope with diarrhea, colic and bloating.

cabrite goat milk


The Cabrite product contains not only nucleotides and prebiotics, but also probiotics, or “live” dairy cultures. On the one hand, they have a positive effect on immunity, and on the other, they inhibit the formation of the natural intestinal microflora.

Mixtures in goat's milk, as well as in cow's, can cause allergies, since beta-casein belongs to animal proteins. In case of an allergic reaction to proteins, special hypoallergenic products should be chosen. In this case, specialists should deal with the selection of food for the crumbs.

And yet, which is better - "Nanny" or "Cabrite"?

There are many mixtures on the market, but the most popular in goat milk are Nanny and Cabrita. They contain only casein proteins. Both the first and second companies produce mixtures for the following age categories: for children aged 0-6 months, from 6 to 12 months, older than twelve months. The first mixture has a version of "Nanny Classic", which is intended for babies from 0 to 12 months.

Both mixtures are adapted and as close as possible to natural nutrition in their composition. Made from goat milk with a low protein content. Nanny uses only dried goat milk, and the mixture is considered casein (ratio - 20/80), while Cabrite uses partially skim milk and a concentrate of goat milk whey proteins with a casein index of 60/40.

In the manufacture of the mixture, the structure of goat milk changes. Most of it is replaced with vegetable oils and fish oil, but it is natural fats that give the result when processing eaten food in the intestines. So, in the Cabrite there are fewer such components than in the Nanny.

The development of mental abilities and the formation of the nervous system are affected by polyunsaturated fatty acids, so it is important that the mixtures contain them. Also, products for children should contain arachinic and docosahexaenoic acids, which play an important role in the formation of the central nervous system and retina. Both mixtures meet these requirements.

Many experts do not recommend buying baby food containing palm oil. In “Nanny” it is not, while “Cabrite” contains this component. Both mixtures have a vitamin-mineral complex that meets all the needs of the child’s body, but the iron in Carbit is less than in Nanny.

Also, the “Nanny Classic” mixture does not contain nucleotides and prebiotics, unlike the “Nanny-1.2” and “Cabri-1.2.3” that contain them. Nucleotides are involved in strengthening the immune system, and prebiotics maintain the stability of the intestinal microflora. Such mixtures are not given to children suffering from diarrhea.

Cabrite, unlike Nanny, contains a probiotic. These are live bifidobacteria plus a prebiotic. Such a composition has a beneficial effect not only on the intestinal microflora, but also on immunity, but at the same time it can have a negative effect on the formation of the intestinal microflora.

Both mixtures are expensive; they are not easy to find in a regular store.


The Cabrita mixture (the price makes the product inaccessible to many mothers) is packaged in cans of 400 and 800 g. For 400 g, you will have to pay 1000–1300 rubles for the store, and 1800–2000 rubles for 800 g. for the can. This is an expensive and high-quality mixture.

cabrite composition

Baby Food Reviews for Toddlers

The Cabrita mix is ​​receiving mostly positive reviews. Moms note that it is well and quickly diluted with water, easily digestible. Does not cause colic and allergies. Nourishing, the child after her sleeps, without waking up, all night. Women say that thanks to this mixture, the children gained weight, they had an appetite and gone bowel problems. Suitable for babies with intolerance to cow's milk. A good composition is noted, as close as possible to breast milk.

The negative sides of this mixture include its high cost - 1800 rubles. for 800 grams, which lasts for six days. In some children, the mixture caused an intestinal upset, and after that I had to switch to another. Some mothers complain that the Cabrite mixture (reviews indicate its good taste and that children like it) is hard to find in stores. Sometimes you have to look for it for a long time.

Milk formula rating

Not all mothers can afford to breast-feed their baby. There are many reasons for switching to a mixture. Not always mothers can influence the state of affairs. To support the baby at this moment will help the milk mixture. According to the popularity and expert evaluation of specialists, the rating of baby food is as follows:

  • Mixture "Nutrilon". The most popular and popular product for infants. Helps maintain the health of the baby and eliminate intestinal disorders. It has an extensive assortment. The Nutrilon mixture contains everything necessary to strengthen immunity, prevent colic and the occurrence of gases. Promotes the normal growth and development of the child. Beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

nanny or cabri

  • The Nan mixture is the second most popular. It is made in Switzerland. The assortment contains lactose-free and hypoallergenic mixtures. Baby food contains a vitamin and mineral complex that enhances health and promotes the full development of the baby. Mixture "Nan" is suitable not only for feeding. It is also used as a staple food. It has a positive effect on the digestive tract.
  • “Undecided.” Another popular baby formula. It is made in Switzerland. Designed for healthy children. The composition contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for babies.
  • Nutrilac. A series of Russian baby food. It is shown to children of the first year of life. It is made on the basis of cow's milk. The mixture is enriched with vitamins and minerals. It contains prebiotics and does not contain sugar. Suitable for children with allergies.
  • Humana. Available in Germany. The line includes five series for different ages. There are mixtures for babies with allergies and premature babies. They do not contain flavorings or preservatives. The basis is high-quality cow's milk. The mixture is enriched with vitamins and prebiotics. Does not contain fructose, gluten and sucrose.
  • "Baby." A mixture of domestic production. It includes all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the development of crumbs. Affordable and high quality. It does not contain GMOs, dyes, sugar or preservatives.
  • "Agusha." These are dry and liquid mixtures from a Russian manufacturer for children from birth. There are small packs of food that is ready to eat. All products are enriched with vitamins and minerals. There are mixtures containing omega-3 acids, iodine and nucleotides.

In order to determine the choice of food for a child, you need to contact a specialist. After all, only he will help solve the problems the baby has and accurately determine the state of his health.

Even in the absence of complaints about the baby's well-being, consult with a pediatrician about the advisability of introducing a particular mixture into the diet. Keep in mind that even the most expensive product may not suit your baby. Health and good shopping!

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