Travelers who are lucky enough to visit the old city of Bergamo and its suburbs can see an amazing dog - a Bergamasco (or a Bergamo shepherd). The breed is named, as you might guess, in honor of these places where it was bred. Today, this dog is considered one of the best guardians of livestock and vast pastures.
Breed history
About two thousand years ago, Phoenician merchants arrived at European ports with long-haired shepherds. After some time, after breeding by Europeans, dogs of an unusual appearance enter Tuscany. Then they began to use them for breeding work on another breed of shepherd dogs - maremma. A certain number of representatives of the breed were brought to the north of the state. There, work began on the breed of the Bergamo shepherd. Later it became widespread in Spain and France, where it was also used in breeding other shepherd dogs.
Since ancient times, this breed of dogs has been used by cattle breeders to protect herds on vast pastures from predators and thieves. Without exaggeration, these animals coped with the work of a shepherd better than other fellow contemporaries. In the 21st century, the number of pastures decreased, farming was reorganized in accordance with the requirements of the time, therefore, the demand for dogs such as the Bergamo shepherd fell significantly.
Appearance and description
The breed standard was approved in 1992 internationally. In accordance with it, the growth of dogs of the Bergamo shepherd is 60-62 cm, bitches - 54-58 cm. Weight from 26 to 38 kilograms. Massive head with a wide skull and hanging, soft ears. The muzzle is short. The eyes are large, regular oval, brown color, with a tone, according to the color of the dog. The body is square in shape. The chest is broad, the back is muscular, slightly sloping croup. Muscular hind legs, strong forepaws. Fingers are gathered in a bunch. The tail is saber. The color of the shepherd is often gray with a splash of black or fawn. Solid color is possible.
A feature of the breed is its undivided devotion. For centuries, they have learned to be near a shepherd, following him wherever he goes, being alone with him for months. We must be aware that this dog will become the shadow of its owner. At the same time, the Bergamsk Shepherds do it with the beat of a valet, without getting in the way.
If a person has children, then bergamasco will help to look after them. These dogs are born babysitters. They treat pets equally gently, which is an obligatory working quality. They are calm, good-natured, with a very balanced psyche. They are often called lazy bumps. Dogs will not run after the ball once again. And at the same time, with the right motivation, they learn the teams very well, which is facilitated by a wonderful memory.
Hair care
The structure of the wool of this breed of shepherd is its hallmark. Only two more breeds in the world have such “clothes”: bullets and a commander. The structure of the "informal" wool of the Bergamo shepherd (dogs in dreadlocks) allows you not to bathe it at all. “Dreadlocks” are covered with a thin layer of fat, which protects it from inclement weather on pastures. If the dog is dirty, just rinse it with a hose. Frequent bathing can disrupt the protective layer and the formation of natural boccoli dreadlocks. This highlight of the breed requires a careful attitude. The natural form of twisted long strands is easily broken, unfortunately. In rare cases, they are trimmed. These curls grow very slowly, so they often do not reach the original length. It is important to provide wool with proper and regular care.
How to choose a Bergamasco puppy
When choosing a puppy, many people rely on its color. But this is the last thing you need to pay attention to. The main thing is health, the nature of the puppy and quick wits. The breed is very rare and you need to understand that puppies of the Bergamo shepherd are highly valued. And how much they really cost, can only be found out by Italian breeders in the city of Bergamo.
But even with money, buying a puppy is not easy. The litter is recorded in advance, but in addition to money, you will need to receive a letter of recommendation from other breeders and owners of the breed. The most famous bergamasco breeder is Luigi Cavalchini. He advises developing the puppy's intelligence from an early age, and it is better to do this during the game.