What is included in the plan of work with parents in the senior group?

Beginning educators still can not determine how to work with parents, and some mothers and fathers do not even realize the purposeful work with them. Before planning, teachers take into account the particular age of the pupils, problems in the educational process and the family, conflict and emergency situations, and the requirements of the Ministry of Education. Let us consider in more detail what is included in the plan of work with parents in the senior group.

Discussion on issues of education and development of children

The older group is attended by children five to six years old. There is no crisis or any conflicts in mental development at this age. Five-year-old preschoolers are curious, like to research and experiment, and are drawn to all creative and scientific fields. Therefore, the plan for working with parents of preschool children includes consultations, seminars, and circles for the development of abilities and talents in their children.

senior parent work plan

For busy parents, circles are opened in the educational institution itself: dancing, plastic, theater, music, English, computer lessons, etc. Their diversity is discussed at the parent meeting, where parents apply for carers. Then the manager searches for specialists, finds out their cost and informs the parents. And only in the case of a set of groups this circle opens. As you can see, in this case, parents are minimally required to pay for the circles. At least one lesson (about thirty to forty minutes) will cost 300-600 rubles, it all depends on the prices of the DOW.

Work plan with parents who wish to participate in a child’s life

Ideal work with moms and dads includes various forms of work: consultations, discussions, seminars, preparation and participation in holidays, contests, regional competitions, recreational trips (circus, theater, excursions). Educators inform moms and dads about different games and educational toys, about didactic material, about tasks for the development of intelligence and logic. In some kindergartens, joint trips of parents and children to other cities and even countries are planned. This may be participation in talent contests, and ordinary sightseeing tours.

Not only teachers, but also psychologists, speech therapists, a musician, a methodologist, a gymnastics teacher, a nurse, a choreographer, etc. work with moms and dads. Parents are helped to solve family difficulties, for example, when a child is stubborn and naughty. In this case, films are shown with open lessons or role-playing games are held, where the psychologist helps parents understand their child. Educators clearly show how to develop creativity in children in manual fakes.

doe parent work plan

Sample work plan with parents in the senior group quarterly

In autumn, all children meet in a group, some of them went to kindergarten in the summer, others rested in camps or on the seas. Therefore, children with parents create an exhibition on the theme of summer holidays with photographs and brief explanations. During this period, preparations are underway for the autumn holidays, for Mother's Day, the educator, and knowledge.

In the fall, it is time for colds, therefore, discussions are held on hardening and preventive measures, on children's clothing, and house hygiene. In some old kindergartens, they are asked to prepare the group for the winter: washing and sealing windows. General meetings are held where parents are informed about the achievements of the DOE, about new tasks and plans.

In winter, the plan of work with parents in the older group includes preparation for their favorite holidays: New Year, Kolyada, Epiphany, February 23. Children with parents prepare a performance, sew costumes, learn poems and songs, create themed corners, prepare gifts, decorate the group and the entire institution. But at the same time, do not forget to talk with parents about the rules of the road, about healthy eating, in particular about vitamins in the winter.

In the spring, preparations are underway for March 8, April 1, community work day, labor day, May 9. Parents and children make fakes, participate in festivities, bring refreshments, which they sintered themselves, learn songs and poems, clean the group and the territory of the kindergarten. During this period, a conversation is held about precautions on rest (ticks, insect bites, fires), a nurse informs about the fight against vitamin deficiency.

work plan with parents of preschoolers

In the summer, the plan of work with parents in the older group includes only fact-finding discussions about the rules of conduct on parent-child rest during swimming, sunbathing. Parents are informed about educational activities and are given homework for the summer on the development of children. There are no major festivals, since few children attend the DOW and all groups are combined in one or two.

Thus, the purpose of pedagogical work with parents is to ensure that mothers and fathers are actively involved in the life of the child and the entire kindergarten. Each DOW has its own work plan, but parental wishes can adjust its content.

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