There is not much time left until the woman can see her baby. The seventh month begins, these are golden days in the life of a future mother. The fetus is not yet so large, and if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then the woman does not experience special severity. For those mothers whose pregnancy is not going very smoothly, this period is a time when you can breathe in calmly. Starting from the seventh month, the survival rate of prematurely born children is almost 100%. So, 25 weeks of pregnancy, how the fetus is located, what is happening to it now, how it grows and develops. Let's talk about this in more detail.
Receptions at the gynecologist
During this period, the doctor conducting the pregnancy, not only regularly sends you for tests, but also evaluates the increase in weight and size of the abdomen at each appointment. In addition, he will make it a rule every time to listen to how a small heart beats. When mothers look at the card, sitting in line with the doctor, many are worried about the frequent heartbeat of the crumbs. Actually, 160 beats per minute is a normal indicator, but not a sign of tachycardia at all.
At the last ultrasound, you have once again adjusted the term, now you have exactly 25 weeks of pregnancy. How the fetus is located, you can ask the doctor leading the pregnancy. But any of the options is not yet critical, the fruit is still small enough, it will still change its position. Only after 30 weeks he will accept it finally.
Woman at 25 weeks pregnant
The main difference between laboratory tests during this period will be an increase in cholesterol. This is not a pathology, but an important material for hormones. These include progesterone, which is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, relieving tension of the uterus and other smooth muscles.
During this period, a jump in weight is observed. Since you are on the verge of a third trimester of pregnancy, this is also normal. Very soon, the increase in weight will reach its maximum, and in the last weeks before childbirth it may slightly decrease. On average, every woman adds 11-13 kg for the entire period, a strong excess of this figure can adversely affect the health of the mother and the course of childbirth. Therefore, you need to monitor your diet.
So 25 weeks of pregnancy flew by unnoticed. How the fetus is located, you can now determine for yourself. Periodically, small bulges appear on the stomach, these may be the legs, arms and head of your baby. By patting your abdomen with your palm, you will definitely get an answer, and by the nature of the shocks you can determine how the fetus now lies. The uterus at this time reaches such a size that it supports the diaphragm. Sitting and lying down becomes quite uncomfortable. Rising higher, the pregnant uterus begins to put pressure on the diaphragm, so it will be harder and harder to breathe every day. Relief will come before childbirth when the abdomen lowers.
Fetal movement
It can no longer go unnoticed, despite the fact that numerous stories are known about how a woman learned about pregnancy during childbirth. At week 25, the baby is already large enough to actively move, but there is still enough room for maneuvers. In addition to the morning hours, when the baby is sleeping soundly, he fidgets for almost all day, tinkers and moves in his tummy, giving Mom a lot of pleasure. Later, the uterus will become cramped and training will have to be temporarily canceled, so that for a baby the period of 25 weeks of pregnancy is as comfortable as possible. How the fetus is located can be seen on an ultrasound, although young mothers rarely can understand where their child is hiding behind these stripes and dots.
Now the movements of the embryo are chaotic. It is almost impossible to determine exactly when it is active and when not. That is why it is very difficult for mom to guess the mode of her crumbs. There is only 25 weeks of pregnancy. What happens in the stomach, you can find out on an ultrasound examination, as well as during daily games and communication with the baby.
Fetal size
Its length is approximately 29-30 cm, taking into account that the growth of a newborn child usually does not exceed 53 cm, it is obvious that a significant stage of development has been passed. The fruit weighs about 700 g. Pregnancy of 25-26 weeks is a full six months, about 15 more obstetric weeks remain before delivery. At this time, the body of the fetus is still covered with a dark fluff; it will remain until the very birth.
Now the embryo begins to breathe almost like an adult, only it does not breathe air, but amniotic fluid. The blood vessels of the lungs are about to develop - this is the main difference that marks a pregnancy of 25-26 weeks.
Physical development
A small person is becoming more dexterous, despite the fact that he is still small and only takes 25 weeks of pregnancy. What is happening in your stomach now? The baby is entertained by the fact that he catches himself with his hand by the leg. With an ear to the belly of a pregnant woman, you can hear the beat of his heart. The little man’s fingers are becoming more dexterous, he already knows how to squeeze his fingers into tight fists. It is now being determined whether he will be left-handed or right-handed. And on the fingers begins to form a unique, individual pattern, which is called fingerprints. It will not happen again to anyone in the world.
The formation of internal organs
If before 16 weeks, many women do not feel their pregnancy at all, now is the time to enjoy this special condition. The end of the second trimester is marked by the fact that the child is already big enough, but it’s not too hard for mom.
So goes the 25th week of pregnancy. The development of the fetus is proceeding at a rapid pace; there is an intensive strengthening of the osteoarticular system. In addition, the bone marrow from this time begins to function as the main organ that produces blood. Kids intensively build up mass, their skeleton is becoming stronger and stronger.
The changes that occur with the respiratory system are very expressive. Every day there is an increase in the number of cells that produce a special substance - surfactant. This substance is necessary so that the alveoli can straighten out at the first breath, it will also prevent their bonding. Such a neoplasm is famous for the 25th week of pregnancy. The development of the fetus comes to an end, now, having been born, it can survive with the help of doctors.
The main task of the child at this stage is to prepare for the birth. Therefore, the hormonal background changes dramatically , hormones that are important for adaptation to external conditions begin to be produced. First of all, the pituitary gland begins to produce growth hormones. This is important for brain growth, stimulating the body's metabolic processes.
Changes affect the respiratory system, while the baby breathes in breathing in and out of the amniotic fluid. A premature baby born this week needs medical attention, mechanical ventilation, and special conditions. The endocrine system of the fetus begins to function actively. The pancreas and thyroid gland matured and joined in the work. Now the body begins to produce insulin, a very important hormone that regulates carbohydrate metabolism.
The thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxin, triiodritorin, and calcitonin. Under their influence, the work of internal organs and systems becomes more and more refined with each passing week. Hormones affect the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, mental development, muscle formation.
Ultrasound at 25 weeks of gestation
How wonderful is the 25th week of pregnancy? Stirring of the fetus is becoming more active, mom is happy to play with her unborn baby. Usually an ultrasound examination is carried out for a period of 22-23 weeks. But if the doctor considers it necessary, he can prescribe additional screening.
This period is very favorable for determining the sex of the unborn child. In girls, the vagina is clearly “drawn”, and in boys, the testicles descend into the scrotum. In addition to determining sex, the purpose of the examination at this time is to assess the amount of amniotic fluid and the development of the baby's spine. These indicators are very important for the doctor who is pregnant.
In addition, the uzist evaluates the condition of the fetus, compares its size with the established term, in this case it is 25 weeks of pregnancy. Stroking of the fetus is also an important indicator, the doctor will ask you how often you notice its activity during the day. Normally, you should count at least 10 movements per hour. In order not to miss the movements of the crumbs, put your hand on your stomach and follow your feelings. If you noted 10 movements in an hour, then you can stop counting. If not, be sure to inform your doctor about this. Perhaps there is a serious pathology of development.
Fetal position: what happens
It must be remembered that at this time almost any position of the fetus is possible. At weeks around this time, the fetus should turn its head down, but if this did not happen, then you should not be upset, he still has time to do it. Small sizes allow it to move freely in the uterine cavity and occupy any pose.
Let’s now analyze the concepts of “position” and “presentation”. Pregnant women often confuse them. The position of the child is the ratio of the longitudinal position of the body to the longitudinal axis of the uterus. The child takes a longitudinal position when his head is in the area of the diaphragm of the mother. If the baby turned, resting his head against the left wall of the uterus, and his feet to the right, this position is called transverse. The location of the child at an acute angle is called oblique.
Not all types of fetal position are considered a variant of the norm. Optimal is only the first option, which is noted in 95% of cases of pregnancy. The remaining cases are related to the pathology of pregnancy, but doctors make such a conclusion only at the latest dates, when the child will take the final pose, because the uterus becomes so tight that it will not unfold. While mom can only give recommendations - do special exercises that contribute to changing the baby’s posture.
There can be many reasons for the incorrect position of the fetus . But at this time, most often, doctors correlate it with the presence of space "for flight." However, very soon (by about 30 weeks) the head position of the fetus will become the only correct one, ensuring the optimal course of labor.
If the baby does not roll over, then the doctors begin to look for the causes of this phenomenon. They can be obvious, long noted by the doctor who leads the birth. These include abnormalities of the uterus: its saddle-shaped or two-horned form, the presence of tumors, a narrow pelvis. Also, during pregnancy, prerequisites for the incorrect position of the fetus may arise: a decrease or increase in uterine tone, as well as abnormal development of the baby.
Pregnancy Twins
The second trimester of a mom expecting twins is very difficult. The severity increases at times, without bandage is almost impossible. How is the 25th week of twin pregnancy?
Kids in this period are simply fantastic activity, sometimes it seems that they play in the game, and even in football. Very soon they will become very crowded and the period when one baby can still actively swim, they will spend only playing with their own arms and legs. At the same time, at the age of 25 weeks, the babies are already fully formed, all organs and systems are ready for independent functioning, but the weight of the crumbs is still very small, about 680 g. They will now grow and store subcutaneous fat until birth.
The respiratory system continues to improve, the lungs are preparing to provide the baby with oxygen after birth. At this time, the nostrils open. Another important neoplasm at this stage of development is the rapid development and growth of the brain, joints, rings of the spines and ligaments. If you watch twins through an ultrasound machine, you can see that they already know how to compress the handles into fists.
Nutrition and weight of a pregnant woman
Iron-containing foods should be included in the diet during the gestation of the baby : prunes, oatmeal, pomegranates, buckwheat, beets, boiled beef. This is especially true at the end of the second trimester, when you have a pregnancy of 25 weeks. The weight of the fetus begins to increase every day, however, this does not mean that the mother should actively recover. The normal increase for this period is no more than 600 g per week, so you need to monitor your diet, avoid excess fried and fatty foods, as well as sweets.
Now mom needs to walk more in the fresh air, it is not advisable to eat salty foods and plenty of fluids, especially at night to avoid swelling. To prevent gestosis, doctors sometimes offer a special, salt-free diet. Observing all the recommendations of doctors, you can safely survive the last period of your pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby.