What is a screen or screenshot?
A screen or screenshot is a screenshot of the monitor. The word came from an English screenshot, which means an image received by a computer and reflecting what exactly happens on the screen. The need to create a screenshot arises when you need to show the image to a friend, consult how to fix this or that error. Also, screenshots must be used in scientific works in various disciplines. This will significantly increase your mark if the task was to work with some kind of program. In these cases, the question immediately arises, how to take a screenshot of the desktop? In order to get a high-quality image, there are several methods. We will focus only on the simplest and most understandable ways to take a screenshot. desktop computer.
Print screen
The easiest and most convenient method is to use the Print Screen button on your computer keyboard. “Print Screen” is translated - screen printing. On the right side of the keyboard you will find a button called “Prt Scr”. But remember that the button will photograph exactly what you see on the screen. For example, if you want to get the full image of a site, it is better to use another program. After pressing the button, you will not see the flash and do not hear a click. The picture is simply transferred to the clipboard, where it will wait for your further actions. If you are thinking about how to make a desktop screen - , . . , Prt Scr Alt. . .
. Paint, «» «». «» Ctrl V. . , , .
, . «» «» «». , , , Windows 7. «». , . . . . !
, , , . , . . , Paparazzi! , .
, . , : , , , , . , Adobe Photoshop . , , . : jpeg, gif, png . png jpeg, gif, .