Celsius degree icon on the keyboard and not only: how to put a symbol in the text. Method Overview

When typing, users sometimes need to print specific characters. If during normal manual writing of documents there are no problems with putting them down, then when working with text editors you have to face a number of questions. The thing is that the bulk of non-standard printed characters on the keyboard panel is not, but you can still type them on the computer. The main thing is to figure out how to act in a particular case. Today we will try to type the "degree Celsius" icon on the keyboard and more. How to cope with the task? What tips and tricks will help to insert the mentioned non-standard printed character when typing?

Degree celsius on the keyboard

Keyboard to the rescue: new text editors

Where to find the degree celsius key on the keyboard? Unfortunately, this symbol is absent in this panel. Nevertheless, it is still possible to print it.

The first method is to use a long keyboard shortcut. It works mainly in new versions of MS Word.

The user will perform the following manipulations:

  1. Open a text editor and position the cursor in the place where the corresponding character will be affixed.
  2. Press Shift + Ctrl + 2.
  3. Release the keys for a second, and then press Space.

This technique works in Word later than 2007. In older text editors, you can resort to more universal and well-known tricks.

Symbol Code: Method No. 1

How to type degree celsius symbol on the keyboard? To cope with this task, you can use a special icon code. The main thing is to find out which combination of numbers is responsible for the corresponding character.

Insert special characters

Let's start with the first ASCII code. It is known to many advanced PC users. In order to put the previously mentioned symbol in a text editor, you will need:

  1. Open Word and place the cursor in the place where you want to print the icon.
  2. Click on the Alt button.
  3. While holding down the corresponding control, dial 0176 on the numeric keypad.
  4. Release the pressed keys.

After the actions taken, the user will see a degree icon on the screen. This technique works not only in Word. While working on the Web, it can also be used successfully.

Symbol Code: Method No. 2

The degree Celsius icon on the keyboard as such is missing. However, you can print it. Especially if you find out which ASCII codes are responsible for the appearance of the corresponding character on the screen.

The second ASCII code combination also works flawlessly in almost all well-known text editors. To use it, you have to do the following manipulations:

  1. Press Alt.
  2. Type 248 on the keyboard.
  3. Release the keys and look at the result of the operation.

As a rule, the degree sign appears in the place where the cursor was placed at the time the command was processed. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in this. Even a student will be able to remember the appropriate codes for speed dialing a special character.

Where is the "Degree Celsius" on PC

Using unicode

How to dial the degree sign using the keyboard? This is far from the most difficult task, despite the fact that there is no corresponding symbol on the keyboard panel.

Some use Unicode to get the desired result. How to cope with the task in a similar way?

In order to find the degree Celsius icon on the keyboard using Unicode, you need to:

  1. Go to the text editor by activating the cursor of the pointer to print text in a particular place on the page.
  2. Type 00B0 on ​​the keyboard.
  3. Press the key combination Alt + X.

After that, the inserted code will be converted to a character. Now it’s clear how to type the degree symbol Celsius on the keyboard using Unicode.

For macOS

All the previously suggested tricks work seamlessly in Windows. It's no secret that the keyboard on Apple computers is slightly different. Therefore, we will find out how to put this symbol on MacOS.

If the user works with MacBook, he is recommended to use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the text editor.
  2. Press on the keyboard Option + Shift.
  3. While holding down the corresponding buttons, click on the number "8".

That's all. Now it’s clear how you can find and put the degree Celsius icon on the keyboard in one case or another.

Paste special and copy

The final trick is to use special character inserts. After printing the corresponding characters, you can copy them using the keyboard, and then paste them in the right place in the text.

Type ° on MacBook

To insert a degree sign in Word, you need to:

  1. Open MS Word.
  2. Go to the menu item "Insert" - "Symbol".
  3. Find the degree Celsius icon in the window that appears.
  4. Double click on the corresponding symbol.
  5. Close a window.

Now it remains to select the character and press Ctrl + C. This operation will copy the data to the clipboard. To insert the icon, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V. How to dial the temperature degree sign using the keyboard? Now this task will not cause problems!

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