Figures for children in pictures, coloring, games, poems.

The kid, it would seem, just recently tried to get on his feet, and today he is already running, jumping and asking dozens of questions continuously. He is interested in absolutely everything. So, it's time to introduce him to the outside world. It is very good if we, adults, will tell him about everything, gently teaching counting, letters, flowers. All this is very useful when the child goes to school. Figures for children of this age mean little and are well remembered only in the game. So let's teach children how to play.

figures for children

First books

There is probably no child to whom adults do not read books. Now they are produced very colorful, vibrant and beautiful. There are also toy books in which the eyes move in animals, and houses are made voluminous. Kids always enjoy viewing pictures with great pleasure, turn pages, some of them move their finger along the lines, imitating reading. There are many publications in which figures for children are beautifully depicted. It is very convenient if the picture is accompanied by a simple rhyme, because the rhymed text is always better remembered and ideal for the smallest "readers". One of the options:

Hiding in the grass ONE black cat,

He’s waiting for a stupid mouse for breakfast.

TWO gray bunnies love carrots,

From the beds they drag her very deftly.

THREE red lion cubs waving their paws,

They ask mom for sweets and porridge.

In this example, you can show the child that the cat is one, the bunnies are two, and also introduce him to the flowers, tell a little about animals.

Numbers coloring book for children

Figures and pictures

There is another option: books that teach counting. As a rule, there is no text in them or it is very compressed, but in close-up, the numbers in the pictures are brightly and beautifully presented. For children a little older, such books are great, as you can ask the children to look at the drawing and clarify how many objects are shown near the numbers. They have to cope with this task. Ask them to count, and then show how the numbers are written. At the end of the lesson, you can invite the children to independently name the numbers that they remember. It would be nice to dream up: tell what each of the numbers looks like. Zero - on a bagel, one - on a column or stick, two - on a swan and so on.

figures in pictures for children


Absolutely all children love to draw. They do this on anything - on the asphalt with colored crayons, in father's or mother's documents with ballpoint pens, on new wallpapers with felt-tip pens. Of course, they are happy to create their compositions in special books, where you need to color something or circle around the already prepared contours. Coloring by numbers for children has several reasonable advantages. Firstly, it allows the child to realize himself without spoiling his home property, secondly, he introduces paints and their combinations, thirdly, he develops motor skills, because it’s so hard not to get out of line when decorating, and fourthly, it helps to better navigate in the world of numbers. When choosing such a publication, pay attention to ensure that all tasks correspond to the age of the baby. For example, if he can only count to ten, you do not need to take a coloring with numbers up to a hundred. This is for older children. Also, a very small child is not suitable for coloring pictures in which there are many small details. Coloring books in which you need to draw with plain water are very convenient. Here, the baby himself will not get dirty, and everything around will remain clean, and the drawing will turn out more or less accurate.

coloring by numbers for children


There is no childhood without games. The task of adults is not just to put a toy in the hands of a child so that he at least briefly gives us the opportunity to go about our business, but to give him such a game so that he plays and learns something. Very small enthusiastically master the process of stringing rings on a pyramid column, build towers from cubes. Older ones can be taught counting. Figures for children are of great interest if they are not forced to memorize boring characters, but design the lesson as fun. Everything is perfectly remembered in a game form. You can think of such games as many as you like. For example, for a girl it can be a “trip to the store” or feeding dolls (Dasha has three candies, and Masha five), or something like that. For the boy, you can organize the construction of a fortress (to calculate how much building material will be used to build a barricade) or a game of “pirates” (counting treasures, recruiting the required number of ships or people in a team, etc.).

figures for children

Figures for children in games online

Now almost everyone in the house has a computer, where on different sites you can find a great many games for children. Among them are those who teach the child how to count. The essence of the simplest of them is to click on the numbers in order with the mouse. If the child is not mistaken, an image or music may appear on the screen. Designed and coloring as an online game. Figures for children will not be a problem if you invite the little ones to play one of them. All that is needed is to click on the palette with the mouse, choosing one or another tone. There are also games in which with the help of the manipulator you need to "put" in the vase the amount of flowers that is written on it, or, choosing certain numbers, help the fairy-tale hero get into the house.

game numbers for kids

In conclusion, I want to say: no matter what educational path you choose, show your interest in ensuring that your baby achieves a positive result, and be sure to praise the child!

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