In childhood, girls at all times loved to play with dolls, dress them up, decorate with various accessories. But, unfortunately, the shelves do not always have what they need. There is a way out - to make jewelry with your own hands. This is a rather fun and troublesome task. This article will show how to make glasses for the doll with your own hands. This accessory gives a smart and solid look not only to a person, but also to toys. Moreover, glasses can be made from those improvised materials that in most cases every person has at home. A little patience, free time - and the doll becomes a real fashionista!
How to make doll glasses from paper clips: the necessary materials
- Two ordinary paper clips. The larger the doll, the larger the size you need to choose paper clips.
- Pliers. It is better to stay on a miniature version.
- Nippers But you can do without them.
- The future owner of an accessory for fitting.
- Ten minutes of personal time.
How to make glasses from a paper clip for a doll: master class
First of all, you need to straighten the paper clips with your hands or with the help of pliers. Next, we bend one end of the paper clip to the future “bridge” of glasses and form part of the frame of the frame. We focus on the size of the doll’s head. We do the same with the other tip of the paper clip. You should get the base of the glasses with two identical “connectors” for the lenses.
Using wire cutters, remove excess wire, if any. If there is no suitable tool, then we use what is, that is, hands. We twist the remaining tail of the paperclip in different directions until it falls off.
We pass to the temples of glasses. We take another paper clip, straighten it, and then divide it into two identical parts with our hands or with the help of nippers. On the tips of each half with pliers we form as small ears as possible.
We attach to the frame of the rim of the handle on the ears, carefully press it with the help of pliers. The optical accessory is ready!
Everything is very fast and simple, you just need to prepare the necessary materials before making glasses for the doll. "Monster High", by the way, such an accessory is also suitable. If you want more glamorous glasses - we take colored paper clips, sparkles and nail polish for fixing (suitable for hair or nails)
Round wire glasses : necessary materials
- Pieces of wire (one short and two more authentic).
- Nippers
- Pieces of corrugated paper.
- Glue.
- Objects for shaping glasses. For the "bridge" under the bridge of the nose fit lighter or something else oval or rectangular. Depending on the size of the glasses and the desired shape of the frame of the frame (round, square, rectangular), select the appropriate item. It can be a bottle of varnish or perfume, a writing pen, a tube of mascara and so on.
- Fantasy and some free time.
Round wire glasses: a master class
If we make an accessory for a toy, then its size should, of course, be the same as for a doll. Making glasses from wire is very simple.
Glue long pieces of wire with corrugated paper. These will be two blanks for the frame. We do the same with short wire. This part will connect the blanks for the frame, that is, it will be a "bridge" for the nose of the doll.
When the glue dries, we make the frame. We take a long wire, in the middle we apply it to the selected object (for example, a bottle of varnish) and form the desired shape. If there was a round object, then you should get a circle and two pieces of wire extending from it. We twist them together. It will be a bow. Paste it with corrugated paper. We do the same with the second long wire.
Before making glasses for the doll, we wait for the glue to dry. We make a “bridge” over the bridge of the nose with the help of another form (for example, a lighter). Cut off all excess wire with wire cutters.
We coat the ends of the "bridge" with glue. We attach to the parts of the frame of the frame. We are waiting for the glue to dry. To hide its traces, the joints are covered with corrugated paper.
Now give the glasses a realistic look. To do this, the tip of each bow must be bent back. We remove the excess wire with the help of wire cutters. Points are ready. Now they can be decorated with sparkles, rhinestones and other decorative elements.
How to make glasses for a doll with lenses: the necessary materials
- Piece of wire. The length depends on the size of future points.
- Objects for shaping glasses. You can make a round one with a felt-tip pen, and a square one with a dice.
- Spoke.
- Pieces of a plastic bottle.
- Paint (acrylic or gouache with the addition of PVA glue).
Doll glasses with lenses: a master class
You can use the method with the wire described above, or you can make a slightly different shape of the accessory. It would be nice to take measurements before making glasses for the doll. Or try on an accessory during its manufacture.
So, we take a wire, on the tip with the help of a needle we make a bow. We measure the distance from the ear to the temple. We bend the wire at a right angle. Using the cube, we make a frame for one lens. We form a "rim bridge" under the bridge of the nose - a small arc, a spoke is useful for this. Again we take a cube, we make a frame under another lens. With the help of a needle, we bend the second arch. Points, in principle, are ready!
We make lenses. Two identical parts are cut out of plastic. They should fit the frame. We try on the lenses to the glasses, trim and glue. We are waiting for it to dry. We mask the traces of glue with paint. Points are ready!
And how to make sunglasses for a doll? Just take a bottle with dark or colored plastic. Glasses perfectly complement rhinestones and sequins.
Making doll glasses is possible for everyone: both an adult and even a child. And all you need is improvised materials, a little patience, free time, and you can enjoy the result!