How long does a cat live?

Many people have pets in the house. These lovely creatures will always please their master or just cheer him up. Someone likes dogs, hamsters, parrots and more exotic animals, our story will be about cats.

The most exciting question for a person who has such a pet at home is how long does a cat live? Life expectancy depends largely on the conditions under which it is contained and how it is fed. Most often, pets live longer than stray animals. In the same zoos, many species of animals have advantages over their brothers living in freedom, because they do not need to hunt, weather conditions do not bother them, and many diseases they are not afraid of under the strict supervision of veterinarians. There are cases when everything happens the other way around, namely, owners of exotic species do not imagine how to properly care for their pet: usually it ends in disaster ...

How long does a cat live at home when she is looked after and fed? Statistics say that these pets of all households live for about 10-15 years. The average life expectancy of stray cats is 3-5 years, which is much less; All this is due to various factors. If the average age comes out as it was mentioned, this does not mean that the cat can not live longer, there are also their own champions among these cute pets. For example, two cases are known when cats survived to 34 years.

Another exciting question is why does a cat leave home? Only the animal itself knows the real answer, but more often than not, this happens for several reasons. For example, a cat leaves to have offspring, and then she is likely to return. Well, quite often, cats leave when the end of their life is nearing, these animals love their owners so much that they decide to leave, so as not to cause unnecessary worries for their loved ones.

In addition to all this, there are all sorts of myths about cats. For example, rumor has it that cats treat themselves by licking their wounds. In the case when the wound is not very large and the cat licks it for a short time, it will heal much faster, as the cat's saliva disinfects the wound and promotes the speedy restoration of cells. But when the wound is large enough and the cat licks it too intensely, everything can end up much worse, so you should not let it do this.

The second popular myth is the feud between cats and dogs. Tales of this simply have no reason. Most often, they simply do not understand each other, and there are situations when the owners themselves set dogs on cats. In cases where a cat and a dog live in the same family, their relationship usually develops just fine. And some peace-loving dogs are ready to make friends with any cat.

Many of the people who know how much a cat lives have not even heard that cats' good eyesight at night is just a myth. Moreover, this myth is the most common. In real life, people's night vision is not much worse than that of cats, because these animals, in fact, have normal eyes. The only difference is that cats are hunters by nature. Their mustache, for example, is a kind of locator to help navigate in the dark. Similar locators are located on them and on other parts of the head and even on the legs. And in the afternoon their vision is inferior to human, because they suffer from farsightedness. Sometimes they don’t even see what is happening right in front of them.

There are still a huge number of similar myths. But the main thing is that a person is better not to think about how much a cat lives. All this depends not only on us, but also on what is destined for our younger brothers. Yes, cats also have their own souls, they are the same living creatures as we are, so respect them, love, treat your neighbor and these cute pets will reciprocate.

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