What plasticine is made of and what to offer the child

It's no secret that plasticine is an excellent material for creativity, both for children and adults. True, the characteristics of special and ordinary plasticine still make you wonder: “And what is clay made of? And what to offer the child? "

Classic plasticine consists of paraffin or wax, petrolatum (a product that is obtained by distillation of oil), chalk, kaolin and dyes. However, modern manufacturers are trying to add new characteristics to well-known products. So there was floating, ball, hardening and non-hardening clay. Children are also offered paste for modeling, sculptural clay, sculpting mass or dough, it is also called edible plasticine ... In general, it is easy to get confused in such a variety even by adults, and children usually want all kinds at once.

What plasticine with special functions is made of, for example, floating or one that becomes rubber after firing, is not known for sure, and you are unlikely to find the composition on the package. However, risking the health of the child is still not worth it, even if it was a gift from your beloved grandfather or uncle. Just wait by using this gift for up to 3 years. By the way, usually on the packaging there are instructions with age limits.

Children of the smallest age category (from a year) can be offered edible plasticine. It is easy to buy, but you can do it yourself. Most likely, homemade plasticine will be even better, because creating it really with your child. So, the clay recipe: 1 part flour, 0.5-1 part salt (preferably fine), a small amount of water, very little sunflower oil. Based on 1 kg of weight - 1 tablespoon of oil. You can also add Allan powder, which is sold in a pharmacy and is used for the manufacture of medicines. It will not be superfluous to add a small amount of food coloring. But it is they who can slightly paint their hands during sculpting. There is no one who agrees with such plasticine, but even if a piece is swallowed, nothing terrible will happen, and you definitely won’t worry: what is plasticine made of and what to do ?!

The secrets of plasticine can also be revealed with the help of its waxy variety, which is very easy to warm up and is suitable for any, even weak fingers. For kids it is better not to buy clay with fluorescent colors. There is also a drawback to this species - it does not fit well if you want to assemble a figure from several parts.

Modeling paste is also an alternative for small ones. She is soft and pleasant at work. Another of its advantages can be considered the property of hardening in air after a few hours. Figures from such a paste do not need to be burned. But as a minus, you can select a limited number of colors: terracotta and white. But really use the paints.

It is also nice to work with clay, but it is more suitable for children from 5 years old, because very sticky to the hands and capricious in work - it lacks plastic properties. However, as an option for a variety of creative activities of younger schoolchildren, such material can be offered.

Ball clay is suitable for children from 3 years. If your child is pulling everything in his mouth, then it’s better to remember the recipe for home-made plasticine and wait for this miracle. Such plasticine consists of balls that are held together by an adhesive base. But nevertheless, such plasticine does not stick to his hands, he does not need to knead for a long time before work, he perfectly hides some inaccuracies of fashioned masterpieces and his colors are quite bright and pleasant. All varieties have disadvantages, and this plasticine is no exception. All the secrets of plasticine when working with this option will definitely not be revealed. Working with it eliminates some stages, for example, eyes can be made from one ball and not sculpt it. It is also impossible to create a perfectly even figure if your child is already capable of this. And, in general, scrupulousness when working with such plasticine will become an obstacle.

But still, the choice is yours, and let your head be filled with new creative ideas, and not with the question: "What is clay made of?"

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