Breast collection for cough for children. Breast collection 1,2,3,4 for cough: instructions for use

Almost every parent faces the problem of coughing in children . But not everyone wants to give advertised tablets or syrups to their crumbs, many prefer time-tested phytopreparations. These funds include chest collection for cough. The price for it is quite affordable, so that everyone can buy it.

What is breast collection

If you encounter a cough in yourself or a child, then you will be interested to know how it can be cured. In addition to various syrups with dyes and flavorings, in each pharmacy you will find breast collection. This is a specially selected mixture of herbs from which it is necessary to make decoctions or infusions. They are designed specifically for the treatment of cough. But keep in mind, not every breast cough collection for children is suitable.

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As part of the first option, there are the following herbs: coltsfoot and marshmallow root. They form its main part and occupy about 80% of the total amount. The remaining 20% ​​are occupied by oregano. As a rule, this breast collection is used to treat problems with the upper respiratory tract. Instructions for use advises to use it for tracheitis and laryngitis. Moreover, all its constituents have an expectorant effect, and coltsfoot and marshmallow root are also anti-inflammatory.

But it is not recommended to use this breast cough collection for children under 12 years old. It is also worth abandoning its use for those who have already been identified hypersensitivity or have observed allergic reactions to any of the components.

Breast collection number 2

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If you or a child is tormented by a constant cough, and sputum practically does not separate, then the doctor can advise you on one of the options for combining herbs. In such cases, breast collection No. 4 is often used. It consists of mint leaves, calendula and chamomile flowers, violet grass , licorice root and rosemary shoots. In the complex, all these components have a good anti-inflammatory, expectorant and sedative effect.

This cough collection for babies is quite suitable. But you can start giving it no earlier than in three years.

Packaging and use


If you decide to buy one of the medicinal fees, then just go to the pharmacy and choose the most suitable packaging option for you. Modern industry offers herbal products not only in cardboard packaging of 100 grams. Now it’s easy enough to find each of the fees in filter bags. They are brewed like regular tea. Flowers and grass that are packed in them are subjected to more thorough grinding.

But if you trust only standard cardboard boxes with dried herbs, then you need to know a few nuances of storing the plants contained in them. After acquiring the breast collection, it is better to pour it into a glass or ceramic container with a tight-fitting lid. This will help to avoid moisture drops and reduce the shelf life of dried herbs.

Cooking method

Before making infusion or decoction from any breast collection you have acquired, it must be mixed. Regardless of the components that make up the composition, these medicinal herbal remedies for cough are prepared in one way.

It takes 1 or 2 tbsp. collection spoons and pour in a glass of boiled, but not hot water, in a saucepan. It is placed in a water bath and boiled for 15 minutes. After cooling at room temperature, the prepared broth is filtered, and the grass is folded in gauze and squeezed. The liquid volume is adjusted to 200 ml with ordinary boiled water.

The infusion is made from ordinary filter packets. Each of them is poured with 100 ml of boiling water and holds in it for about 15 minutes. After cooling, the treatment fluid can be consumed.

Both broth and infusion are drunk warm. Shake before use. A breast collection is used in a volume of 100 ml several times a day (up to 4) after a meal.

Application for children


If the doctor has prescribed breast collection No. 4 for your baby, then the necessary dosage is best clarified by a specialist. Kids need a much smaller amount of broth. So, if adults and children over 12 years old need to drink ½ cup, then the dosage for babies aged 6-12 years is up to 2 tbsp. spoons. Of course, it is advisable to focus on the prescribed norms. But if your child at 11 years old weighs as an adult, then the doctor can increase the dose.

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It is also important to know that during pregnancy you should not start drinking any herbs without the consent of a therapist or gynecologist. These doctors are able to fully correlate the risk for the unborn baby with the benefit for the future young mother. Please note that collection No. 1 is not worth drinking during pregnancy. After all, it contains oregano, which can cause uterine bleeding. And this is fraught with miscarriage in early or premature birth at a later date.

But the chest collection No. 4 for cough is considered the safest. It includes a lot of components, but at the same time each of them can be for children over three years of age and expectant mothers. Although drinking it without special need or just for preventive purposes is not worth it. It is also worth avoiding self-medication.

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