Input and output in Python. Input and print

Pleasant user interaction with Python is one of the many attractive features of the program. Simplicity, modernity, conciseness and understandability - this is what fascinates the software product. The very first lessons for novice users is to learn how to input and output information. In Python, input and print make life easier for developers.

python input


. , . . . , , . , , «» . , Python input .

print. "" 3 print , . 2.7 print .

print . "" end=” ”. .

print, Enter. . print () .

print Python input . .

, raw_input (Python 2.7). , . 3- Python input . ?

(2.7) raw_input . , int(). . input Python , int . Python 3.0 raw_input input. input , int float, . , .

, Python input string , . .

Python 3.0 «» , .

raw input python

input .

python input functions

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python input string

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python input

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