Approximately seven percent of pregnant women experience intoxication. The expectant mother becomes very sensitive to odors. Let's talk about when toxicosis begins? How is it manifested?
The manifestation of toxicosis during pregnancy
Intoxication begins to develop simultaneously with the growth of the placenta. This is a phenomenon that occurs during the first time of pregnancy. The causes of intoxication are not known. Doctors have several assumptions, but one, any reason is still not possible to isolate. When toxicosis begins, the woman rises blood pressure, protein in the urine, and hyperreflexia begins (a very quick reflex reaction). All these manifestations of intoxication cause a lot of trouble to the expectant mother. In addition to them, when toxicosis appears, symptoms may include bloating, swelling of the hands, feet, face, due to fluid retention in the body.
During the manifestation of toxicosis, it is advisable to rest more. This is the main and often the most effective method of combating intoxication. A doctor who is pregnant can recommend bed rest, monitoring the fetus and symptoms of intoxication. Toxicosis, when it begins, occurs in each woman individually.
The main changes occur in the woman’s body immediately after the formation of the embryo - the body adapts to the nutrition of the fetus, which grows. The uterus increases in size, and the secretion of hormones increases. Often, when toxicosis begins, and this occurs after a month and a half after conception, the majority experiences a gag reflex that occurs in response to any odors. In addition, there is an increase in appetite and cravings for unusual foods. Usually morning sickness subsides closer to the sixteenth week of pregnancy. However, some women suffer from toxicosis all the time while bearing a child. Hyperemesis of pregnant women (excessive vomiting) is widespread when the expectant mother is tormented by a large number of vomiting and does not absorb food and drinks. Often, this is fraught with the occurrence of dangerous situations for health and can lead to dehydration. Some foods increase discomfort.
Toxicosis: treatment
Many, when toxicosis begins, are concerned that this may harm the fetus. However, there is no reason to worry if a pregnant woman drinks plenty of fluids every day and assimilates the optimal amount of food. The main reason for vomiting is an empty stomach, so you need to eat something even without appetite. During this period, loss of appetite occurs , but after the symptoms of the disease subside, he returns. To reduce the manifestation of intoxication, it is recommended to get out of bed in the morning, without rushing, slowly, without sudden movements, and rest during the day on an ongoing, regular basis. It is not recommended to be in warm rooms, as this increases nausea. Doctors recommend drinking more fluids. Refuse salty and oily. Traditional medicine offers ginger, which is an effective way to reduce morning sickness. It should be added to tea. To improve health, it is better to eat more often, but in small portions. It is not recommended to eat spicy food. Also, when intoxication begins, physical exercises are considered very useful every day - walking or yoga. They stimulate blood circulation and improve well-being. Peace, a good sleep, walks in the fresh air, a friendly atmosphere in the team and in the family positively affect the state of health, mood. Be healthy.