The morning in kindergarten is often quite hectic. What should teachers do in this case? Reassure the children! A meaningful and at the same time easy conversation with children in the middle group in the morning, for example, will be an excellent assistant in this. The main thing is how the educator should prepare for it. To do this, he should be well acquainted with the laws of the psychophysiological development of babies, with training programs, with techniques and methods of education and training.
Conversation with children in the middle group in the morning: features of planning
So how does all this happen? First, the teacher needs to figure out how to plan short conversations with a group of children in the morning. That is, what goals will be set, what rules and sequence of actions will be developed, what results are expected.
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In any case, the warm words of the teacher, soft questions, smiles, jokes, the ability to listen and understand, give some advice, discuss, approve, praise and reassure - all this helps to establish the activities of children, as well as create an atmosphere of understanding, trust and goodwill. This is exactly what the conversation in kindergarten should be like.