Symptoms and treatment of myositis in dogs is the main topic of today's material. What is the peculiarity of this disease? What consequences can a pet expect? In order to understand the seriousness of the situation, each owner must know everything about this pathology. Without treatment, myositis can lead to irreversible changes that will significantly impair the quality of life of the dog. After all, muscle for her is life!
Myositis - what is it?
Myositis is diagnosed in dogs when the inflammatory process affects muscle fibers. This disease can be of several types: eosinophilic, traumatic and rheumatic. A common cause of the occurrence of pathology is regular jumping and running on an uneven surface. During such movements, the muscles that perform the function of flexion stretch. Less often, ruptures of fibers and even blood vessels can be observed, which leads to hemorrhages. Myositis can occur both in chronic and in acute form.
Features of the disease
Myositis in dogs is an insidious disease. After all, even living in a city apartment, the animal must constantly move around. And if his muscles become inflamed, it will be quite problematic to do this. The dog refuses to walk, completely stops playing and running. Lying, he periodically whines, as his muscles are covered by aching pain. Dog movements become slow. Before setting his paw, he thinks for a long time, as if deciding to do so. He selects a place for a long time, as a result, his movements are reduced to forced.
Myositis in dogs is divided into types, depending on the reasons that provoked the development of the inflammatory process of muscle fibers. Veterinarians distinguish between:
- Infectious myositis. This species is considered the most dangerous, as it can lead to blood poisoning. Without treatment, the acute form becomes chronic.
- Traumatic myositis. At risk are hunting and service dogs. Often such a disease is called occupational. Pets of decorative breeds do not suffer from this pathology.
- Rheumatic myositis. The name of the disease speaks for itself. Most often found in animals of mature age.
Myositis in dogs can be divided into several categories. It is the correctly established type of pathology that is the key to effective treatment. How is this disease classified?
- Parenchymal type. The cause of this pathology is a trauma. With it, muscle fibers are directly affected.
- Interstitial type. It includes myositis of the masticatory muscles in dogs. With this disease, the fascia that are between the muscles and the connective fibers become inflamed.
- Ossifying and fibrous types. These varieties are among the most dangerous. Unfortunately, even with the treatment, it will not be possible to avoid ossification and compaction of muscle tissue. This will lead to disability.
Purulent myositis
The cause of purulent myositis is the consequences of unsuccessfully delivered injections. It can also provoke deep wounds, which got the infection. In this case, an inflamed spot of spilled form with fuzzy borders forms on the skin. After the injection, the localization site looks different. It is small in size with a clear outline.
It is quite easy to determine purulent myositis. Under the skin in an inflamed place, a characteristic seal will be felt. Pus accumulates over some time, after which there is a high probability that it will develop into a vast abscess. If it is opened, the exudate will come out. An animal with such a pathology is in a fever, it feels sad, even depressed, and can refuse to eat.
Rheumatic myositis
Rheumatic myositis in dogs is most often diagnosed at the age of 10 years, but there are exceptions. These include congenital pathologies. This type of myositis causes changes in the muscles and joints that occur during aging.
Veterinarians find it difficult to name the exact causes that lead to rheumatic inflammation. However, it has been precisely established that it appears after an infectious disease. Incorrect conditions of keeping the animal can also affect - unheated rooms with a high level of humidity. Even young dogs that constantly live on the street can become ill.
Eosinophilic myositis in dogs
Unfortunately, what exactly causes this type of myositis has not yet been clarified. It proceeds in an acute form. The inflammatory process affects the masticatory muscles. It is manifested by the formation of swelling in the cheekbones. It is easily determined visually. With the growth of swelling eyeballs bulge. Symptoms in myositis of the masticatory muscles in dogs are manifested within three weeks. After that, improvement will come. But you should not rejoice, as the disease can recur. Also a serious problem is the fact that the muscles gradually atrophy, they are replaced by connective tissue. The inflammatory process is not limited to one area. It extends to the muscles of the shoulder and pelvis. Because of this, the animal feels unpleasant feelings. Discomfort prevents her from moving freely.
Let's find out what causes the development of myositis. The fact is that inflammation can develop not only in a sick dog, but also in a fairly strong dog.
Common myositis factors:
- Great physical activity for a long time. With this lifestyle, the animal can receive serious injuries that will contribute to the development of pathology.
- Exposure to stress without training. In this case, myositis may appear due to a lack of lactic acid.
- Living in cold conditions. Low temperatures cause the muscles to paralyze. Movement for animals becomes problematic.
- Autoimmune disease. With this pathology, myositis is a consequence.
- Age-related changes lead to aging of muscles and joints, which can cause the development of an inflammatory process.
- Parasites. The entry of infection and bacteria into a deep wound often causes myositis. They are rooted in the muscles, which leads to stiff movements.
Chewing myositis in dogs, as well as other species, is accompanied by the breakdown and necrosis of muscle fibers. At the site of inflammation, a seal forms over time. It is rather painful to the touch. Puffiness can accumulate in the swelling. Exudate characteristic brown. With this pathology, the animal is in fever, it is in a depressed state. Muscles tighten, cramps appear.
If the dog is diagnosed with rheumatic inflammation, then peculiar nodules will be felt under the skin. Their appearance is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and rapid breathing.
Due to painful spasms, the pet will behave aggressively if you touch a sore spot. It is possible that it may even bite. Therefore, in order to ease his condition, you must immediately seek help from a veterinarian.
The most difficult to treat is myositis of the cheek muscles of the dog. In most cases, you cannot completely get rid of it. It is important when prescribing medications and the method of therapy to know the reason that provoked the pathology. Relying on your own strengths is not worth it. The animal must be examined in a specialized clinic. Only there will the correct diagnosis be made, thanks to which you can choose an effective treatment. For example, with rheumatic inflammation, it is necessary to take special drugs that have an antirheumatic effect. In the course of therapy add injections "Analgin", compresses and physiotherapy. If there is no pain, then you can conduct a massage that will help restore the function of muscle tissue. Sometimes drug treatment does not bring positive results, so the doctor may decide to have surgery.
Treatment regimen
Myositis in dogs can affect the fact that the animal will refuse to eat, stop moving. In order for the muscles to not completely atrophy, you must follow the doctor’s instructions. As a rule, with myositis, the following treatment regimen is used:
- The pet is equipped with a comfortable place in a warm room without drafts.
- Provide complete peace. Any physical activity is prohibited.
- Prescribe drugs - acetylsalicylic acid, butadiene or sodium salicylate.
- Be sure to make lotions. 100 g of linseed oil, 15 g of methyl salicylate are taken for the solution, 150 g of ammonia, 25 g of camphor oil and 15 g of salicylic acid are also added. All mix thoroughly.
Effective regimens have not yet been developed for the treatment of myositis of chewing muscles in dogs. In most cases, it is recommended to take cortisone, blood substitutes, and compresses from demixide with novocaine. Such treatment will help maintain the normal condition of the pet, but you should not count on a full recovery.
In the fight against myositis, procedures such as diathermy, mud therapy and sollux lamps have proven quite well. They must be used in combination with the main therapy.