The spaniel, whose species are the world's most popular dog breeds, has established itself not only as a hunter, but also as a loyal home friend and a pleasant companion. They were common in medieval Europe, and in the 19th century they were one of the most valuable hunting breeds. Until the end of this century, all these dogs were considered a single breed. Today there are different types of spaniels.
The English Cocker is a medium-sized dog up to 40 centimeters high at the withers. The physique of the animal is strong, the neck is long muscular, the chest is not wide, well developed. The head is narrow, the skull is convex and rather wide, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is not very pronounced, the eyes are not convex large. Hanging long ears with wavy hair set low. The tail is low, halfway docked. A fairly soft coat is straight or slightly wavy.
A dog of this breed has a gentle and cheerful disposition. She is mobile, balanced, sociable. He is an excellent companion and tireless hunter.
The ancestors of the American Cocker Spaniel dog breed are types of English spaniels brought to America in the 19th century. This is a small animal up to 38 cm tall and weighing up to 13 kg. The dog’s head is round, the muzzle is wide, the transition to the muzzle from the forehead with a pronounced transition, the nose has well-developed nostrils. Eye color is combined with the color of the coat. Ears are hanging, long. The neck is muscular, the coat is silky, medium in length. Color black, black spotted, cream, brown-yellow. The dog is very devoted to the owner, cheerful, affectionate, agile, loves children. They give birth to such a pet, mainly as a decorative one. Well suited for living in a city apartment. The hair will have a lot of care: daily combing, haircut, trimming.
The ancestors of such a variety as the Russian hunting spaniel are types of English spaniels: cocker and springer. It all started with the fact that the first cocker spaniel was brought to Russia at the end of the 19th century. Later they began to import animals and other breeds, but these dogs were poorly suited for Russian hunting conditions. At the beginning of the 20th century, breeders began work on a new species, for which they took temperamental and long-legged springers. The new breed was called the Russian hunting spaniel. This dog is distinguished by endurance and ability to work in difficult conditions. Russian Spaniel is well suited for hunting field, swamp, waterfowl, steppe birds. He is distinguished by the innate qualities of a hunting dog: excellent instinct, perseverance, energy, hard work. To train the animal does not require a lot of work and time.
Russian Spaniel is medium in size. The head is elongated, dry, with a rather convex forehead and a skull of medium width. The muzzle is long, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle. The coat is snug, soft, shiny, slightly wavy or straight. Ears are hanging and long, adjacent to the cheekbones. The tail is docked to half the length. The color of the Russian spaniel is diverse: black, ginger, brown, ginger, black, pinto, white, spotted, black with tan. Eye color can be of different shades, depending on coat color.
All of the above listed spaniels are species that are very popular in Russia. But besides them, several more types of this breed, which are less known, have been bred. These are the English Springer, Clamberspiel, Field Spaniel, Welsh Springer, Irish Water, Sussex Spaniel, and Swamp American Spaniel.
A very beautiful and intelligent dog, designed for hunting birds, squirrels, hares - this is a popular and beloved by many spaniels. Species of this breed are well adapted for keeping in urban apartments. They can be for a person not only hunting assistants, but also disinterested, loyal friends.