PHP , , , , . , , , .
, , , / . / , / - , , .
PHP . , . – , , . . , – , .
. / . . , .
, , , . , , , . , , .
, ? . : PHP PHP . , . , .
, . , . , ( file_exists() ), fopen() ‘r’, ‘r+’, ‘a’, ‘a+’. , ‘a’, ‘a+’, ‘w’, ‘w+’. . fclose().
PHP , .
if (file_exists($fName)) {
$aLines = file($fName)
. , file() file_get_contents() .
, - , , PHP . PHP fgets() fgetc().
$cLines = ''
$fvs = fopen($fName, 'r')
$i = 0
while ((false !== ($cLine = fgets($fvs, 2000)))) {
$cLines .= '<br/>' . $i . '). ' . $cLine
. , PHP PHP , . . , , .
fputs() file_put_contents() .
$fName = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/tmp/scData.php'
$fvs = fopen($fName, 'a')
flock($fvs, LOCK_EX)
$cLine = '1 line'. chr(10)
fputs($fvs, $cLine)
$cLine = '2 line' . chr(10)
fputs($fvs, $cLine)
flock($fvs, LOCK_UN)
, , .
$file = ' scData.php '
$cContents = file_get_contents($file)
$cContents .= " \n"
file_put_contents($file, $cContents)
PHP . : , (). PHP , . , .
, . PHP , .
PHP, MySQl, JavaScript, : . « , …» - , , , .
PHP PHP , , , . , , , *.xlsx *.docx . MS Excel MS Word.
, , , PHP Excel .
PHPExcel PHPWord. *.xlsx *.docx OOXML, zip . Zip – , , , , . . , , .
, . , .
Excel-, ($xls). Excel :
include_once ‘PhpOffice/PhpExcel/IOFactory.php’
function scGetExcelFile($xls){
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($xls)
$aSheet = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()
$array = array()
foreach($aSheet->getRowIterator() as $row){
$cellIterator = $row->getCellIterator()
$item = array()
foreach($cellIterator as $cell){
array_push($item, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1251', $cell->getCalculatedValue()))
array_push($array, $item)
return $array
Excel- Word. , , - PHPWord. .
$oWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord()
$oDocx = $this->oWord->loadTemplate($cFileName)
$cFileName . , , , .
$zipClass = new ZipArchive()
for ($i=0; $i<$zipClass->numFiles; $i++) {
$cNameIn = $zipClass->getNameIndex($i)
$cNameInExt = substr($cNameIn, -4)
if (($cNameInExt == '.xml') || ($cNameInExt == 'rels')) {
// '.xml' '.xml.rels'
// xml-
$cBodyIn = $zipClass->getFromName($cNameIn)
$cBodyInLen = strlen($cBodyIn)
} else {
// ,
$cNameOnly = substr($cNameIn, strrpos($cNameIn, '/') + 1)
$zipClass->getFromName($cNameIn, $cWorkPath); //
, PHP Excel PHP Word, , . . -. Microsoft , , , .
, PHP . . / , .
, ( JavaScript, – PHP), cookie sessions , , .
, . , .
PHP , , . , , , PHP , , , , AJAX , PHP .
, – , PHP – , «» html, css, xml – , . , , . , , , .
The most interesting and promising when PHP is reading a PHP file on its own, when this is necessary. And simple PHP reading a line from a file leads to the creation of an object, at least in the state in which it was saved. These are not quite familiar ideas, but in the modern world everything is changing so quickly.