Unfortunately, often after buying a dog, one of the family members of the newly-made owner shows signs of allergy, expressed in increased tearing, coughing, swelling, rhinitis and even asthma attacks. In this case, people in a hurry look for their pet another house and forever forget about the idea of having a four-legged friend. In order not to give up your dream, before acquiring a puppy you need to study the list of hypoallergenic dog breeds presented below and choose one of them.
Hungary is considered the birthplace of these unusual animals bred in the 9th century. Initially, they were used for grazing and to protect herds from foxes, wolves and bears. Today, Komondors are often set up to guard private homes or as companions.
Hungarian shepherds are large animals with a heavy skeleton and well-developed muscles. Depending on the sex, the height of the adult dog ranges from 66-80 cm, and the weight is 35-60 kg. Komondors are hypoallergenic dogs. Their whole body is covered with coarse, not shedding wool, interwoven into thick bundles. As for the color, the standard allows only a white shade without any spots and marks.
Hungarian shepherd dogs are endowed with a calm, balanced disposition. They are very brave, smart, reliable and hardworking. These unpretentious animals do not require specific care, but they need regular physical activity.
Bedlington Terrier
England is considered the birthplace of these hypoallergenic dogs. They were bred in 1870 by crossing a whippet, a bull and a dandy-dinmont terrier. Initially, they were used for hunting otters, foxes, rats and other small game. Today they have turned into purely decorative dogs, accompanying their owners everywhere.
The Bedlington Terrier is not a very big dog, the height of which ranges from 42-44 cm, and the weight is 8-11 kg. On a narrow rounded skull with an unexpressed foot and long jaws there are large, clearly drawn nostrils, small, deep-set eyes and thin hanging ears. A muscular, flexible body with a tucked up belly and thin ribs is covered with a thick, fluffy, non-shedding coat that does not cause allergies. As for color, the standard allows for the existence of reddish-brown, sand or blue individuals.
Bedlington is an energetic, balanced and affectionate dog with an innate hunting instinct. It is equally suitable for maintenance in a private house and in a city apartment. True, in the latter case, the owner should have enough free time for walking with his pet.
Flanders bouvier
There are many white spots in the history of the origin of these hypoallergenic dogs. According to one version, they appeared as a result of crossing old-type French bossers with Belgian griffins. According to another theory, the ancestors of these dogs were dogs brought to Flanders by the Spaniards. The first breed standard was adopted in 1922. Subsequently, it was revised and was finally approved only in 1965.
The Flanders Bouvier is not a very large, powerful dog, growing to 62-65 cm and weighing 27-35 kg. All of his harmoniously developed proportional body is covered with a thick, waterproof, non-shedding wool, which does not cause an allergic reaction. As for the color, it varies from gray to light.
Representatives of this breed are endowed with a calm and independent disposition. They are quite curious, stubborn and quick-witted. Bouvier is very neat with children and wary of strangers.
Mexican nude
This is one of the oldest dog breeds. The remains of animals that look like modern xoloitzcuintles are found in burials dating back to 5000-3000. BC e. After Mexico was conquered by the Spaniards, these dogs were on the verge of extinction. They were saved thanks to the efforts of Norman P. Wright, who was seriously interested in these animals.
Xoloitzcuintle is a hypoallergenic dog breed endowed with a memorable appearance. It has an elongated proportional body with a wide chest, a thin tail and thin long limbs. On the narrowed face of the animal are large triangular ears and small almond-shaped eyes. Depending on the size, they are divided into three groups: miniature (25-35 cm), medium (36-45 cm) and standard (46-60 cm). As for the wool, it is either not at all, or it is so short that it is practically invisible.
Xoloitzcuintle - calm, silent animals, endowed with natural grace. They are very intelligent, non-aggressive and loyal to their masters. They have a developed sense of ownership, so they can be jealous.
American hairless terrier
These hairless hypoallergenic dogs were bred in the 70s of the XX century in the United States. Their ancestors were Pied Piper Terriers, in whose litters absolutely bald puppies were occasionally born. The breed received official recognition in early 2004.
The American Naked Terrier is a small dog with a muscular sinewy body covered in smooth skin. Depending on the sex, the height of the dog varies between 25-40 cm, and the weight is not more than 6 kg. On a proportional head with a distinct stop, graceful, elongated muzzle and hard lips, there are small slanting eyes and triangular wide-set ears.
Representatives of this breed are endowed with a cheerful, friendly disposition. They are very active, energetic, smart and playful. These non-whimsical animals quickly get used to their owners and get along well with children.
Tibetan Terrier
The name of these dogs is explained by their resemblance to miniature rodent hunters. They were bred by the inhabitants of the Tibetan Highlands and used as assistants to shepherds. They came to Europe in the 20s of the XX century. The first owner of two Tibetan terriers was the Englishwoman Agness Gray, who received them as a gift from an Indian princess.
Representatives of this breed do not differ in large sizes. Depending on gender, the height of an adult animal is 35-41 cm, and the mass varies between 8-14 kg. The whole body of the dog is covered with a thin, non-shedding hair with fluffy undercoat. As for color, the standard provides for the existence of red, white, cream, gold, smoky, black, two- and three-color individuals.
Tibetan Terriers are hypoallergenic dogs whose photos cannot convey all their beauty. They are endowed with a friendly and non-aggressive disposition. These alert, intelligent animals are very human oriented and moderately friendly towards strangers. They quickly adapt to changing living conditions and get along well with other pets.
Yorkshire Terrier
This small hypoallergenic dog breed was bred in England in the XVIII century. To obtain it, several varieties of miniature terriers were used at once.
York is a small doggie, whose weight does not exceed 3.1 kg. On a small, slightly flattened head are dark round shiny eyes and high-set V-like ears. Under the compact body with a straight back and moderately convex ribs, there are even limbs with paws collected in a lump. The whole body of the Yorkshire Terrier is covered with long, non-shedding hair resembling human hair and not causing allergies.
These miniature animals are endowed with a cheerful, independent disposition. They are very intelligent, brave and playful. Yorkies love active walks and quickly learn something new.
Chinese Crested
Breeding of these animals, not in vain on our list of hypoallergenic dogs, began in 200 BC. e. According to one version, the birthplace of this ancient breed is China. According to another theory, they were bred in Mexico by crossing Chihuahuas and Xoloitzcuintles.
Chinese Crested - small, slender and elegant dogs with vigorous smooth movements, a wedge-shaped head and beautiful almond-shaped eyes. Depending on the type of coat, they are naked with islets of hair on the ears, legs, tail and skull, or downy.
Representatives of this breed are endowed with an affectionate and friendly disposition. They are very attached to their master and need constant communication with him. Despite their active temperament, they are not prone to vacillation.
Hypoallergenic Dog Reviews
Citizens, in whose homes live representatives of the above breeds, assure that, with proper care, these animals are really safe for sensitive people. But in medical practice, there are cases when dogs from the list above became the cause of an allergic reaction. Therefore, before buying a puppy, you need to spend some time with him to make sure that such communication does not provoke rhinitis, cough or asthma attacks.