The first child in the family. Well, if there is a mom nearby
or a friendly mother-in-law (they, as we know, are different), which will tell you what and how to do, and why the newborn is groaning. If no one is around, then young mothers are looking for an answer on the Internet in forums, in specialist articles and asking more experienced friends who have already grown a little of their babies.
Even a simple question in the classroom before delivery sometimes baffles: "What is the newborn doing?" The answer was simple, but no one thought of it - "Breathes!". Why is a newborn baby groaning? Yes, you never know why! He can clear his throat for some time. The cough is intermittent and should not last for a whole day. A prolonged cough is an occasion to call a doctor.
Why does the baby lose weight in the first week?
The usual question of an inexperienced mother. Doctors sometimes frighten the child with malnutrition, but this is not so. The skin of the baby in the womb was constantly in the amniotic fluid, and then, within a week or ten days, it dries, so it adapts to the air. Therefore, due to the drying of the skin, the baby can lose up to 10% of its weight. If the child is healthy and eats well, he quickly makes up for this loss.
What conditions of the newborn are normal and go away without treatment
For newborns, the so-called transitional states are natural when his body adapts to changes in the external environment. Why is a newborn baby groaning? He can also sniff and cough. Such conditions are spontaneous, come and go naturally in the first weeks of his small life. Also such states can be:
- Some weight loss. Bathe your baby more often, and everything will quickly return to normal.
- On the 3rd day there may be rashes, redness of the skin (erythema). Do not confuse the little one, he is hot!
- Toxic erythema (intradermal rashes, pimples). Bathing and breastfeeding will also help.
- Small white pimples near the nose or nose (milli). Never squeeze!
- Jaundice in newborns, called physiological. Sunlight and breastfeeding can quickly overcome this condition. At the doctor's appointment, ask about the size of the spleen in the baby. If it is normal, then nothing needs to be done, but if it is enlarged along with the liver, then you need to take tests, this is a sign that an infection may be introduced.
Pay attention to the behavior of the baby. Normally, he eats well the first period of his life and sleeps quite a lot. The child grunts and coughs, spits up and sorry, farts - this is for him a normal manifestation of life. If at the same time he is cheerful and calm, sleeps well and eats, then you have no reason for concern.
Do not get carried away with herbs when bathing, do not use a series, it dries the skin too much, it is not recommended for up to 3-4 months. The same applies to aromatic oils. Try not to use anything artificial, all that is not harmful to the newborn is good. If there is a need to apply a decoction of herbs, consult a pediatrician.
How to determine what is the norm and what is the deviation
Often a young mother is worried about why a newborn groans in a dream, wheezing or wheezing. Until then, it worries that all night, poor, she does not sleep, listening to the baby’s breathing. It happens that the child is so digestion. Tightening the legs, sniffing and grunting, he “helps” himself in the process of digesting food, especially if it is fed with mixtures, not breast.
When the intestines improve and "get used" to food, groaning and wheezing will stop. Perhaps you need to change the mixture or switch to kefir from the dairy kitchen. The most important thing is to closely monitor the condition of the little man, otherwise some mothers are more worrying for themselves and the baby, endlessly doing massages, cleaning their nose and even wake up at night. If the baby is cheerful, does not cry for no reason, is gaining weight and developing normally, then believe me, everything is in order, and you should not worry about why the newborn is groaning.
Anxiety should cause deviations from the norm. If something, rather than a baby, bothers you greatly in its behavior and development, do not be shy, consult a doctor, read literature, share your experience, but do not panic and do not bother a child. Up to 2-2.5 months in a dream or on waking, let your newborn grunt, sniff, grunt and whimper - in general, make sounds. You have to try what voice you have!