One of the most common problems pet lovers face is flea dermatitis. In cats, the causes of this ailment are usually trivial infection with blood-sucking parasites. The fact is that when a flea bites, it releases saliva. In addition, it contains substances that can provoke an allergic reaction in a pet.
The first signs of dermatitis appear in animals usually one to two weeks after a bite. Moreover, the fleas themselves on the body of the pet (especially if the owners take good care of it) by this time may no longer be there. It so happens that for a cat with sensitive skin, even one or two bites of parasites jumping from another animal, or, for example, from the street shoes of the owners, are enough. Of course, at the first signs of a pet allergy, you need to start treating.
Flea dermatitis in a cat: symptoms
This disease can be diagnosed by the following signs:
- the presence of scratches on the skin of the animal;
- excessive dryness of the epidermis;
- the formation of swelling, ulcers, blisters, nodules.
The skin of a cat with flea dermatitis is usually hot. At the same time, the animal constantly feels itching and burning. In particular, strong combs can be observed in the area of the base of the tail, on the stomach and behind the ears. Another symptom of dermatitis may be periodic twitching of the skin on the back, accompanied by meow. External signs of this disease are pronounced. However, flea dermatitis in cats can be easily confused with other types of allergic reactions. And, therefore, choose the wrong treatment. Therefore, in veterinary clinics, when diagnosing such a variety of dermatitis, among other things, intradermal studies are mandatory.
Types of flea dermatitis
By the nature of the course, this disease is chronic, acute or subacute. The last two forms are not considered particularly dangerous. However, with improper treatment, acute cat dermatitis can easily become chronic. In this case, all the symptoms of the disease in the pet disappear on their own. But at the same time, in the future they will constantly manifest themselves in the period of relapse. Curing chronic dermatitis is much more difficult than acute. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, it is advisable to show the cat to the veterinarian.
Which animals are most predisposed?
Most often, this disease affects cats aged 10 months to 3 years. In particular, hairless and shorthair animals are predisposed to it. Flea dermatitis is one of the diseases belonging to the seasonal group. Most often, cats suffer from this form of allergy in the warm season. That is, when the risk of a flea bite is highest. Therefore, it is in the spring, summer and autumn that the condition of the skin and coat of a pet should be monitored especially carefully.
What should be done first when symptoms appear?
Before you begin to treat flea dermatitis in cats, you should make sure that there are no more parasites on their skin. If they are discovered, first of all, measures must be taken to expel them. To do this, you can use any suitable means: collars, shampoos, sprays, drops, etc. To process fleas you need not only wool, but also animal toys. If the cat has its own litter, it should be replaced with a new one. Of course, if there are other pets in the house, you should definitely process them. Otherwise, treatment for parasites will be ineffective. To prevent re-infection with fleas, it is also desirable to limit the movement of the animal in the house with one room. At the same time, carpets and upholstered furniture in the room selected for temporary isolation of the pet should be sprayed with an antiparasitic spray.
How to detect flea infection?
The presence of parasites on the skin of an animal can be determined by the following signs:
- the cat constantly bites the skin;
- flea feces are visible in wool and ears;
- epidermis has hot spots.
In order to accurately diagnose the presence of fleas, the cat can be rubbed back against a white towel. If reddish-brown particles remain on it, the animal certainly has parasites.
Dermatitis treatment
When saving a pet from fleas, at the same time, one should try to alleviate his suffering due to burning and itching. Most often, flea allergic dermatitis in cats is treated with glucocorticosteroids. Drugs in this group relieve inflammation and reduce itching. Most often, these funds are administered to animals by injection. But it is also allowed to feed them in the form of tablets. The cat should take the pill for 2-3 weeks. The dose should be gradually reduced.
Glucocorticosteroids are the best remedies for a disease such as flea dermatitis in cats. Treatment after the end of the course of taking drugs should be continued using special medications that support the effect. It is possible to alleviate an itch in an animal not only with the help of tablets and injections, but also through various shampoos and other external agents. Sometimes antihistamines are also used to treat dermatitis. Of course, the specific funds most suitable for the cat should be prescribed by a veterinarian.
Accompanying illnesses
In fact, dermatitis in a cat itself, as already mentioned, causes flea saliva. However, in addition to all kinds of allergens, it can contain all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, flea dermatitis is often accompanied by other diseases that are no less dangerous to health, and sometimes to the life of a pet. These can be attributed primarily:
- atopic dermatitis;
- bacterial skin infection.
Let's talk about them in more detail. Atopic dermatitis has the same symptoms as a flea. This is primarily itching, scratching and redness. However, unlike a flea market, atopic dermatitis in cats cannot be cured. With the right approach, it can only be more or less successfully controlled. Treat a cat periodically with the occurrence of such a disease will have all his life. Suitable drugs in this case should also be prescribed by the veterinarian.
At the same time, a bacterial infection of the skin with dermatitis can occur due to the fact that the animal, when combing the wounds, introduces various pathogenic microorganisms into them. Mostly staphylococci or spirochetes. Symptoms of a bacterial infection can be fever, vomiting, drowsiness, loss of appetite in an animal. Such diseases should be treated. Otherwise, the cat may develop severe complications.
Unfortunately, veterinarians have not yet come up with a means to prevent the development of allergies in cats to flea saliva. Therefore, in order to protect the animal from the development of dermatitis, first of all, the possibility of its infection with parasites should be excluded. It is not recommended to let out a cat allergic walk on the street. More often than not, fleas pick up pets at contact with their homeless fellow tribesmen. If the owners still prefer to walk their pet from time to time, you need to take him out in the arms. The fact is that fleas very often attack pets in the stairwell. They get here from the cellars, where homeless cats prefer to sleep.
Of course, during the walk itself, you need to ensure that the animal does not communicate with street brothers. In addition, you should not walk with a cat in places with high humidity. In such areas, fleas without a carrier can live from several weeks to a year. Also, in order to exclude the possibility of developing a disease such as flea dermatitis, a cat's hair should be periodically (approximately once a month) treated with special means. This can be, for example, Advantage or Front Line Plus. You can buy high-quality anti-flea drugs today both in ordinary pet stores and online. When choosing a specific product, you should definitely pay attention to its expiration date.
Thus, as you can see, flea dermatitis in cats is a rather dangerous and unpleasant disease. It is necessary to treat it using antiparasitic and anti-pruritic drugs. And only under the supervision of a veterinarian. Otherwise, the cat may develop a chronic form of the disease, or all kinds of serious complications as a result of a bacterial infection.