In Minecraft, the main task is to survive in a dangerous world full of different dangers. To provide your character with good equipment, you need to use auxiliary items like a spell book. Then you can find out how to enchant a book in Minecraft.
Book creation
Before you learn how to enchant a book in Minecraft, you need to understand what materials will be required to create it. To make a simple book you will need three sheets of paper and one hide. We put the paper in a vertical row in the middle, and put the skin in the middle slot on the right side.
Finished books with spells and paper can be found in fortresses located in the jungle or in the desert.
Before enchanting a book in Minecraft, you must create a library. It is needed so that the enchantment table can provide the character with the necessary spells for items. First you need to build bookcases, which will require several books and wooden boards - boards from any tree are suitable.
Then on the workbench you need to lay out the following combination: three board slots, three book slots and three more board slots. Thus, it turns out that all the cells are occupied. Such cabinets need at least twenty-eight, as the library must be full.
Now you can start building the library. It can be a separate structure or part of the house. First, lay out four blocks in front of you. Then four more on top to make a low wall of eight blocks. Then we also make adjoining walls to the left and right, and leave the passage open for one block so that you can exit. Now you can move on to how to enchant a book in Minecraft.
Enchantment table
You can only enchant any item using the enchantment table, which shows how to enchant a book in Minecraft.
Items for its creation are not as widespread as previous materials. To build such a table, you will need four blocks of obsidian, two diamonds and one book.
Obsidian can be obtained by combining lava and water, but this option does not work the first time. Lava should be from a source, not from a bucket, the same applies to water. In some caves, such a combination can be found quite often. Obsidian is mined exclusively with a diamond pickaxe.
Diamonds are a little easier to get - they are located at the lowest levels, next to the end blocks. Diamonds are mined with an iron or gold pickaxe.
When all the materials are in the character’s inventory, you can start building the enchantment table. On the workbench you need to lay out the following combination: the upper middle slot is occupied by the book, diamonds are located on the sides in the middle lane. As for obsidian, it occupies a cell between diamonds and the entire lower level. Thus it turns out something like a pyramid.
A table needs to be placed in the center of the library - only then will it be able to provide books with enchantment. It is possible to understand that all actions were correct if, after setting the table, various symbols began to appear around. Thus, you can answer the question of how to make an enchanted book in Minecraft.
Item enchantment
Now you can move on to how to enchant objects using the book in Minecraft. An enchanted book can be picked up on the enchantment table, but casting spells on items can only be done on the anvil.
To do this, you need a book of enchantments, the desired item and experience. Then, in the anvil menu, you can select the desired spell and enchant the item. After this experience, the character will become less, but the spell will be in the subject constantly. This does not affect the strength of the item.