How to train a dog in a place without great effort?

Under the concept of "place", each novice dog breeder implies something of his own. Some owners, touching on this topic, mean a mattress in the apartment. Others talk about going to the toilet, i.e., in a pot. And the third ones are completely puzzled by the basics of the general course of training. Each of them is right, since all of the above aspects in raising a dog are usually called a place.

What is required to train a puppy to its place in the house?

Before you train a dog in a new place, you need to prepare it. When training puppies, as a rule, there are no difficulties if the territory of a new family member is prepared correctly.

How to train a dog to a place

The mistake of most novice dog breeders is that they prepare a place in the house based solely on their own ideas, desires and convenience, completely not thinking about whether the little puppy can use it, whether it will be comfortable for him.

Usually this is precisely the mystery of how to accustom a dog to a place in an apartment or house, and not at all in the stupidity or stubbornness of the animal. In a well-equipped place, the animal will leave on its own, and great efforts will not be required to teach it to him. The maximum that you have to do is show a couple of times to the puppy where his mattress or house is located.

How to prepare a puppy's place in the house?

The house or the mattress of the animal should be associated with the puppy with absolute safety and complete rest. This means that if the owners of the animal or their children start grabbing the dog, pulling it out of the house or tearing it away from the mattress, or disturbing it in any other way, the puppy will find itself a different corner, no matter how comfortable it is for people equipped location.

The dog is waiting for the owner

As for how to train a dog to a place in the apartment, the main postulate of this training is the convenience of an animal, not a person. A two-story “residence” with a steep staircase, a slide and a mattress located on top of the entire structure cannot be purchased for a monthly puppy. Such dog locks look beautiful at photo shoots, amazingly complement the interior of the room, but they are not completely suitable for a little saboteur who is difficult to climb and even more so to go down from a hill. A separation from the floor plane, height, puppies generally poorly tolerated. By forcing the baby to sleep in such a place, it is possible to provide him with bent legs, dislocated joints and a steady fear of lifts that will remain for life.

The best option for the puppy is a dense mattress or a house resembling a booth. The main principle is that the baby could be in its place without any effort.

Where to place a dog place?

In how to train a dog to a place, placement of a mattress in an apartment also plays an important role. You can not force a little puppy to be in the drafts, in the aisles, in noisy rooms. The dog will still leave from there. Thus, difficulties will arise in accustoming the animal.

Dog on a mattress

The place in the room for the dog house or mattress should be removed from heating systems, climate control installations, sources of noise or vibration. The puppy’s personal nest should not be placed where children like to play or if any household appliances, appliances, such as a computer or refrigerator, are constantly working. No need to equip a dog’s home and kitchen.

Why choose the time to get used to the place?

In addition to the fact that the place for the animal must be properly prepared, you should also choose the right moment in order to show his puppy. Unfortunately, many novice dog breeders do not attach importance to this moment. Some, in principle, believe that it is necessary to observe too many conventions, that is, the main thing in the house is not a person, but a puppy.

French bulldog studying

However, the dog is not a robot. This is a living creature with its own character and mind. You can’t point a finger at the mattress and limit it to this; dictatorship is not a synonym for education. And the right timing for sending the puppy to its territory will lead to a quick result in the absence of any efforts, and will not leave room for disappointment or annoyance.

When to accustom to a place?

The first time to go to the designated area for him, the baby should immediately, as soon as he sniffs everything in the new house, get acquainted and play with each member of the family and eat and drink and, of course, will make a puddle.

Guilty dog

If you plan to teach the animal to use the toilet, then the habit of vaccinating should be started in the very first hours of stay in the house. In how to train a dog to the place of the toilet, there are also no difficulties, but you need to be constantly next to the puppy. As soon as a small dog spreads its legs or sits down - it must be carried in a pot or on a diaper. When puppy “deeds” will be done in the designated place, the baby should be praised. You can give a treat, however, simple joy is enough.

In place, the puppy needs to be carried out or carried when it is tired and begins to take a rest. Typically, this happens an hour or two after arriving at a new home. Such techniques must be repeated constantly. If the baby plays too much and falls asleep, you should take him in his arms and take him to his place.

It is very important to teach the puppy to distinguish allotted territories so that he does not mess up where he sleeps. As a rule, if the pot, mattress or house is arranged correctly, there are no problems with how to train the dog to go to the place provided for each individual case. Within a month, the puppy himself begins to leave on his litter. However, some dog breeders claim that it takes much less time. Of course, during the removal or removal of the animal to its corner, you need to repeat the command "place".

How to train your adult animal?

In how to accustom an adult dog to a place, the same tricks are used as in raising a puppy. However, the training of an adult beast has its own specifics. If your own dog, from puppies, but never raised, then the process of training will be extremely long and difficult. The animal is already accustomed to self-will and simply does not understand why it should obey.

Stubborn dog

It is impossible to frustrate, get annoyed, punish a dog. The dog is not to blame for the fact that he was not engaged in his training since childhood. You should look for an approach to the animal, create conditions under which leaving the dog from the owner’s couch will be desirable. There is no single guide for this process, each adult beast has its own temperament and deep-rooted habits, and they are known only to the owners. Usually goodies are used, praise if the dog obeys. If the dog sat on the spot a couple of minutes and left there, you need to return the animal. In the most difficult cases, dogs are "put on a chain", but this is an extreme measure.

The only trick that you can resort to in how to accustom a dog to a place is the location of the house or rug where the animal itself likes to relax. For example, if the dog likes to sleep under the table, the mattress can be put there. This trick greatly facilitates learning.

How to teach a foster adult dog?

It is not paradoxical, but the training of an adult animal picked up on the street or taken from a shelter is much simpler than the education of one who grew up without training.

The main thing in training is how to accustom a dog to a place, this is not to waste time. When a person picks up an animal on the street or starts a dog from a shelter, in the first days both look closely, mutually adapt. At this moment, the grateful creature is ready to perceive and accept all the rules that are instituted in the apartment or in the house.

Dog friendly place

In all other respects, you need to follow the general recommendations for the arrangement and location of the dog mat. In the event that a person himself does not know where it will be better to place the litter, you need to observe the animal. Where the dog settles down for the night and you need to equip his place.

How to teach a team?

The command "place" is included in the general, initial training course (OKD). Dog training instructors usually recruit animals from 7 months to 10 in training groups. Of course, there is an exception, especially with a paid course.

It is much more convenient and interesting to deal with animals in a group than on your own. In addition, in the event that a person makes a mistake, the instructor will correct him.

The team itself consists in the fact that the dog can be planted or laid down, tell her the “place” and go somewhere, for example, to the store. Upon returning, the dog will be in that position and in the place where the owners left him.

Dog activities in the group

There are no particular difficulties in how to train a dog to the place team on their own. First you need to tie the animal, then put a training object from the house next to the dog, as a rule, this is a toy for aporting, sitting or laying the beast, talking about the place and moving away. As soon as the dog gets up, return and repeat everything. The distance should gradually increase. When the dog begins to motionlessly wait for the person to return, they begin to work out the command without a leash that acts as a leash.

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