Every day we start by brushing our teeth, putting ourselves in order and combing our hair. Especially the last procedure takes a lot of time in women. A comb is needed not only to separate the strands, but also to style the hairstyle. With its help, curls are twisted and individual strands are combed. As they are used, skin flakes, sebum particles and dead hair accumulate between the cloves. Today we’ll talk about how to clean the comb from dirt.
First difficulties
It’s good if you have a scallop with rare cloves in front of you. In this case, questions usually do not arise. It’s a completely different matter if you have a brush with natural bristles. He collects everything himself, and if you do not wash the brush, then soon it will be impossible to use. Therefore, when considering how to clean a comb from dirt, we primarily mean round brushes for styling curls.
You should take care of such a product regularly. It requires cleaning at least 2 times a week. Otherwise, the accumulation of dirt and sebum will interfere with maintaining the hair in perfect condition. Professional hairdressers recommend hygienic procedures to their assistants even more often, almost every day. Then styling will keep fresh longer. Let's look at how to clean a comb from dirt in accordance with the material from which it was made.
Fundamental rules
Before we move on to this, we’ll define a general set of rules that will keep your brushes in perfect condition day after day. Moreover, compliance with these rules reduces the frequency of brushing, allowing you to keep it in good condition for a long time.
- Since it is possible to clean the comb from dirt only after removing the lost hair, pay attention to this procedure before soaking. If a lot of hair is tangled on the cloves, then take a needle or knitting needle and use it to clean the brush completely.
- It is important to pay attention to the pen as well. Usually they forget about it, although this is wrong. A large number of microbes can live here. Moreover, removing them is very easy. Simply wipe the handle with alcohol.
- For wooden scallops, do not use detergents or soak them in solution. This must be considered so as not to spoil your new scallop too quickly.
- Soaking brushes with a pad is not recommended. They can be deformed and will not serve at all as long as we would like.
- After washing, thoroughly dry the product. Since it is usually not too difficult to clean the comb from hair and dirt, it is often immediately returned to the glass or purse immediately after the usual procedure. Put the brush on a towel for a couple of hours, then calmly clean it in place.
- Dead hair needs to be cleaned every time after the end of the hair care procedure. Then the comb will be easier to clean, and the absence of strong pollution and the accumulation of microbes will play only on hand.
With the use of detergents, the brush is cleaned 2 times a week. The rest of the time, it’s enough to remove visible impurities, and you can use it further. If you use a solution of vinegar for this, then in the process of rinsing it is recommended to add a couple of drops of essential oil. It will eliminate unpleasant odor and will not be harmful to hair.
If other people used the comb
This is an individual hygiene item, so if this happens, you need to not only clean, but also disinfect the product. It is difficult to determine from a distance whether a person has lice, dandruff, fungus or other skin problems. Therefore, first of all, wash the brush just under the tap. Now make a chlorine solution. 10% is enough to destroy all harmful organisms. You can leave the comb in it for an hour for fidelity. After that, rinse the brush thoroughly in clean water and leave to dry completely.
Plastic combs
They are most popular at an affordable price. And considering how to clean the comb from dirt and dust, we will start with them. No wonder plastic is considered the most hygienic material. If you remove the fallen hair in a timely manner, then no problems with brush hygiene will arise. If the hair is stuck between the teeth, then auxiliary tools can be used.
After that, you can start washing the brushes.
- For this, a special solution of 30 ml of shampoo and the same amount of ammonia is made. Instead of shampoo, a dishwashing liquid is useful. You need to put the brush in the solution for 15 minutes, and then rinse the product in clean water.
- There are other options for quickly cleaning your comb from dirt. For example, you can use soda. It perfectly removes old and heavy dirt. You can clean the comb itself, as well as its bristles.
- So that the dirt itself lags behind the brush, you can prepare a solution of 1 tablespoon of soda and 2 tablespoons of vinegar. The mixture must be applied to the brush and left to lie down. After that, remove the residues using improvised means or a stream of water.
Wooden scallop
This is the most environmentally friendly, but at the same time whimsical material. Excess moisture can easily ruin it. Moreover, it is wooden cloves that are considered the most sparing for the scalp and hair. If you use it regularly, then you can forget about the problem of split ends. And how to clean the comb from hair and dirt at home, if it is made entirely of wood?
You should forget about the soaking procedure, since it is fatal to the tree. It will delaminate, hair will be tangled in cracks. Therefore, we take a cotton swab and soak it in alcohol or in vodka. Wipe the comb with this swab. This technique allows you to effectively eliminate almost any pollution.
What to do with a round brush
Usually it is she who gives the most trouble. To clean the round brush, you must first collect the maximum amount of hair with your hands. If any of them are stuck, then you should get them with a toothpick or an old brush. Moisten an old toothbrush in soapy water and gently, but carefully pass along the bristles, over the entire surface. After that, it remains only to rinse thoroughly under the tap in clean hot water.
Brush brushing is a bit more complicated. To do this, you need a solution of a mixture of liquid soap, alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. As a detergent base, you can rub the soap and turn it into a thick foam. How to clean massage brush from dirt? You just need to put the brush in the prepared solution and leave for an hour. After that, rinse under a stream of warm water, and if necessary, clean with a toothbrush. After carrying out the procedures, wipe the brush with a soft cloth and leave to dry at room temperature. At least an hour must pass before you put the brush in the storage box.
Natural bristle comb
It crashes pretty quickly if it is improperly looked after. The bristles break, begin to cling to the hair, fall out. Therefore, if you decide to use such a brush, you need to learn how to properly care for it. How to quickly clean the comb from dirt and hair? This is a topical issue as it saves time.
Using a flat brush, you first need to remove all tangled hair. After that, we prepare a washing solution, which will require a liter of water, two tablespoons of shampoo and 3 teaspoons of vinegar 9%. The brush must be immersed in the prepared solution for only 5 minutes, after which it should be brushed with a toothbrush and left to dry.
Instead of a conclusion
Combs require constant attention, because a large number of dead scales, fat, and fallen hair accumulate on them. If you washed your hair and combed it with a dirty comb, then the effectiveness of such actions is greatly reduced. As a result, you have to wash your hair more and more often, you spend more and more time on styling, and the hair structure only suffers from this. Our recommendations will help you properly monitor the condition of the hair brush. By and large, they are universal and suitable for everyone.