Worms are worm parasites that cannot develop and exist outside the human or animal body. Both pets and households can suffer from them to the same degree. Many are interested in whether worms are transmitted from a dog to a person. Yes, this is possible and happens with an enviable frequency. Contact with the animal may result in helminthic invasion and unpleasant consequences. However, this does not mean that pets are not allowed. If you adhere to precautions and prevent the development of an unpleasant ailment in a pet, then there is nothing to fear.
Speaking about whether worms are transmitted from a dog to a person, it is important not only to understand that the parasites may well “settle” in the body of the owner of the animal, but also what kind of worms are.
Features of worms in dogs
First of all, it is worth noting that in the body of even the most well-groomed and neat pet there is a huge number of the most diverse parasites. Most of them do not pose a serious danger, but you still need to very carefully monitor the health status of the pet.
Each time after a walk or during it, a four-legged pet will certainly lick its paws. Being on the street, he with pleasure sniffs the grass, feces of other animals and is not averse to feasting on what was found on the ground. In this case, the animal may well swallow the eggs of the worms, which, once in the intestines, will begin their parasitic activity. Therefore, it is not surprising that experts find a huge number of varieties of parasites in animals. Since a person can become infected with worms from a dog, you need to know what problem you may encounter.
Parasites of this type are divided into two groups: round and flat. Worms of the first category, in turn, are usually divided into several subspecies.
Speaking about whether a person can be infected with worms from a dog, it is worth considering this particular species in the first place. Nematodes are white worms up to 15 cm long. They can easily be seen with the naked eye, looking closely at the feces of the animal. These parasites resemble rolled light springs.
The main feature of nematodes is their fertility. In 24 hours, parasites can lay up to 200,000 eggs. Such dog worms are dangerous to humans, as they can cause toxocariasis.
The main danger is that helminths penetrate the female’s womb. Because of this, newborn puppies may already be infected with a dangerous parasite.
This is a type of nematode. However, in this case we are talking about worms, whose length rarely exceeds 2 cm. There is a pronounced mouth on the head of the parasite, in which sharp hook-shaped teeth are visible. Thanks to them, the parasite is firmly attached to the intestinal wall and begins to absorb the mucous membrane quite quickly. Hookworm can be found in the lungs of dogs. This is a very dangerous stage. In this case, the worms pass from dogs to people through the cough of the animal. But eggs can come out not only from the mouth of a pet. They also stand out through sweat channels. If timely treatment is not taken, then the pet may even die.
Uncinaria stenocepal
Despite their small size (no more than 2 centimeters in length), these worms are distinguished by enormous gluttony. They have two lamellar teeth that bite into the mucous membranes and begin to absorb them. It is easy to distinguish the presence of these parasites. Typically, dogs begin to suffer from bloody diarrhea. If you do not contact the veterinarian on time, then the worms can destroy the body of the pet in a few weeks.
Assuming that worms are transmitted from the dog to the person, this can cause similar problems with the stool. Therefore, with the appearance of such symptoms, you need to immediately check your body.
Considering the question of whether it is possible for a person to get worms from a dog, it is worthwhile to learn about these parasites of the round type. Their main danger is that they usually live in the myocardium of the heart. This leads to increased fatigue in the animal. Such parasites also pose a danger to humans.
This variety of roundworms is very common. The fact is that you can catch eggs with a mosquito bite. However, do not worry. This type of parasite is not dangerous to humans. Worms of this type reproduce very slowly and almost never go outside. They do not bring serious troubles to the animal either.
Are flatworms transmitted from dog to person ? Yes, and the owner of a four-legged pet may well become infected with such parasites. Flatworms (cestodes) are divided into several subspecies.
These parasites are very dangerous in that they are able to divide into individual particles. They go out with feces and can very quickly infect surrounding animals. Chains differ in length. They can be in the body of a dog for quite some time. However, they are rarely transmitted to people.
Other flatworm species
There are several more types of parasites of this type:
- Echinococcus aureus. A rather dangerous worm, as it can lead to death of a dog in the shortest possible time. Parasites are distinguished by a large mouth with long sharp teeth. An animal becomes infected with them quite easily if raw meat is included in its diet.
- Diphyllobotria. The length of this parasite reaches 10 m. A dog can become infected with such a worm if it is fed with raw fish.
- Opisthorchia. They are small in size. This worm parasitizes in the gall bladder of an animal.
Since most of their listed helminths can freely inhabit the human body, it is very important to recognize the symptoms of the appearance of such parasites in time. The sooner you take action, the better.
Symptoms of infection
It is worth paying attention to the following signs in an animal:
- Weight loss.
- The presence of bloody diarrhea.
- Constipation
- Increased fatigue (the animal is constantly sleeping and does not show interest in anything).
- The appearance of dry cough.
- Loss of appetite.
- The animal begins to constantly lick the anus.
How worms are transmitted from dog to person
Parasite eggs can enter the human body in several ways. Most often, infection occurs at the contact-household level. If households allow the pet to lick their face and do not adhere to standard hygiene measures, then there is a risk of infection.
Also, infection often occurs due to elementary unsanitary conditions. In this case, everything is simple. If a person does not wash his hands after playing with his pet and immediately sits down at the table to take food, then he can easily bring helminth eggs into his body.
Another common method of infection is transmission. In this case, we are talking about insect bites. Fleas, horseflies and mosquitoes can become carriers of worm eggs. In this way, a huge number of nematodes and other types of parasites can spread in a short time. Some of them are treated quite quickly, but there are those that can begin to multiply rapidly in the human body.
Often parasites do not at all take root in the human intestines. Because of this, they migrate to other areas. Damage can affect the eye organs and even lead to blindness.
How to help a dog
If your pet has worms, then first of all it is worth contacting a veterinarian. He will carry out all the necessary diagnostic measures and voice the verdict. If the animal really wound helminths, then do not panic. Today, there are a huge number of very effective means to combat parasites.
Antiparasitic drugs can be in the form of drops, and in the form of powders or tablets. Almost all of these drugs are freely available, so they can be purchased at any veterinary store or pharmacy. As a rule, experts prescribe Pirantel, Drontal, or Prazitsid.
Preventive measures - how to prevent infection
Having figured out whether worms are transmitted from a dog to a person, it is worth understanding how to avoid this. First of all, you need to visit a veterinarian in a timely manner and take an injection course against parasites. In this case, you can be sure that the animal does not suffer from helminths and does not infect households with them. Deworming should be carried out every 4-6 months.
If the dog is likely to have worms, then standard precautions are sufficient. For example, you must wash your hands after each contact with the animal. It must be understood that parasites are found not only in the dog's saliva, but also on its skin, and, accordingly, on the coat. If you don’t wash your hands even after lightly scratching the puppy behind the ear, there is a big risk of getting worms in your body.
Another important recommendation is to provide the pet with its own resting place. Do not let the dog sleep in a person’s bed. The dog must have its own sunbed, to which he will be accustomed. At the same time, there is absolutely no difference in what size a pet is. Even when it comes to dwarf rocks. If the dog wants to constantly squeeze and lay with him to sleep like a baby, then you should abandon this idea.
If the infected dog nevertheless made his way to the master's bed, then it is worth changing bedding, and wash dirty sheets at a temperature of at least 90 degrees. After that, it is worth ironing the bedding with an iron at a high temperature.
Also, experts strongly recommend that you do not kiss the dogs and do not allow the pets the same in relation to the person. Contact with the mucous membrane of the animal’s mouth increases the risk of infection. It must be remembered that during hygiene procedures, dogs use precisely the tongue to clean the anus and other areas of their body. Therefore, it is in the pet's oral cavity that a huge number of helminth eggs accumulate. In addition, even if the pet is not infected, it constantly sniffs other animals during the walk. Therefore, caution should be exercised, and parasites can never penetrate the body of the owner of a four-legged pet.