How to choose a site engine. Define a site engine

Own site is the dream of many modern users. Someone wants to use it to earn money on advertising, but others simply want to create their own page where they could communicate with like-minded people. Once upon a time, only people who were well versed in programming could create their own resource, but today it is much easier to do.

site engine

The website engine will help you simplify the task. Many of them are not only completely free, but also allow you to create fairly complex sites even if you are completely ignorant of the basics of their functioning. This is a very attractive prospect, since it will take a lot of time to master this HTML well.

General Provisions

CMS. « ». – , . , , CMS .


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So, to format an article for its placement, you do not need to know even the most general information about HTML: everything you need will be done automatically. This opens up tremendous opportunities for creativity.

What are CMS?

what engine is the site made on

They are divided into paid and free options. Moreover, free programs are often completely inferior in their functionality to their commercial counterparts, have thousands of design templates, and are extremely simple to learn even by inexperienced users. The choice of a specific engine is a purely individual task, since it is necessary to take into account only your own preferences and needs. Today we look at the most common CMS systems, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.


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  • HTML, «» .
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(), Wordpress . , , SEO-.

free site engine


, . -, - . , . «» , Wordpress : - , !

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2009 «Open Source CMS Award» . , . , .

, . , , . , , . , , Wordpress.

DLE (Data Life Engine)

site engine

Have you ever wondered what CMS your favorite movie site is built on? Most likely, the DLE engine was used to create it. Once it was positioned solely as a means to create news resources and feeds, but now it is much more often used by pirates, since its capabilities are ideal for creating sites with movies and music.

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If you configure this site engine correctly, then even a large and “heavy” site will feel great on a weak server. However, installing and configuring CMS on this template is not a particularly simple operation. But it’s worth it, because even with a modest hardware you can build an excellent resource from which you will receive excellent monetary return.

how to choose a site engine

Be sure to remember that you need to put regularly outgoing patches and "patches" on time. If this is not done, then any more or less successful and visited site will quickly turn into a doorway that distributes links to malicious resources.


Joomla. CMS. «», . , , . : … , . , .

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, ? -, Joomla. . , .

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website engine creation

The platform is regularly updated, in new versions they quickly fix found bugs and vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, this does not mean at all that there are no new flaws in the latest releases. You will have to tinker a lot to fix this state of things. However, the creation of a site engine is a complicated process, so in any case, you should not find fault with the developers of a free product ...


CMS , . - 2010 . , . , , . , .

Drupal , : . , . , RSS- , .

CMS «» 128 . , , .

php site engine

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, : «<meta name=”generator” content= “WordPress”/>». , WordPress.

? , : CMS . , .

WordPress. . - , Drupal. «» , WordPress .

, - DLE. , - . PHP, «» .

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