Lactation: Nuances

Having a baby opens up a lot for a woman. Moreover, the field of knowledge concerns not only the acquisition of baby care skills, but also how to make comfortable an important part of everyday everyday life - feeding. This item is more concerned with mothers who have established breastfeeding. It is much easier to put the baby to the chest and continue to enjoy joint sleep together than to keep the bottle with the mixture, which still needs to be prepared, all the time.

Proper feeding while lying

comfort and unity

Many women who have experienced motherhood for the first time are afraid to switch to breastfeeding while lying down, in particular at night. If in the morning or in the daytime you can keep track of the baby, then at night during sleep there is a high risk of not seeing and harming him. In order to prevent tragic consequences, it is enough to adhere to some simple rules, which will be discussed below.

First you need to understand what proper breastfeeding is while lying down. In this position, it is comfortable not only for the mother, but also for the baby, the baby is correctly grasped by the baby, he is at a safe distance from the edge of the bed. These seemingly understandable rules for each need to be freshened up before the start of the breastfeeding phase.

All newly made mothers face a large number of cases that need to be done in between feedings, and at the right time, attention can just let them down. It is during such periods that various incidents occur, which are later attributed to fatigue. For example, a child rolls out of bed and gets a bruise. This can be avoided if you secure the place around the child in advance.

What should not be done

side feed

Some doctors scare women by not recommending breastfeeding while lying down. This is explained by the fact that the mother can crush the baby in a dream or accidentally cover him with a thick blanket, and he will suffocate. Unfortunately, such terrible cases do occur. But still, you should always remember about security measures, and then there are no prohibitions. Is it possible to breastfeed while lying a newborn baby? Yes. At the same time, you should not put him between yourself and your spouse, who is actively tossing and turning in a dream. You should also not sleep with a child and a husband who is sick. It can infect it, as the source of infection is in close proximity.

It is not at all necessary to sleep with the light on, for feeding and monitoring the baby's actions, you can monitor it if you turn on the night light with a warm light. If your child’s peace of mind depends on sleeping together, you should not try to teach him to sleep separately in the crib when he cries. Not all children sleep in their crib after feeding. Mom is much easier to feed him and leave him close, than trying to shift. In a word, if a child sleeps well next to him, but if he is put in a crib, tears and screams begin, it is better to leave everything as it is. Thus, mom will have time to go about her business or just get enough sleep together.

How to understand what the baby eats

side feed

The maternity hospital explains how to attach a baby to the chest, once. What if everything seems to be clear, but in fact the child is eating wrong? How to understand that while breastfeeding the baby took the breast correctly? The basic rule is that mom should be comfortable. Since breastfeeding takes a long time, it may be necessary to spend half an hour or more in this position. Hands and chest should be clean. It is necessary to squeeze the nipple, giving it the right shape, convenient to grip. This is a kind of maternal gesture, which means that the mother offers the baby to the baby, helps him.

A woman should make sure that during proper breastfeeding, the baby does not make champing sounds, there are no bubbles of milk and it does not drain into his nose. It is also worth making sure that the lower lip is turned outward, and the lips encircled the halo of the nipple. It is in this position that the correct sucking occurs and the child does not trap excess air in his mouth, which subsequently causes the abdomen and swollen to swell.

Some pediatricians protest against this position, considering it a prerequisite for the development of otitis media or runny nose in infants in the future. These are prejudices that are not substantiated either from a practical or scientific point of view. Moreover, in whatever position the woman is feeding, the baby will still be in a lying position. The fact is that when the baby is breast-fed, when sucking, the esophagus and oral cavity are separated from the respiratory tract by the epiglottis. That is why the baby can eat and sleep at the same time in a dream.

This can not be said about artificial feeding, even taking into account the use of an anatomically similar nipples with a female nipple. During feeding with a bottle, the epiglottis does not separate the oral cavity from the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is extremely important not to leave the baby alone with a bottle, especially if he fell asleep.

Side feed

hand feeding

In order to reveal all the nuances of how to breastfeed while lying down, it is necessary to try this process first hand. Important in this matter is not only that the mother is in a comfortable position, but also the child. It is not necessary that he lay on his side either. If the child feels calm lying on his back with his head turned to one side, then it is not necessary to shift it to the side. As a rule, when the baby is uncomfortable, he makes it known to him by whims and crying.

The advantage of breastfeeding lying on its side is that it suits a woman with any size of the bust. It is enough to adjust the position by tilting the elbow, on which you have to lean, or put a pillow under your back. If possible, you can lean against the wall, then in front there will be a lot of space for the child and there will be no risk of falling him from a height.

The "jack" pose

Another popular option for breastfeeding while lying in the “jack” position. It implies the location of the child head down and legs up. Suitable for improving the emptying of the milk lobes, which are located in the lower chest. Stagnation of milk in the upper ducts can lead to lactostasis and mastopathy. Therefore, it is recommended to practice different methods of application, so that the child can empty all milk fractions.

The nuance is that when the mother holds the head of the baby, it is necessary to avoid pressure on the occipital part and be careful with the fontanel. The movements should be smooth and soft. A light touch or support of the child is acceptable.

It is necessary to control the movements of the baby. The optimal period is up to 4 months, until the baby learns to roll over. Active leg movements can cause mom inconvenience in terms of unexpected shocks and kicks. Do not forget about the fact that during or after feeding the baby can do "their own thing." If it is in the diaper, then this is the best option. Otherwise, you may have to take an unplanned shared bath.

“Hanging” over the baby while lying down

As the baby grows and her mother obtains certain confidence in her actions, you can practice different feeding methods. For all, this period begins at different times. As a rule, by the end of the first month, fear and self-doubt gradually subside. Less and less frequently there are questions about whether it is possible to breastfeed while lying down, and it is replacing them - how and in which position is more convenient.

One of the original ones is “overhang”, the nuance is as follows: mom is above the baby, while he is lying on his back. In this position, it is convenient to feed the “upper” breast (for example, the mother lies on the left side, therefore the right breast will be higher than the left). There is no need to turn over to the other side or shift itself to empty both mammary glands in one feeding.

In order to conveniently position the baby, you can use a pillow as a substrate under it. Thus, you do not have to lean forward and strain your back muscles. And as support for mom, use pillows for support or sit closer to the wall. Compliance with these simple nuances is quite affordable and effective, especially if you want to relax together. The relaxed state is transmitted to the baby, who feels the internal state of the mother like no other.

It is important to understand not only how to breastfeed while lying down, but also what is the advantage of this or that position. This position allows you to avoid stagnation of breast milk in the ducts, the child receives a sufficient amount of nutrients per feed. For a woman, this is a good opportunity to "develop" a tight chest. The only drawback is that this method during night feeding is not recommended, as you can simply not notice and fall asleep, crushing the baby. This position is suitable when the mother is awake and controls the feeding process.

Reclining position

on the stomach

If a woman gets a lot of milk and she does not know how to breastfeed while lying down so that the baby has time to swallow it and does not choke, then it is recommended to try the following option. First, mom needs to take a comfortable position, put pillows under her back so that she can lean on comfortably. At the same time, the baby should be facing toward itself, the tummy should be in contact with the mother's belly.

The main nuance is that the child is not choked with a large amount of milk. If he is anxious or overly active, the heat of the mother's body will soothe him. The position is well suited for babies who often spit up. This is due to the fact that the stomach is in an upright position, which impedes this process.

How to make the process comfortable for the baby

For those who are puzzled by the question of how to properly breastfeed, lying in advance, it is recommended to prepare the space around him. The main nuance on which comfortable feeding depends is the lack of haste and rush, the location of the baby on a clean diaper. The baby's head should be on a diaper folded separately in four layers. In no case should it sink back or be lowered. Thus, it will be possible to provide a slight rise in the head relative to the body.

With your free hand you can hold the baby’s body, which will provide him with additional support and close contact with the mother’s body. To determine the correct location of the baby relative to the mother, you need to look at what level his mouth is located. It should be opposite the nipple, which will allow you to carefully direct it to the chest, and not push it towards the baby.

If the baby is located close to the edge of the bed (or sofa), it is recommended to place a pillow folded into the shape of a roller on the side of its back. If a roller is used to hold the child in a position on his side, then he should not rest on his head. Its length is equal to the length of the baby's body to the shoulders. It is also important to ensure that the baby's movements are not limited, which can lead to unnecessary stress.

Convenience of location for mom

comfort for mom

One of the important nuances during feeding is the comfortable clothes that a woman wears in everyday life. In particular, underwear, which should quickly allow her to open access to her breasts. To do this, there are special bras for feeding, tops, T-shirts. Therefore, do not neglect them, they will greatly facilitate the daily ritual, the chest will have support throughout the day.

During breastfeeding, lying on your side, the main thing is to find a fulcrum that helps the mother to evenly distribute the load. The main thing is that someone is nearby to provide assistance or basic necessities are at hand. It can be pillows, a roll in the shape of a donut, hygiene items for a child (towel, diaper, napkins), a dummy. It is important to leave a cell phone nearby and put it into quiet mode, a charger (preferably wireless). This is especially valuable when the baby falls asleep.

The main task for mom in this process is to feel the pleasant minutes of unity with the child. Therefore, it should enjoy the joint process. This is a kind of communication act that is available only to both of them. The child communicates by touching the mother's body, so during feeding there should not be anything that would interfere, distract or make you nervous. It is worthwhile to postpone washing, cooking, phone calls.

Safety is the main thing

safety comes first

In such a delicate matter as the proper breastfeeding of a newborn lying down, safety is an important aspect. Fatigue and carelessness can serve as a reason for the development of a number of unpleasant and even tragic moments. It is always worth remembering safety, especially when a woman is alone with her child.

So, where to start and how to breastfeed a newborn to avoid falls and other troubles? In no case is it recommended to place the baby between two adults. No matter how sensitive the dream is, one should not forget about the phase when a person cannot control his actions. This is a period of deep sleep. Also, usual for many actions - covering with a blanket are not excluded. All this, of course, is the risk that it is possible to block the access of oxygen to the baby and he will simply suffocate.

When the baby is already able to roll over, the easiest way is to put a couple of pillows under the mattress or floor. This will soften the fall and avoid bruises and bruises. Of course, the most reliable way is to put the baby in a separate bed. But not all children want to sleep separately.

It is safe for the child to breast-feed while lying down, when the mother is extremely sensitive to any movements of the baby and can immediately respond to his movements. This is not uncommon, and from outside not everyone is credible. True, experienced mothers know that only they feel the child like no one else. Naturally, if in doubt, it is better not to risk it and to shift the child separately at the first signs of sound sleep. To see what the baby does during night feeding, you can leave the nightlight on.

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