Clothes hangers! They are simply necessary on the balcony!

Today, any apartment, even on the first floor, has a balcony. And this balcony is adapted to the most diverse and even unthinkable needs. But no one in an apartment has ever been able to get rid of drying things.

Clothes hangers on the balcony

So our people think of the most sophisticated methods and devices. Fortunately, attentive manufacturers have already thought out everything for us. Therefore, it remains only to make the right choice of clothes hangers on the balcony, so as not to infringe on anyone's interests. After all, a balcony is not only an additional space for the hostess, but also an integral part of the owner’s territory, and there are always enough children's things here. So the first thing to decide is where you want to place your clothes hangers.

Clothes hangers

Most often, a clothes dryer on a balcony is placed on the ceiling or walls. But if you attach it high enough so that it does not interfere with movement, then the hostess will need to bounce all the time to the ropes of the clothes hanger. It is also not very convenient to carry a high chair with you on the balcony. For this case, there are very practical types of dryers with the possibility of lowering and pulling the rods for hanging. The possible length of such drying must be determined before visiting the store, because the manufacturer offers standard sizes of rods. This type of clothes rack on the balcony is attached to the ceiling in any convenient place, but it is often limited to a length of 2 meters and a width of 6 rods. Alternatively, there are tension ropes between the walls, which can be wound when they are not needed. You simply pull the ropes from the installed dryer on one wall in one motion and fasten them to the screwed hooks on the opposite wall.

Clothes dryer on the balcony

Here the length is less limited, and you can hang such a dryer to a height convenient for the hostess. If space allows, you can also consider the option of drying, designed exclusively for hangers. Such products are attached to the ceiling or even to the outside of the balcony. Perhaps your needs will be completely satisfied with this particular option. But what to do for those who simply do not have the opportunity to attach clothes hangers to the ceiling or walls? On the balcony, in the bathroom or even in the room, you can choose a number of other models.

There are portable and floor drying systems that solve a number of problems. Such drying is easy to fold and does not take up space. In summer they can be displayed on the balcony, and in winter - closer to the battery. There are miniature hangers that hook directly onto radiators. This is not only convenient, but also correct. Since specialists and doctors strongly do not recommend putting wet clothes on a hot battery. This affects not only the microclimate in the room during the heating season of apartments, but also things lose their color or whiteness. But on such special dryers you can even hang shoulders with things, but you can’t put big things on them. Therefore, floor drying is convenient as an additional tool for small, children's or everyday linen. Fortunately, progress does not stand still, and the imagination of our inventors has no limits. Evaluate the possibilities of your balcony, compare them with the offers of manufacturers and connect a little imagination. You will definitely have the best option for solving the task. Good luck

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