It would seem that research in early pregnancy, determining and preventing the development of pathologies, is of particular importance. But ultrasound in the last stages allows us to identify a number of factors indicating the preparedness of the fetus for childbirth. One of them is the core of Beklar.
The Importance of Late Ultrasound
A planned ultrasound in the third trimester is prescribed for weeks 31-32, but in some cases, doctors may prescribe a prenatal examination. For example, against the background of problems (pulling pains in the lower abdomen, stained with an admixture of blood discharge). Or if the expectant mother is at risk (age, health problems). Based on the results of the ultrasound, the observing doctor will draw certain conclusions:
- Generic presentation - the position of the child in the uterus will tell you the strategy for conducting the obstetric aid process.
- Readiness of the placenta for childbirth - depending on the maturity and thickness of the placental membrane, more exact terms of the PDR are set.
- Diagnosis of the development of the respiratory system will indicate the degree of full-term baby.
- Pathology - it is assessed whether there are any pathological changes that threaten the condition of the fetus.
- Anatomical parameters - examine the heartbeat, the frequency of movements, the maturity of the liver and other internal organs, the height and weight of the fetus, the presence of ossification nuclei.
As you can see, monitoring these indicators is important for the successful completion of childbirth and the health of the baby and mother.
What the Becklar core shows during pregnancy
In ultrasound studies conducted at 37-40 weeks, certain parameters deserve special attention. One of the anatomical indicators that experts keep under control is the Becklar nucleus, which is the degree of ossification of the distal pineal gland of the femur. According to medical encyclopedias, it is an important sign of full-term.
Often the concept of Becklar nucleus is confused with the ossification nuclei in the hip joint. The formation of these nuclei begins earlier - in the range from the third to fifth month of pregnancy, during active osteogenesis. The difference in localization: the Becklar core occurs in the lower part of the thigh bones.
Normal values at 37-40 weeks
The values of the core of ossification of the distal pineal gland in the fetus vary from 3 to 6 mm by the fortieth week of pregnancy. These sizes are considered a sign of norm. However, in 3-10% of cases of normal full-term infancy in newborns, the Beklar kernels were completely absent, and in some cases their formation was already observed at 35-36 weeks.
Thus, it is wrong to judge the fetal maturity only by the size of the Becklar nucleus. The decision on the presence of pathology is made by the doctor on the basis of deviations in the set of parameters.
Measures for deviations from the norm
Normally, the Beklar core completes the formation after the birth of the child, by the sixth month of life. What is the threat of insufficient ossification?
Firstly, a delay in ossification of the lower epiphysis of the thigh entails pathology of the development of the knee joint. In this regard, the child cannot crawl normally.
Secondly, there is a risk of developing epiphyseal dysplasia. At the same time, a large role of molecular genetic disorders is noted in pathogenesis.
Dysplasia of the distal pineal glands cause curvature of the legs in X- and O-type. Deformations, thickening or expansion of the knee joints occur. Short stature caused by a reduction in the length of the tubular bones is also noted. According to experts, these problems do not affect the life expectancy or intellectual development of the child. However, they can cause hypoplasia of the vertebral bodies and shortening of the spine. In this case, the ossification of the vertebrae is delayed.
Diagnostics is carried out using x-ray studies, molecular genetic analyzes and regular visual examinations. Slowing of ossification in the lower pineal glands is detected primarily on radiographs.
The treatment of dysplasia in the early stages of a child’s development is limited to supportive and corrective therapy. The use of orthopedic appliances is important: bandages and corsets reduce the load on the spine and joints. For babies, therapeutic massage and exercise therapy are effective.
In adulthood, surgical correction of deformities is possible.
Timely identification of the problem and the presence of orthopedic treatment help reduce the negative manifestations of the disease.