How to clean a carpet at home: effective ways, useful tips

Today, almost every home has a carpet. This product has become a great alternative to a warm floor. However, each of us must understand that sooner or later spots and other pollution will begin to appear on it. After reading this article, you will learn how easy it is to clean the carpet at home.

how to clean a carpet at home

Basic floor care recommendations

To keep the carpet as bright as possible, the volume and splendor of the pile, you must follow a few simple rules. You can not lay it on the floor, did not have time to dry out after wet cleaning. From time to time, the carpet needs to be turned over, changing its position so that scuffing can be avoided where it is subjected to the greatest mechanical stresses. Under the legs of the heavy cabinet furniture standing on it, it is desirable to put soft elastic bands.

If scuffs appear on the surface of the product, then you can get rid of them with the help of threads of a suitable shade. It must be sewn from the wrong side, and the loops remaining on the front surface should be carefully cut. In addition, it is recommended that you clean the floor periodically. In summer, it can be ventilated and dust accumulated can be knocked out; in winter, it is possible to treat the contaminated surface with freshly fallen snow.

clean the carpet from stains at home

How to understand that it’s time to clean the carpet?

Many of us mistakenly believe that flooring is easy enough to regularly vacuum. However, not only ordinary dust is the source of its pollution. Therefore, those who do not know how to clean the carpet at home, need to learn how to recognize signs that indicate the need for this procedure.

So, cleaning the flooring must be carried out in those cases when:

  • enough dust has accumulated on the product;
  • wine, greasy or chocolate stains appeared on its surface;
  • not very pleasant aromas began to come from him.

If the house has animals that are not accustomed to the toilet, it is better to remove the carpets from the floor in advance. Otherwise, then they will have to be dry cleaned.

how to clean a carpet at home with soda

A Brief Overview of Popular Detergents

Before you quickly clean the carpet at home, it is important to choose an effective powder. Today, many manufacturers of household chemicals produce all kinds of cleaning products that perfectly cope with almost any pollution.

So, in a fairly popular and effective powder “Sanlux” does not contain any harmful substances. Penetrating deep between the fibers of the carpet, its particles perfectly remove all impurities.

Karcher, which includes environmentally friendly components, copes well with cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture. The principle of operation of this tool is that the foam penetrating into the floor covering tissue, drying out, turns into a crystalline powder that can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner.

Spot Lifter is widely used not only for wet but also for normal cleaning. It is ideal for all types of flooring.

Is it possible to clean the carpet at home?

Carpet Cleaning with Soda

This is one of the easiest and safest methods to get rid of all kinds of pollution. Those who do not know how to clean the carpet at home with soda, it will certainly be interesting to know that this tool perfectly absorbs odors, and also absorbs dust and dirt. In order for the floor covering to get its original neat appearance, at the place of pollution it is necessary to sprinkle an even layer of soda and gently rub it with a dry cloth. After half an hour, you can vacuum the palace.

There is another alternative cleaning method using this product. Before cleaning the carpet at home, you should dissolve half a glass of soda in five liters of warm water. The resulting liquid is uniformly sprayed on the surface of the product using a spray gun and left for half an hour. After this time, the surface of the carpet must be vacuumed.

how easy it is to clean the carpet at home

How easy is it to clean the carpet at home?

The methods of removing contaminants from the surface of floor coverings are so diverse that every housewife can easily choose the one that suits her. One of the most popular and effective methods is clarification using table salt, sawdust or bran. All of them perfectly cope with any kind of pollution. However, someone who wants to figure out whether it is possible to clean the carpet at home should remember that this technique is not applicable to products with a long pile.

Before sprinkling salt on the surface of the floor, it must be thoroughly knocked out. This simple manipulation will maximize the effect and prevent the appearance of dirty stains. Having scattered one of the substances listed above, you need to gently rub it into the pile using a wet brush. After some time, you need to sweep the particles of salt, sawdust or bran from the cleaned coating. As a result of this simple procedure, the product will take on a fresh look.

how easy it is to clean the carpet at home ways

How and how to clean the carpet from stains at home?

Coffee and tea traces are best removed immediately after they appear. This can be done with a soap solution or glycerin.

Fresh blood stains are recommended to be washed off with cold water. If they have already managed to dry, then they first need to be softened with a damp cloth.

Stains from chocolate, salad or fruit can be removed using a special washing mixture. To prepare it, you should take laundry soap, dissolve it in a liter of warm water and add a teaspoon of wine vinegar.

Wax and chewing gum are removed from the surface of the carpet with a piece of ice wrapped in a plastic bag. It is kept on the spot until it hardens, and then removed from the pile mechanically.

how to quickly clean a carpet at home

Snow removal

This method can be used in the winter. Those who do not know how to clean the carpet at home, you just need to wait until the snow falls, and take out his palace. Simultaneously with the dirt, all parasites accumulated in the pile along with the dust will disappear from the frozen product.

Before starting the manipulation, you need to find a place in which lies a clean layer of snow. Putting the carpet down, you should pat it well with a stick. After this, it is advisable to hold it in this position for another half hour. After this time, the palace should be turned over and the contaminated snow should be brushed off with a brush or broom. Then you need to hang the product on the crossbar and carefully knock it out to get rid of dust. At home, you need to spread the carpet on the floor and wait for it to dry completely. It is advisable not to walk on a wet palace, as its pile will quickly collapse.

Light and dark flooring

For those who already understand how to clean the carpet at home, it will be useful to know that products with a light pile can not be processed with lemon juice. Such actions can cause unwanted yellowness. To clean such rugs it is better to use a strong solution prepared on the basis of shavings of laundry soap. They need to wash the dirtiest areas.

Those who need a quick result can be recommended to use “Vanish”. This effective tool will clean the carpet in the shortest possible time.

As for dark flooring, it is not recommended to treat them with starch, soda and potatoes. Since all these funds leave behind white stains, getting rid of which will be very problematic. Dirt from such products is best removed with diluted ammonia in water. This substance will not only allow you to quickly remove stains and dust, but also soften the pile.

Carpets made of synthetic and natural materials

Products made of artificial pile are not too demanding in care. They do not fade in the sun and do not lose the primordial brightness of colors. It is sufficient to vacuum the synthetic carpets twice a week and treat them with a brush dipped in soda solution as it becomes soiled.

Floor coverings made from natural materials need to be handled with care. So, silk carpets that do not tolerate moisture must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Fur and wool products can be treated with a soft brush and soda.

Natural fibers are more susceptible to various contaminants. With excessive dust levels, moths can attack them, and with often wet cleaning, mold or fungus begins to appear on them.

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