Все способы, как в "Ворде" поставить квадратные скобки

Do you know how to put square brackets in Word? If so, you still will not name four ways to do this, but they exist. It is about them that the conversation will go in this article. We will consider the most trivial methods, and the most sophisticated - those that few will use, but still they are. As they say, just in case.

Using a standard keyboard

, , - . , , , . , "" .

how to put square brackets in Word

, "" "". , , , - . . . , ALT + SHIFT CTRL + SHIFT ( ). , , . .

how to put square brackets in Word 2007

, . , "" . .

, "" 2007 . , , .

"". , "". "". . , , "".

how to put square brackets in Word 2010

, . , "", " ". . , . "", .

, . "" 2010 , , .

, "" . , , . , .

"[" - 005B, "]" - 005D. , . , .

, , ALT + X. , .

, , , "", - "". , .

, , .

, , , . "" . , . . -


"", , "" 2003 . .

how to put square brackets in Word 2003

The method is very simple: you just need to remember the sequence. For the bracket “[”, it will look like a combination of three keys: ALT, 9 and 1, and for the bracket “]" - ALT, 9, 3. By clicking them, you will get the desired result.

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