The most difficult time for young parents and newborn babies is the first year of the baby’s life. Since it is during this period that teeth are cut, colic suffers, colds can appear. And after vaccination, the temperature sometimes rises.
It is at this stage of his life that the baby especially needs mom's warmth and protection. And when there is a need for painkillers and healing drugs to alleviate stomach pain and eliminate too violent symptoms of the appearance of the first teeth, it is recommended to use homeopathic medicines.
Then the process will proceed more gently and recovery will come soon.
One of the most effective and safe preparations based on natural ingredients is “Viburkol”. Candles for children, which relieve teething pain, help with colds. Also indicated for adults - with some health problems.
The composition of the drug contains plant components (the list is described below). It is a light-colored candle (resembling a torpedo in shape) that is invisible and imperceptible during use (rectally, into the rectum). They have a smooth and slightly oily surface.
According to reviews, Viburkol candles for children (teeth are especially painfully erupted) are becoming more and more preferred by parents. Since their effectiveness in application is either high or neutral (no negative experience was recorded at all). And the natural composition is absolutely harmless to the baby's body.
And this is a fairly serious indicator. After all, infants, when their teeth begin to come out (or a cold appears, colic) need a gentle preparation that gently and accurately helps to eliminate pain, while not having a negative effect on the immune system and the body as a whole.
Features of the period up to 1 year
On average, the baby begins to erupt teeth from 5-7 months. But there are cases when everything happens earlier (2-4 months) or later (9-11 months).
Some children calmly and painlessly endure all the "hardships" of this period. But mostly painful and difficult. In addition to discomfort in the gums, the baby may have a fever, a discharge from the nose (and even a red throat).
But if young parents are not sure that the cause of the appearance of milk teeth, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Indeed, in order to prescribe the correct treatment for symptoms, an accurate diagnosis is necessary.
Tooth appearance process
From the point of view of physiology, this is due to the movement and growth that occurs in the tissue of the gums. Initially, the tooth appears in it, and then cuts out and goes outside.
In addition to the symptoms described above, this process is also accompanied by burning, fever, swelling, severe salivation, pain and lack of appetite.
And even if it’s sometimes difficult for a large child to cope with such a condition (when permanent teeth are already coming out) or an adult (with the appearance of wisdom teeth), then the baby is especially hard at these moments of life.
After all, his internal forces are still very few to bear such a state. He can completely refuse food, pull the pens in his mouth (and not only the pens, but also all the objects that fall into him).
The body, on the one hand, painfully reacts to the process of teething, and on the other hand, it protects against the penetration of infections (increased salivation, temperature) and other negative phenomena.
What to do in such difficult periods? And how to help children?
Candles "Viburkol" when teething - this is one of the drugs for babies, which copes with these tasks, while absolutely safe for health.
And when everything is in order with the child, then the parents feel at peace.
Who is producing?
The pharmaceutical company Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH, or "Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH" (Germany), is a well-known and reliable manufacturer of medicines.
The company was founded by a doctor and scientist (originally from Germany) Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg in 1936. The fundamental goal of the doctor was to combine the resources of homeopathic and academic medicine, making drugs of a completely new quality and effectiveness, as well as wide accessibility for other doctors and patients.
The choice of suppliers, the very process of production of medicines has always been given special importance and a thorough check was carried out at this enterprise. And so it is today.
And therefore, all the medicines that this company produces have a positive reputation and demand, as the best drugs.
What the instruction says
According to the instructions for use, Viburkol candles (for children and adults) are a complex homeopathic medicine. It has analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and detoxifying effects on the body.
Thanks to Viburkol, the protective functions in internal organs and systems increase significantly. This allows it to also be used during periods of cold weather as a means to maintain immunity.
But the drug is not an antipyretic (it only keeps the temperature within normal limits).
Viburkol candles are recommended for use with the following health disorders:
- inflammation of the ears, nose, and throat;
- inflammatory processes in the organs of the genitourinary system;
- cramps
- nervous strain;
- colds;
- fever;
- birth discoordination;
- teething in children.
The latter is especially important, since this drug is the best modern medicine that is easy to use and effective in action, and also does not harm the body of the child.
The homeopathic remedy "Viburkol" is recommended not to be used only in exceptional cases, namely: with individual intolerance to the components that make up the composition.
It is also rare, but side effects can occur after use, such as redness, swelling, rash, itching, anaphylactic shock. In such cases, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.
The composition of the drug
Viburkol candles (for children and adults) are based on plant materials.
The main components of the drug are:
- Chamomile ordinary - reduces inflammatory processes, removes pain symptoms during teething, inflammation in the digestive system, respiratory tract.
- Bittersweet nightshade - enters into the fight against infections that are the cause of fever, has an auxiliary effect in jade, cystitis, joint and skin problems.
- Belladonna - reduces inflammation in the throat and oral cavity, cures sore throats, meningitis, skin inflammation, joint pain.
- Lumbago - normalizes the intestines, reduces nervous system tension, improves the upper respiratory tract, helps with otitis media.
- Plantain - removes puffiness, stops blood, a good remedy for urinary retention, skin rashes, diarrhea.
- Calcium carbonicum Hahnemanni - promotes the fastest formation of tooth tissues, removes cramps.
In general, the healing effects of Viburkol are realized due to the enhanced enzymatic activity during its use, which serves as a catalyst for combining and eliminating negative (toxic) bodies from the body. It also has a beneficial effect on the immune system, providing it with powerful support.
How to apply and dosage
According to the instructions, Viburkol suppositories (for children as well as adults) are used rectally, which allows the drug to be injected into the body as painlessly as possible (without causing vomiting and other unpleasant sensations). And also quickly enough from the intestine they are absorbed into the blood, almost without any harmful effects on the body.
This is especially important for young children whose teeth begin to cut, which makes it impossible (very difficult) to give the child an analgesic in some other way.
Dosages of the drug "Viburkol":
- children under 6 months (with teething and colds) - 1 candle 2 times a day;
- children older than 6 months (if the temperature is above 37 degrees) - 1 candle 4 times a day;
- children older than 6 months (if the temperature is above 38 degrees) - 1 candle 6 times a day;
- children older than 6 months (to normalize the temperature) - 1 suppository 1-2 times a day (additional 3-4 days).
Viburkol candles (for children with teething, abdominal pain, colds, and also for adults), due to their composition and healing effects on the body (in particular, the best remedy for infants and babies from 6 months old), have the following reviews:
- An agent that can be used during pregnancy.
- Helps the baby with bloating.
- Eliminates all teething symptoms.
- Universal and effective drug.
- The natural composition.
- Safety for the child's body.
- Very quick help in critical situations (teething, colic, fever).
How to store the drug
Viburkol candles are produced (for children, adults) in the form of suppositories (in the form of a torpedo), packed in plates of 6 pieces. One box contains 2 plates.
Shelf life - 36 months from the date of issue. It is not recommended to apply after this period.
It is necessary to store the drug at temperatures up to 25 degrees above zero. The place must be dry, without direct sunlight, out of the reach of children.