Dog balanoposthitis: symptoms and treatment at home

Not every owner of a four-legged friend knows that his pet can suffer from diseases of a very delicate nature. These diseases are most often quite dangerous and can lead to the most serious consequences. For example, even the best pedigree dog is rejected because of such diseases because he will not be able to bring offspring. Such serious diseases include balanoposthitis.

What is this disease

Dog balanoposthitis is a bacterial inflammatory process that occurs on the glans penis and prepuce. It can occur because sperm and urine stagnate in the prepuce sac . This disease is considered very common.

A photo of balanoposthitis in dogs is given below.

purulent discharge in dogs

As a result of inflammation, organ swelling occurs, the dog feels significant discomfort and pain. It should be noted that in males who have reached the age when they can give birth, the initial forms of balanoposthitis can often occur spontaneously. Mild forms of balanoposthitis in dogs do not pose a serious danger to the life and health of the animal and can even be cured spontaneously. However, in cases where pathogenic microorganisms interfere with the inflammatory process, the disease can have serious consequences.

If you start such a disease, everything can end with the loss of the penis. In addition, in severe forms, the infection often spreads to the testes, and this already threatens the development of severe orchitis, which can later flow into peritonitis. It is widely believed among dog owners that balanoposthitis occurs only in older dogs, but this is a misconception. In the practice of veterinarians, there have been cases when this disease was diagnosed in puppies. Although rare, the consequences can be very serious.

little puppy

Causes of inflammation

Most often, the cause of balanoposthitis in dogs is the seeding of prepuce with pathogenic microorganisms. This can occur against the background of various injuries (scratches and tears). However, rarely, another factor that predisposes to the development of balanoposthitis is a tumor neoplasm. Often the development of balanoposthitis in dogs occurs against the background of such an unpleasant disease as phimosis. This is a pathology, with the development of which there is a narrowing and shrinking of the foreskin, as a result of which the glans penis does not have the opportunity to return to its original place. Swelling and inflammation develops, the mucous membranes dry out, and become a favorable environment for pathogenic microflora.

For some dog breeds, balanoposthitis is congenital and is caused by certain defects in the genetic plan. Most often, German shepherds and golden retrievers are exposed to him. Sometimes the causes of the development of phimosis and, as a consequence, balanoposthitis become edema in the tissues of the prepuce sac. As mentioned above, this is due to the seeding of injured areas with pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis

The most characteristic sign of development of balanoposthitis in dogs is the presence of purulent discharge of yellow or green color, which cover the tip of the prepunical cavity. In 50% of diseases, blood discharge from the penis appears.

purulent discharge

For most owners, the first and main reason to immediately contact a veterinarian is the constant licking of the genitals by the dog. From regular contact with saliva, the scrotum of the male is constantly wet. In this way, he will try to reduce the pain that occurs during the development of inflammatory processes. Naturally, with such a disease, dogs completely lack interest in mating. Even in those cases when he has not lost the ability to mate, it is strictly forbidden to admit it, since purulent discharge and pathogenic microflora can lead to the development of the disease in the female.

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis

Diagnosis of balanoposthitis in dogs is very simple. Often it is enough just to visually examine the dog for inflammation of the tissues of the foreskin. It is very important to determine what exactly caused the development of the disease: pathogenic microorganisms or the presence in the foreskin of a foreign object. In addition, a study should be conducted to exclude the likelihood of developing a tumor, because the treatment will be radically different.

dog at the vet

With the running form for inspection, you may need the action of local anesthesia or general anesthesia, since the dog simply will not allow an examination of the affected areas due to severe pain reactions. During the examination, the veterinarian will need to take all the necessary tests, and the most important will be flushing and smear. Taken samples will be seeded on a nutrient medium. This will provide an opportunity in a short time and very accurately determine the pathogen of the inflammatory process.

Home Treatment Scheme

A mild form of balanoposthitis can be cured without the help of a veterinarian. The treatment at home for balanoposthitis in dogs is very simple. It will be necessary to regularly rinse your pet's prepuce cavity for several days. Care should be taken when doing this. Since for washing it is necessary to use a 1-3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, the dog can be aggressive due to unpleasant sensations. A small syringe made of soft rubber is well suited for such procedures. The rinse should be fresh and warm. It is also possible to treat the preputial cavity of the dog with furatsilinom.

medical syringe

Dog balanoposthitis should be treated at home very carefully and with extreme caution. In no case should you allow the tip of the syringe to touch the head of the penis - this can cause a dog to have severe pain and aggression. After washing, the foreskin is gently massaged in order to remove excess fluid. It is also recommended that after all manipulations, the treatment of the affected area with drugs that have antimicrobial effects and promote healing.

A very important condition in the treatment of balanoposthitis in dogs is the prevention of dog licking of the perineum throughout the entire period of therapy. The only reliable way is a surgical collar. If the disease is started, and has turned into a chronic form, home treatment must be stopped and immediately consult a veterinarian.

Treatment by an experienced veterinarian

After contacting a specialist, first of all, a study will be conducted in order to find the cause of the disease. It is very important to find and remove all adhesions, tumors and scars that could lead to the development of phimosis and balanoposthitis in a dog. As in the case of the mild form, the dog will undergo daily washing of the prepuce bag, however, high concentration solutions that are more effective will be used. If the condition begins to worsen, treatment of balanoposthitis in a dog with antibiotics should be started.


When infectious processes become chronic, in addition to daily washing with antiseptic solutions, it is necessary to include antibacterial therapy in the treatment regimen. Often, it begins with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. After receiving the result of sowing, such an antibiotic can be replaced by another - acting on certain microorganisms that have caused inflammation.

antibiotics for dogs

An important role is played by antiseptic liniments, which are injected into the cavity of the prepuce using a syringe. If for some reason the disease could not be defeated, most often you have to resort to castration.

General recommendations and forecasts

Despite the fact that often the dog can be completely cured, relapses occur quite often. Especially in cases where it was not possible to determine the cause of the disease. Very often, follicular balanoposthitis in dogs flows into a chronic form and, when favorable conditions arise, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms will cause the appearance of pustular rashes in the foreskin.

From time to time, you still have to monitor the condition of your pet's prepuce and wash it with hydrogen peroxide. Forecasts for unreleased cases are often favorable, however, in the event of the first signs of balanoposthitis, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Preventative measures

All the prevention of balanoposthitis is reduced to the hygiene of the genitals of the dog: washing the prepuce cavity after walking in "dirty" weather, avoiding infection through sexual contact, etc.

walk in the mud

For the purpose of prevention, you should visit the veterinarian once a quarter for an examination.

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