Chlamydia in cats and cats

Chlamydia in cats is an infectious pathology that is transmitted more often by the respiratory route. The causative agent affects the eyes, respiratory system and the genitourinary system of the animal. It is introduced into the cells, which significantly complicates the treatment. The clinical picture of the disease is not always pronounced, sometimes this ailment is asymptomatic. Because of this, a visit to the veterinarian is often postponed. However, without therapy, this pathology can lead to dangerous and serious complications. Therefore, each owner needs to know about the symptoms and treatment of chlamydia in cats.

Causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of the disease are chlamydia. They belong to bacteria, but they can also be embedded in the structure of cells and parasitize. This property brings them closer to viruses. Intracellular parasitism creates favorable conditions for the development of other pathogenic microbes. Therefore, chlamydia in cats is often complicated by joining secondary infection.

Chlamydia under the microscope

For microorganisms, two microorganisms are pathogenic - chlamydia felis and chlamydia psitatsi. Previously, these pathogens were considered one species, but now they are distinguished. Chlamydia felis is pathogenic for cats, but less dangerous for other animal species. This microorganism usually affects the conjunctiva, in more rare cases - the intestines, lungs and genitourinary system. Chlamydia psitation can be pathogenic not only for cats, but also for birds. It causes a disease of the type of ornithosis with damage to the respiratory system.

Transmission ways

A pet can become infected with chlamydia from its brethren. Homeless animals often suffer from this disease. Chlamydia in cats is transmitted most often by airborne droplets. Contact and sexual transmission are also noted. However, such infections are more rare.

Airborne transmission

Chlamydia felis fall on the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract and genitals of animals. The causative agent is immediately introduced into the cells and begins to actively multiply. Then chlamydia spread through the body with blood flow. They affect the internal organs, joints, lymph nodes and the central nervous system.

A cat can become infected with chlamydia when eating mice. However, even if the pet does not leave the apartment, the risk of infection cannot be completely excluded. The owner may accidentally bring chlamydia into the house on the soles of shoes or on clothes. Soil can be infected with secretions from the nose and eyes of animals. Also, a person after contact with another sick cat can infect his pet.

Chlamydia psitatsii cats usually become infected from birds during the hunt. The risk group also includes pets living in rural conditions, where people breed chickens, geese, ducks.

The disease is especially susceptible to calves, cats with weak immunity, as well as animals suffering from respiratory pathologies.

Is a sick cat contagious to humans?

Can I get chlamydia from a cat? If you treat the animal and observe the rules of hygiene, then the likelihood of infection is very small. Such cases are extremely rare. However, infection cannot be completely ruled out.

You can become infected with chlamydia from a cat by contact with a sick pet, if its discharge falls on the mucous membranes of the eye or throat of a person. But even in this case, people do not always get sick. Only persons with a very weak immune system or small children are affected. Therefore, the child should not be allowed to communicate with a sick cat. You should also avoid contact with the animal face to face.

Cat infection

Chlamydia in cats is still a small danger to humans. In humans, this disease manifests itself in the form of conjunctivitis. Other organs are never affected. Pathology in humans is successfully treated with antibiotics.

Symptoms of the disease

Symptoms and treatment of chlamydia in cats depend on the form of the disease. The causative agent can affect various organs. Small kittens are especially seriously ill.

The incubation period is 7-10 days after infection. At this time, the cat's well-being is not disturbed. Chlamydia is very rare in its pure form, usually a secondary bacterial infection always joins the disease.

Chlamydia of the eye occurs most often. In this case, the appetite and general condition of the pet are practically not violated. The temperature also usually remains within normal limits or rises slightly. The following symptoms of chlamydia in cats in the eye form can be noted:

  1. Tears constantly flow from the animal’s eyes.
  2. The conjunctiva becomes red and inflamed. In this case, the lesion occurs alternately: first in one eye, and after 10-17 days - in the second.
  3. The third eyelid begins to protrude, it also looks reddened and inflamed.
  4. Purulent crusts may appear, which means that a secondary infection has joined the chlamydia.

Since the animal’s well-being does not deteriorate, the owner does not always attach importance to these signs. Often the appeal to the veterinarian is delayed, and the pathology leads to serious complications. A photo of chlamydia in cats can be seen below.

Symptoms of chlamydia in cats

Pulmonary form of chlamydia is very difficult to detect. Pneumonia occurs in very small areas. Therefore, inflammation is atypical. Respiratory function in this case is very slightly impaired. The following signs of the disease can be noted:

  • discharge from the nose;
  • cough;
  • temperature rise;
  • wheezing
  • dyspnea.

These symptoms of chlamydia in cats are often mistaken for colds. As a result, treatment is not started on time.

Chlamydia of the genital organs very often does not have pronounced symptoms. In females, pathological discharge from the vulva can be observed. However, this manifestation often remains invisible. Urethral inflammation may occur, in which the cat feels pain when urinating. In males, inflammation appears on the testicles (orchitis) or on the foreskin and the head of the penis (balanoposthitis).

The gastrointestinal form of chlamydia is always asymptomatic. However, the animal excretes the pathogen with feces and saliva and becomes a source of infection.

Chlamydia Complications

Symptoms of chlamydia in cats are usually not pronounced and do not lead to a serious deterioration in well-being. But this disease is very insidious and can cause serious and dangerous complications.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis without treatment often causes loss of vision. A sick cat can infect a baby in utero. Such kittens are born with conjunctivitis and may become blind.

Pneumonia caused by chlamydia can become chronic. The disease is often complicated by pulmonary edema and leads to the death of the pet.

When genitals are affected, cats and cats become infertile. This disease is especially dangerous for pregnant females. Chlamydia can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Kittens are often born unviable due to intrauterine infection.

The intestinal form of the disease does not lead to dangerous consequences. But in this case, the cat is a hidden carrier of infection and can infect other animals.


Chlamydia in cats must be differentiated from viral rhinotracheitis, calcivirosis, as well as pneumonia caused by other bacteria. Veterinarians prescribe the following examinations:

  1. Scrapes and smears from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose. The biomaterial is sent to the laboratory for enzyme immunoassay, which allows the detection of chlamydia.
  2. Blood analysis. Detects an increase in white blood cells with inflammation.
  3. X-rays of light. This study is carried out if the disease occurs in the form of pneumonia.

Treatment methods

Treatment for chlamydia in cats should be done only by a veterinarian. This disease is not treated by any folk remedies. Independently giving a pet antibacterial drugs is prohibited. This may contribute to the chronicity of the disease. In addition, chlamydia may develop drug resistance. Not all drugs affect this microorganism.

Usually prescribed tetracycline antibiotics. They effectively fight the pathogen. At the same time, milk food should be excluded from the pet's diet, since it reduces the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy. Penicillins and sulfonamides are not prescribed, since they do not affect chlamydia. Together with antibiotic therapy, probiotics are used to maintain normal intestinal microflora.

The course of treatment with antibiotics is at least 3-4 weeks. After the end of therapy, it is necessary to take an analysis for chlamydia.

Veterinarians also prescribe immunomodulators. With chlamydia, it is very important to strengthen the body's defenses. With dehydration, drip administration of infusion solutions is indicated.

With chlamydial conjunctivitis, ointments for the eyes are required. Typically, tetracycline and erythromycin-based agents are prescribed.

During treatment, you need to limit the physical activity of the pet. Also, you should not let the animal out for walks.


Tetracycline drugs help fight this infection. Dosage is selected individually depending on the weight of the cat. If the disease proceeds in a mild form, then oral administration of antibiotics is possible. In advanced cases of chlamydia, drugs are administered as injections. The following drugs are used:

  • "Tetracycline";
  • "Doxycycline";
  • Minocycline;
  • "Metacycline."

The drug "Tetracycline" is not always well tolerated by cats. Therefore, treatment begins with minimal dosages, observing the condition of the animal.

"Tetracycline" from chlamydia

Antibiotics and other pharmacological groups are used: "Erythromycin", "Levomycetin", "Cefotaxime". However, they are weaker than tetracyclines and are usually used in combination with other antibacterial agents.


Immunomodulators are prescribed for a prolonged course of chlamydia. These drugs help the body fight infection better. The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  1. Gamavit. It is administered under the skin 1-3 times a week. The dosage is determined by the doctor depending on the weight of the cat. The course of treatment is long, about 1 month.
  2. Fosprenil. This medicine can be administered intramuscularly, subcutaneously or intravenously. Injections are repeated daily. The course of therapy takes 3 days.
  3. "Maxidine." The drug is administered twice daily in the muscle or under the skin. The course of treatment is 3-5 days.
  4. "Immunofan." The medicine is administered 1 time per week subcutaneously or intramuscularly for a month.
Immunomodulator "Gamavit"

Local treatment

With chlamydial conjunctivitis, tetracycline 1% ophthalmic ointment and erythromycin ointment of 10,000 units are used. Before applying the product, the eyes are washed with chamomile broth and cleaned of crusts. Ointments are placed under the lower eyelid at the dosage indicated by the veterinarian. Treatment lasts about a week.

Drops for eyes are also prescribed:

  1. "Iris". This drug is used to cleanse the eyes of dried purulent crusts.
  2. Dekt-2. Drops are used 3-5 days until the symptoms of conjunctivitis disappear completely.
  3. "Leopard". The drug contains an anesthetic novocaine, this tool relieves pain in the eyes.
Cat eye drops


Long-term use of antibiotics for chlamydia can adversely affect the intestinal microflora of the animal. Therefore, drugs with lactobacilli are prescribed:

  • "Lactobifid";
  • "Lactoferon";
  • "Lactobacteride";
  • "Lactobifadol."

Probiotics are dissolved in boiled water or milk. They are recommended to be given to the animal before feeding. Acceptance of these funds should continue throughout the course of antibiotic therapy, especially if antibiotics are taken in tablet form.

Quarantine and Prevention

If several cats live in the house, and one of them is infected with chlamydia, then quarantine measures are necessary. This disease is very easily transmitted, therefore it is important to protect healthy animals from contact with the patient. If one cat is infected, then preventive treatment is carried out for all pets, even if they do not have symptoms of pathology.

Quarantine must be observed at the first sign of conjunctivitis, even if the diagnosis has not yet been made. It is necessary to regularly clean the premises with disinfectants. After caring for a sick animal, wash your hands thoroughly. The danger of chlamydia in cats for humans is small, but cases of infection are still noted. Therefore, close contact with the animal should not be allowed. It is also important to remember that the owner of a sick pet can carry the infection on clothes and shoes and infect other cats.

To avoid chlamydia in cats, it is necessary to exclude the pet’s contacts with stray relatives, birds and rodents. After arriving from the street, a person should take off his shoes and wash his hands thoroughly so as not to bring infection into the house.

It is necessary to regularly conduct preventive examinations of animals. Before viscous thoroughbred cats, chlamydia analysis is necessary to exclude infection through sexual contact.


After the disease, cats do not form stable immunity. An animal can become infected with chlamydia repeatedly. Vaccinations against this disease are currently being developed. They are carried out with the preparations "Multifel-4", "Chlamicon", "Felovax" and "Nobivak Triquet".

Many veterinarians are wary of chlamydia vaccination. In animals, serious side effects were often observed after drug administration. Experts do not recommend vaccinating the animal without special need. However, if the cat is released for walks, and the pet is in contact with stray animals and birds, then vaccination is worthwhile. This will help to avoid a dangerous disease. Before vaccination, you need to do an analysis on chlamydia to exclude the presence of pathology. Otherwise, vaccination can aggravate the course of the disease.

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