Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy: indications for use

As a rule, a woman during pregnancy, in addition to standard ultrasound, is prescribed dopplerometry. Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy is an additional type of ultrasound that examines the blood flow in the fetus, as well as in the placenta and the mother. A similar study is conducted to determine the condition of the fetus, the level of nutrients entering it. This type of study is prescribed when the doctor sees this as necessary. Often this happens when certain indications are available. So, a doppler during pregnancy will be prescribed unambiguously if:

  1. If the size of the fetus does not match the gestational age.
  2. If there is a pathology of the development of the placenta, as well as too much amniotic fluid , etc.
  3. If a woman has diabetes, anemia, or kidney disease.
  4. Multiple pregnancy or pregnancy, where the Rhesus factors of the mother and child do not match.
  5. Gestosis (various complications during pregnancy)
  6. The presence of pathologies during the course of previous pregnancies.

Like traditional ultrasound, a doppler ultrasound during pregnancy is prescribed for certain periods of gestation.

The first study is prescribed at about 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, when blood circulation in the uterus rises. In this case, the blood flow in its arteries is measured, which allows us to conclude about the level of development of the fetus and its compliance with the timing.

Doppler results during pregnancy at weeks 18-20 help doctors diagnose the possible development of cardiac pathologies. The latest study is prescribed at approximately 28-29 weeks. It allows you to determine the general level of development and condition of the fetus, as well as possible anemia and the correspondence of the level of development to the gestational age.

Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy makes it possible for a woman's doctor to monitor the features of blood circulation in all vessels of the umbilical cord, brain arteries and uterus. The study is important precisely during the bearing of the baby, since during this period there is the possibility of the development of stagnation of blood or blood clotting.

Blood flow indicators are the most important criterion for determining the condition of the fetus as a whole. If, through research, any pathologies or deviations from the norm of development are determined, the further course of pregnancy should be stationary. Some of the features of Doppler, which are not available in traditional ultrasound, allow a more detailed study of the fetus.

There are four main types of Doppler ultrasound:

  1. A portable type of diagnostic study is the most comprehensive method that allows you to fully explore the bloodstream.
  2. A double Doppler study (the most common type) is carried out on the basis of traditional ultrasound.
  3. Color Dopplerography, the result of which is to obtain a color image on which blood vessels are visible. This study focuses on determining blood circulation.
  4. The latter type of dopplerometry uses an increased sensitivity method to detect blood flow. This method is not as widely used as the previous ones.

As a rule, to obtain the most accurate and complete examination results, doctors prescribe combinations of types of Doppler.

In conclusion, we note that Doppler ultrasound during pregnancy requires certain conditions. So, two weeks before the procedure, you should stop smoking and consume those products that contain nicotine. Immediately before the study, you need to remove all the jewelry and lie on your back or left side. The duration of the Doppler ranges from a few minutes to half an hour. It all depends on the level of complexity of the course of pregnancy and is controlled by a specialist.

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