Cat food: reviews and recommendations

The modern pace dictates living conditions not only for people, but also for animals. If earlier a good owner, who was attentive to the nutrition of his pet, could spend hours choosing or making food for him, now an increasing number of breeders and just animal lovers are switching to ready-made dry and wet food. This primarily affected domestic cats, as they are most often found among your favorite pets.

A variety of cat food

It is not so easy in our time to choose high-quality cat food. Reviews say one thing, advertising - another, veterinarians - the third. A variety of feeds simply amazes the unprepared buyer.

Cat food reviews

And the beloved cat suffers because of this.

When switching to ready-made animal feed, it is worth considering their division into classes.

Poop class holistic

This class of cat food has appeared relatively recently. At first, they tried to attribute them to super-premium class feeds, but too many gaps lie between them. What is the essence of such a separation?

Holistic means whole. That is, the food is selected not for some kind of cat, not for a certain part of the body or sore, but in general for the cat. After all, before becoming a domestic purr, the entire cat part of the world's population was wild and got their own food. At the same time, none of them suffered from either obesity, urolithiasis, or liver and kidney problems. So, eating a holistic, a domestic cat receives everything that it would receive in the wild, eating fresh, recently caught meat.

This is a fully balanced food for cats, customer reviews confirm this with a good condition of the pet - both external and internal. In holiviki, only fresh meat is used, the growth of which was not driven by hormones. Accordingly, they will not enter the cat's body and cannot cause mutations, including cancer. This is one of the “tricks” of holistic - the meat used for food could be eaten by humans, as it is selected according to all quality standards. This already excludes the presence of giblets, horns and hooves, as well as offal. In addition, the meat for these feeds undergoes minimal heat treatment, which allows it to maintain a maximum of beneficial properties and taste.


For example, feed-holistic include feed "Akana" and "Origen" of the Canadian company CHAMPION PETFOODS LTD.

Akana cat food reviews

"Akana" - cat food, reviews on which are 99% positive. These are biologically appropriate feeds, they are fully balanced and suitable for daily feeding. A huge plus and difference from simple feeds is the absence of grain components in “Akan” and “Origen” feeds. In them you will not see millet, nor corn, nor even soy. The animal receives all the necessary carbohydrates from potatoes, an essential ingredient in Akana. The composition on the packages is written in great detail, and it includes fresh meat of several types (lamb, fish, chicken, turkey), fresh vegetables, fruits, about fifty types of herbs. It is worth noting the absence of such cheap fillers as corn gluten, which causes allergies in animals, bone meal, meat offal, corn and corn flour. Preservatives in this feed are used only natural - these are some herbs and vitamins. Proteins are mainly of animal origin, rather than vegetable, they are much better absorbed by the animal. Particular attention should be paid to the presence of natural oxidizing agents of urine, which save the animal from acquiring urolithiasis even after castration or sterilization. People who have been using the Akana product (cat food) for a long time (and the food has been produced for more than twenty-five years) leave reviews about the same: get rid of allergies caused by another, cheaper food, the animal looks great, actively eats with pleasure, but not much, etc.

Speaking of the rate of feeding. An animal that eats dry food needs to drink plenty of water. Cheap feeds that are poorly absorbed by the cat’s body only clog the stomach, as the animal, trying to get enough and get the right amount of energy and vitamins, will be fed up for the future. Not only is this a direct path to obesity, there is no room for water in the stomach, and the cat begins to drink less. And this is already threatening problems with the stomach, kidneys and urinary tract. The feeding rate of Akana is an average of 80 grams per day. And almost everything eaten is processed into energy, respectively, the volume of feces decreases.

The Akana line has no veterinary feed, it is designed for healthy animals. At the same time, according to reviews, problems with allergies and with the stomach (nausea, vomiting) this food solves. Also, there are no wet food "Akana" and "Origen", so if the animal is used to eating preserves, you can soak dry food, but the moisture should not exceed 35% of the volume.

Therefore, choosing food for your purr, you should first pay attention to this food. It will cost a lot, but you will save money on veterinarians and treatment.

Super Premium Feed

If a holistic class of fodders can hardly get a dozen, then the super-premium class will be more. These feeds, for the most part, still consist of meat, and not of cheap flour fillers; the composition should not contain meat offal. The daily rate is also small, since most of the feed is absorbed by the animal.


Leonardo cat food reviews

These feeds are also of very high quality, and some of them do not reach the holistic in just one or two indicators. For example, Leonardo - cat food, which is mostly positive for reviews - refers to such food. The feed line includes both dry and wet species, but most buyers give their preference to canned goods and preserves.

The manufacturer indicates that it uses only fresh ingredients, while several types of meat flour are indicated in the feed composition. But there are no offal, and this can not but rejoice. Another plus is that most of the proteins are still of animal origin, which means that your pussy will easily absorb them.


About the Hills food for cats, the reviews are very mixed. Some breeders and amateurs praise him beyond measure, some say categorically “no” to this feed.

In fact, this food is now difficult to classify as super-premium, they continue to do this more out of habit. Hills used to be really the best, but recently cornmeal and corn gluten have appeared in feeds, which contributes to the development of allergies, soy, which leads to the formation of cancerous tumors. In the lineup there are both feeds for daily use, and veterinary feeds (whose quality is still better), there is dry and wet food (only medicinal).


Another food that can be attributed to the super-premium class is Bozita. Cat food, reviews of which exceed the wildest expectations of the manufacturer.

Wet cat food reviews

Initially, it was created as premium food, but it turned out to be much better and smoothly migrated to the next group. Customers very much appreciated both the composition of the feed (no corn gluten and gluten, not a word about offal), and its smell, which attracts even the most fastidious cats to the bowl, and its consistency. The food is divided into dry and wet, there is no veterinary food, but the Bozita was created for daily use by healthy cats. Wet feed "Bozita" was highly appreciated. They are of two types: pieces in jelly and pastes. Animals, according to customer reviews, are happy to eat this and that.

Premium feed

Feed hills for cats reviews

The premium class includes everything that is worse than the above, but not as bad as the economy class.

In premium feeds, meat is still present, sometimes it is even the main ingredient. But the composition is no longer meet fresh meat, the maximum is meat or bone meal. Offal is also present. And what is included in them - no one knows. It was just the remains of meat from slaughterhouses or horns and hooves - it will not be possible to establish.

"About Plan"

At best, the flour component is rice and rice flour, as in ProPlan. Cat food, reviews received not so bad. In the composition, meat or fish comes first, this is a good indicator, but it is only 20%. The famous corn gluten is present. The remaining 80% of the composition is cheap fillers, corn, flour, etc. The food is not very well balanced, the animal may receive too much of one vitamin or mineral and suffer from a lack of another. They have wet cat food, reviews will be better, but they consist of meat offal, there are flavor enhancers, although allowed, but still ... A lot of jelly in a bag compared to pieces, which means the buyer acquires water.

The premium class also includes such feeds as Royal Canin, which is already known to many consumers. The composition is weak, but there is no soy, and this is a plus.

Brit food for cats reviews

Another thing worth noting is the Brit food for cats - various reviews. Someone is happy with the food, someone is not very. But it has a fairly affordable price, even among premium feeds, so many choose it.

There are also Russian feeds that are proudly named premium feed. For example, "Our Brand." Food, in general, is quite good, but before the premium class it still needs to develop and develop. Rather, it will be assigned to the following category.

Feed economy class

Economy class for animals is almost the same as the same class for people. This is cat food, reviews of which are either simply absent or negative. There is very little meat in the composition, in most cases it is meat offal. And even this class of feed is divided into two types: the first are those on which a simple, non-purebred or yard cat can exist for quite a long time, the second is absolutely commercial feeds created for profit, there is no question of caring for animals .


Favorably from the economy class stands out "Purina" - cat food, reviews of which are striking at least some variety. "Purina" has in its lineup completely different feeds with various compositions that you even want to attribute to different classes. This is the “Friskis” with “Darling,” which I would rather want to attribute to commercial, advertised species, and “Cat Chow,” which looks very good for its price category, and the purine veterinary line - cat food, reviews which are still positive, not negative. They are dry, wet, in some meats 4%, in others about 20%.

Veterinarians do not really like this food, but recently the treatment line has begun to correct the quality for the better.

The rest of the feed economy class

Purina cat food reviews

Most commercial feed is produced by Mars. Everyone knows these foods, even those who don’t have cats know them.

These are the famous Kitty Ket and Whiskas. It is difficult to say that the composition of these feeds is beneficial for the animal. There is practically no meat in them, and if meat offal is added, then of the lowest quality. Such cat food reviews are relevant, but many continue to feed them their cats. It’s just that it’s always at hand (you can buy it at any store), and cats always eat it with pleasure. But this does not mean that the food is good. It only says that it contains a large amount of flavor.

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