The child has a rash on the chin: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Every child has a rash at least once in his life. It can be white, reddish or yellowish. A rash on the chin of a child is an extremely common occurrence. Its causes can be both harmless and serious. To identify a provoking factor, you should consult a doctor. The most likely causes of a rash on the chin in children (a photo of the affected face is presented below) are considered in this article.

Rash on the chin

Acne Newborn

Contrary to popular belief, babies do not always come into the world with perfect skin. In a third of newborns, a rash on the cheeks and chin can be seen. In a child, this is a manifestation of normal physiological reactions, which does not require immediate medical intervention.

In the III trimester of pregnancy and during delivery, a large amount of estrogen is produced in the mother's body. This is the hormone necessary for the baby to gain the right amount of subcutaneous fat. A side effect in this case is the rash in the child on the chin, cheeks and wings of the nose.

In addition, immediately after birth in the baby’s body, the genital and sebaceous glands are activated. Acne in newborns is the result of their still unsustainable work.


Ignoring the rules of care often causes a rash on the chin in the child at 2 years and the first months of life. It was at this time that the kids most carefully study the world around them and try to taste any objects. They may begin to chew on a dirty toy or stick fingers in their mouth that are dirty, for example, in the ground.

Naturally, various bacteria come into contact with the delicate skin in the chin area. A natural result is a rash in this area.


Allergic reaction

Her symptoms may occur in the first days after the birth of the baby. Most often, a red rash appears on the chin of the child. In severe cases, the skin is affected throughout the body.

The main cause of a rash in a child on the chin is malnutrition of the nursing mother. If a woman abused junk food during pregnancy, then the baby can be born immediately with the clinical manifestations of allergies. In addition, an improperly selected mixture of industrial production also leads to the development of an undesirable reaction.

It is important to remember that the body of a newborn is not adapted to cope with certain irritants on its own. Many mothers forget about it, making concessions for themselves.

The clinical manifestation of an allergy is not only a rash. The skin swells, a pronounced itching appears. Against this background, the child becomes moody, his sleep is disturbed.


The process of thermoregulation in a small child is not perfect. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that parents most often seek to wrap up the baby and are afraid to open windows in order to ventilate the room. As a result, the body overheats. The most harmless consequence of this condition is a rash in the child under the chin and directly on it. In addition, pimples and nodules can be seen by looking at the folds of skin throughout the body.

Excessive salivation

Excessive salivation

Increased secretion is associated with teething. The composition of saliva contains active ingredients that are irritating to delicate skin. The logical result is a small rash in the child on the chin. As a rule, it has a reddish tint.

In order not to aggravate the situation, the baby's skin does not need to be rubbed. Enough to apply a dry napkin or towel with good absorbent properties. It is important to know that during this period it is not advisable to use cosmetics or medicines. Against the background of profuse salivation, their effectiveness is minimal. The problem is solved in an independent manner immediately after teething.

Helminthic infestations

The body of a small child is not able to fight serious infections. The situation is aggravated by the fact that children often lick dirty fingers and toys. According to statistics, almost every child in the first years of life has worms.

Parasites, carrying out active life in the digestive system, violate the integrity of the mucous membrane with which they are lined. As a result, the protective properties are significantly weakened and toxic compounds often enter the bloodstream. In children in the area of ​​the chin, the thickness of the fat layer is the smallest. Therefore, a persistent rash in this area is an occasion to contact a pediatrician and an infectious disease specialist. In severe cases, a rash occurs throughout the body in the form of multiple foci.

Finger licking

Unbalanced diet

In the first months of life and until about 2 years old, parents, as a rule, carefully monitor the baby’s diet. Gradually, its menu expands to include many products from the adult table. However, some parents do not feel the fine line between the permissible and the harmful.

As a rule, a rash on the chin of a child at 3 years old is the result of an unbalanced diet. At this age, babies distinguish tastes well, often requiring candy instead of porridge. If you keep a child’s food diary, you can see that in most cases he ate sweets or illegal foods throughout the day. At the same time, snacks disturbed the appetite, and the baby practically did not eat food prepared taking into account the needs of his body.



When a child has a rash on his chin, it is not necessary to treat delicate skin with alcohol-containing lotions or creams. It is often enough to wipe the face with a decoction based on chamomile or a string. If the rash does not disappear for a long time, consult a pediatrician. The doctor will examine the child and, if necessary, draw up a referral to specialists of a narrow profile, for example, to a dermatologist, infectious disease specialist or allergist.

A preliminary diagnosis is made on the basis of anamnesis. If you suspect helminths, it is necessary to pass feces 2-3 times for analysis. But, as practice shows, this study often leads to a false negative result. The most reliable is the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for helminths.

If an allergic reaction is suspected, parents need to identify the irritant and exclude its contact with the baby's body. If this is not possible, you need to conduct special tests. In addition, nutrition should be hypoallergenic.

If the problem is dermatological in nature, an external examination is sufficient for a specialist. When in doubt, he scrapes the cells from the chin and sends them to the laboratory for research.

The treatment regimen is compiled solely on the basis of diagnostic results. Parents should not independently decide on the appropriateness of using a particular drug.

Doctor examination


Therapeutic measures are directly dependent on the root cause of the rash in the child on the chin. For allergies, the following treatment regimen is classic:

  1. Reception of antihistamines. Examples of drugs: Fenistil, Zirtek, Zodak.
  2. The use of local action. These include: Vundekhil, Desitin, Dexpanthenol. The active components of the drugs stop itching and irritation, and also contribute to the rapid regeneration of cells.
  3. The use of glucocorticosteroids. Hormonal topical agents are advisable to use with a pronounced rash. Examples of drugs: Hydrocortisone, Sinaflan, Advantan, Prednisolone.
  4. Reception of sorbents in order to remove toxic compounds from the body. Examples of tools: Polysorb, Smecta, Enterosgel, Bifidum.

During teething, it is recommended to treat inflamed gums with dental gels. If the child is only a little naughty, it is recommended to use "Chrysal". If the baby cries for days and nights, you need to lubricate the gums with Kamistad Baby gel.

With helminthic invasion, the treatment regimen depends on the type of detected helminths. But in any case, it consists of several stages:

  1. Preparatory. During this period, administration of enterosorbents, antiviral agents and choleretic drugs is indicated.
  2. Therapeutic. It implies a course of taking a drug that destroys helminths.
  3. Restorative. During this period, it is important to strengthen the protective system and provide the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

For skin diseases, treatment depends on the diagnosis.

Rash treatment

Doctors advice

If a child has a rash on his chin, he needs more thorough care. Recommendations to parents:

  1. No need to wrap the baby if the room is warm. Air temperature should not exceed 22 degrees. During the heating season, it is recommended to put a humidifier in the baby's room.
  2. You need to bathe and wash your child daily. On hot days, water procedures are allowed several times.
  3. After washing or bathing, the skin should be thoroughly patted with a towel.
  4. A clean chin can only be lubricated with dexpanthenol cream (Bepanten).
  5. As often as possible to walk with the child in the fresh air on clear days. Sun baths often work better than any medicine.
  6. Observe drinking regimen. Up to 3 years, it is undesirable to offer the child tea. The ideal option is only clean and still water.
  7. In winter, protect the skin from the cold and strong wind.

In addition, twice a year, it is necessary to prevent helminthic infestations. It is necessary to do this in spring and autumn for all family members. Parents can take any broad-spectrum drug in tablet form. Children are most often prescribed suspensions of Nemozol and Pirantel. They have a pleasant sweet taste, so the baby calmly accepts them. The dosage regimen is determined by the doctor.


A rash on the chin in a child may appear due to various factors. They can be both harmless and very serious. It does not require absolutely any treatment for a rash associated with excessive salivation on the background of teething. In all other cases, it is recommended that you consult a pediatrician to make a diagnosis. On the basis of the history, he can send for consultation to specialists of a narrow profile. Treatment directly depends on the root cause of the rash.

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