Creating a site involves the design of all its pages in a single style. The use of previously established traditions in development is necessary if you want to attract the attention of a visitor who is already used to a clear design and a certain dialogue.
Each site has its own content, through which it pursues very specific goals. Using CSS examples allows you to understand a certain trend and design your web resource appropriately.
Uniqueness and perfection of style
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a modern “classic of the genre”. No matter how the web page was formed, it should always have a unique face defined by a set of style rules. In this context: the concrete application of CSS is an example of yet another uniqueness.
The development process is carried out individually. This is determined by the professional qualities of a particular developer, the features of the development team or the company's workflow. In any case, the use of examples found on the Internet, provided by colleagues or created on the basis of their own experience, automatically makes a positive result.
Here are examples of HTML / CSS composition of the three options in different conditions and development conditions.
The upper left picture is a blank in which customer requirements are indicated. The developer started work and it is absolutely certain that the result will be far from the current state of the CSS rule set and one single HTML page.
The only thing that is known and will be respected: the only page will change according to AJAX technology depending on the dialogue with the visitor.
This is a very common development style:
- “The customer himself does not know what he wants”;
- "And how it should look."
The developer, on the contrary, knows what the PHPOffice / PHPWord package is, that the customer’s requirements are absurd in such a presentation.
An imposed design style example
The bottom left picture is a real site, a set of pages and examples of CSS styles that will need to be taken from the recommendations and sample code of the Webmoney exchange. Otherwise:
- the exchange will not cooperate with the site;
- Exchange client (site visitor) does not understand the developer.
If something is not understood correctly, then only random beginners will come to the site and will not stay on it for a long time.
Lack of perspective example
The third site (on the right) is really working. Web resource "created" in an hour in the format:
- one page;
- no database;
- the visitor is interesting as a one-time client.
The classic style of such products, as well as the theme of the site, it is difficult to attribute to it the requirement of impeccability (as well as moments of ethics and financial correctness), but the requirement of uniqueness is fully observed.
Even in this area, sites are not made in an hour. The theme, purpose and execution is a guarantee that neither the owner nor the developer will have the desire to remodel and develop. This is not a rare case when a site “died” immediately after creation, and its CSS as an example and role model will not be in demand.
Perfect styles
It makes no sense to go far for ideas. Great examples of CSS design are offered by Microsoft, Oracle, Google. In search of simplicity, uniqueness and impeccability, you can recall the sites of payment systems. It should be noted the fullness of Webmoney against the ease of Payeer. You can pay attention to how conveniently the Yandex system implanted its “money” into the general outline of its own web development.
There are many role models on the Internet today. A particularly rich selection of beautiful CSS examples is offered by modern site management systems. In this case, it should be noted that the site created on them can easily manipulate CSS rules and ensure the identity of all pages.
The developer may not have to think about on which device his resource will work if a modern CMS is used.
In the case of imitation of the famous payment systems Google, Oracle or Microsoft will have to act as a painter, creating his own version from the original. It will be difficult to achieve the ideal, but the experience will be obtained high-quality and practical.
No matter how beautiful CSS examples are taken as a model, you have to make your own unique design and dialogue. It will be necessary to observe the uniform style of the chosen variant of a particular composition of the rules (colors, fonts, sizes, transformations, etc.).
Legal and copyright aspects
In most cases, the CSS example found on the Internet will not create legal problems for the developer. The authorship here is ghostly. This is the same as requiring a person not to use standard phrases in his vocabulary.
The use of templates, resources, and most of all, icons, pictures, and menu design options, buttons, dialogs can guarantee problems from the real author and prosecution.
At the same time, some CSS examples of styling (as in the case of Webmoney) may be a prerequisite for the site to be "recognized and approved." This option is typical for data sources, search engines, weather sites, web resources of stock indexes or exchange rates.
On the one hand, when creating a site using CSS examples, which are in the nature of mandatory requirements, a developer falls into style (design) bondage and is obliged to use a specific API (access or functionality library). On the other hand, there are no problems with authorship and the development of style rules.
The experience of many is a comprehensive result
There is work on the requirements of the source site: CSS examples are mandatory. There is work based on a modern site management system: there are no examples, but there is a rigid structure of CSS styles, many of which are set as unreadable, but mandatory to include files. There are no problems with the implementation: someone has already thought out everything, you should only refine it to the desired goals and tasks.
Often you have to do everything yourself. When browsing sites (than the CSS example in action), you can accumulate not the rules themselves, but the actual application: the color scheme, font and size, the logic of the dialog or the use of the list. Experience is not only a real embodiment of CSS rules, it is a general impression that remains in the subconscious.
Manual rather than automatic work is always more interesting and practical than fulfilling someone’s requirements. In the end, experience is gained, a style appears that allows you to create unique sites, to be a good example yourself.
When the pilot gets on the plane and knows his job well, he will perform the flight task in his own way, he will not need to explain how to complete a certain turn or get to the target. The specialist, who is the “bearer” of CSS examples, does not need regular Internet searches for each new task — this is a good specialist.
In the field of HTML / CSS, it is enough to go the hard way once, and then quickly, without problems and costs, quickly solve any web development tasks.