In medicine, encephalopathy refers to various non-inflammatory processes that directly affect or destroy the brain itself. In this article we will talk about how encephalopathy develops in a newborn and what are its primary symptoms.
general informationSpecialists conditionally distinguish two types of this ailment: congenital and acquired. It is believed that in a newborn, encephalopathy is predominantly congenital in nature. This means that the disease begins to develop even during the formation of the fetus inside the mother’s womb (from about 28 weeks). This kind of pathology is most often caused by oxygen starvation and is called "hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy." In a newborn, specialists identify a number of additional factors leading to the development of such an unpleasant problem, namely:
- birth injuries ;
- premature birth;
- illness of the mother during the period of gestation;
- complications
- difficulties in opening the birth canal;
- excessive fetal weight;
- neuroinfection.
Main symptoms
In a newborn, encephalopathy is usually diagnosed in the hospital. The reason for the additional examination is most often a weak or somewhat belated cry of the baby after birth. In addition, the following factors may also be cause for concern: cyanosis of the skin, impaired certain congenital reflexes, relatively frequent spitting up, cramps, lethargy, etc. In some cases, such symptoms disappear on their own. In other situations, one cannot do without the help of qualified specialists.
According to experienced doctors, in a newborn, encephalopathy is very difficult to diagnose due to physiological tone. On the other hand, specialized computer research is easier to conduct through an open fontanel. This type of diagnosis is prescribed to all children up to a month for preventive purposes, so that, if necessary, to begin treatment earlier.
TreatmentBrain encephalopathy in newborns is very difficult to treat. This is a very lengthy process, which, in turn, consists of several courses. The methods of therapy are selected exclusively by a qualified specialist, based on the root cause of the ailment. As a rule, treatment involves taking certain medications, physiotherapy, and massage.
Possible complications
Unfortunately, it also happens that after this disease in small patients very serious complications arise in the form of the development of hydrocephalus or convulsive epilepsy. In some cases, even surgery may be required to fix these problems. In order to avoid the development of complications of any degree, doctors strongly advise to completely, and most importantly, to undergo the recommended competent therapeutic course in a timely manner.