WLAN - what is it and how to use it? How to connect and configure WLAN?

Today, users increasingly have a need to gain access to the resources of a worldwide or corporate network from anywhere on the map of a city, country, world. Provide opportunities for comfortable work and entertainment, searching for information using a computer, laptop, mobile phone when staying outside the office or at home allows wireless technology. Today, the most famous local network in the world using this technology is WLAN. What is, how does this network function and how is it connected? You will learn the answers to these questions by reading the article below.

wlan what is

WLAN Wireless Local Area Network, " ". ( ), . . Wi-Fi.


Wi-Fi - , Wireless Fidelity, " ". . Wi-Fi - , WLAN.

? , Wi-Fi, . , , , 100 . , - . WLAN , . , () .


/, . WLAN ? , , , . . , Wi-Fi , , - , , . , , / -. - . Wi-Fi (WLAN) " ", .

what is wlan in the phone


. , , , . WLAN , . , :

  • ( + );
  • ;
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  • ;
  • / .

( ), WLAN / - , . .

wlan setup


? / ( ) (). , , WLAN- ( , ).


  • , ;
  • , 2,4 (, .), .
    wlan how to connect

( ):

  1. IP- . . Enter.
  2. . . admin/1234 ( ).
  3. WLAN. ? Wireless Lan . Name (SSID) ( ). , Channel Auto. "".
  4. ( ). Wireless Settings WPA ( WPA2) - , 802.1x. ( - Pre-shared Key/Security Ecryption .). 15-22 . "".
  5. , . Setup Access List ( Advanced/Wireless Settings).
  6. : Turn Access Control On . Wlan.
  7. VPN? () , . Hotspot Shield.
  8. - , .

wlan driver

Following the instructions above, you can configure your own wireless WLAN network, which is protected by a strong encryption algorithm. Now you will have your own Wi-Fi coverage area at home - and using the Internet will become even more convenient and easy.

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