What time do children start to say the first words?

The first year of a young child is one of the most important periods in life. First smile, first steps, first words ... The ability to speak greatly simplifies the process of communication with a small child. It becomes clear to parents what caused the dissatisfaction of the baby and what he really wants. That is why all newly-minted parents are worried about the question of what time the child begins to speak, when the first words should appear, and what to do if the child has not made attempts to speak with others for a long time. It is very important for each parent to know the answers to the questions posed. Every mom and dad should clearly know what time a child should start talking, so that in case of any deviations, he should contact a specialist in a timely manner to solve problems.

Features of the development of the baby's speech

what time does the child begin to speak

Speaking about the development of speech of a young child, it is necessary to mention the emergence of the process of communication as such. Immediately after birth and after a few days, babies react extremely weakly to auditory stimuli. Young mothers still in the walls of the hospital are trying to establish contact with the baby through lullabies and affectionate words.

It is scientifically proven that already in the womb, the child is able to recognize the emotional coloring of sounds, to distinguish the voices of his parents. By the way, that is why many doctors strongly recommend during pregnancy to listen to calm music, which will favorably affect the baby’s central nervous system.

A newly born newborn baby perfectly hears and recognizes the sounds of the world, but cannot produce a response.

So what time do children begin to speak words and connected sentences? With the normal development of the baby, the formation of speech occurs gradually. By the age of four, the child has a developed, emotionally rich speech, in which complex sentences and long phrases predominate.

How many months does the baby start talking? Achievements of the baby up to 6 months

what time do children start talking

The very first reaction of the baby to surrounding stimuli is a scream. The stage of screaming lasts from the moment of birth of the infant to 6-8 weeks of the life of the newborn. At the age of one and a half months, the child begins to pronounce his first sounds, to hear and walk. The kid pronounces soft, melodious sounds and syllables. The most common are gu, agu, wa. The stage of walking is considered the most important stage, as it is the beginning of the formation of communication.

At the age of 5-6 months, a phenomenon such as baby talk appears. The "vocabulary" of the baby is replenished with new syllables ba, pa, ma, qa, etc. The baby unconsciously begins to combine them into words. As a rule, at this time the babble of the baby is accompanied by certain intonations. In addition, the baby during a kind of conversation with others can smile, laugh and express other emotions through facial expressions.

Speech development in the period from 6 to 12 months

what time do the children begin to say the first words

In the period from 6 months to one year, the baby's speech undergoes significant changes. From 6 to 10 months, the child begins to quite clearly repeat the syllables several times. New sounds are added to the baby's stock: k, and, e. Articulating apparatus is becoming more perfect.

One and a half to two months before the long-awaited "anniversary" begins, the baby begins to consciously utter the simplest words: mom, dad, woman, na, dai, etc. By the end of the first year of life, the infant has about twenty words. All of them consist of the same syllables. During this period, the baby begins to correlate the babble complexes with the actual words.

A small child understands the words addressed to him. He maintains emotional contact with adults through subjectively effective means. During this period, an active replenishment of the passive vocabulary of the baby occurs. It is worth noting that if parents actively communicate with the child, the baby by the end of the first year of life acquires the skill of pronouncing the simplest phrases: "Mom, give," "Dad, give," "Baba, na," etc.

Speech development from a year to two

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question of how old the children are. All individually. But there are average indicators. In the period from one to two years, the vocabulary of the baby is actively replenished. At this stage, it is very important to devote enough time to the baby in order to contribute to the better development of the communicative abilities of the baby.

Teachers and specialists in the field of early development strongly recommend at this time to conduct various games with the child to develop intonation, read books with large vivid pictures, pronounce aloud the name of those objects and phenomena that are depicted. Children's books not only help to significantly expand the child’s vocabulary, but also enrich the emotional perception of the baby.

It is very important when reading literature intended for young children to change intonations depending on the plot situations, portray animals participating in the development of the tale, and also try to change voices.

In the period from one year to one and a half years, the child begins to pronounce simple sentences, which include a noun, a verb or an adjective. The baby begins to use various prepositions. From one and a half to two years, the baby learns to ask questions and independently formulate answers to the questions asked to him.

How does baby's speech develop after two years

After two years, the task of parents is to regularly conduct developmental classes with the baby, which will help enrich the vocabulary of a small child. By this age, the lexicon of crumbs includes about 200-300 words.

A period of two to three years is extremely important for any baby, since it is at this age that children begin to attend kindergarten. The ability to talk greatly simplifies the communication process between the child and other babies, helps to establish contact in the shortest possible time.

Games for developing baby's speech

what time do children start talking mom

The newly minted mom and dad cares not only how old the children begin to talk, but also how to contribute to the development of speech abilities of a young child. The process of speech development will be more effective if it proceeds in a playful way. Experts also recommend the use of children's songs, nursery rhymes, counters. It is very important to involve in the process of exercise on the development of fine motor skills.

The development of children's speech is positively affected by imitation of the voices of animals, which makes studying with the baby interesting and exciting, and also has a beneficial effect on improving the articulation apparatus of a small child.

How to help a child

how many months does the baby start talking

The main task of young parents is to create a favorable emotional background for the development of the baby's speech. In addition, mom and dad, as well as other relatives should regularly communicate with a small child, to familiarize themselves with the surrounding phenomena through stories, songs, poems.

Developing activities will contribute to a better development of speech. However, it should be borne in mind that they should be regular.

Tips for young parents

what time should the child start talking

As a rule, in most young children, the first word becomes a mother. That is why many young mothers are interested in what time their children begin to speak. The baby makes the first attempts to name the most expensive person in about 7 months. However, this happens unconsciously. This word is onomatopoeia. If the baby begins to utter the words mom and dad in context, it means that the baby has mastered a conscious speech.

In order for a child to start calling his mother consciously faster, various situations need to be played. For example, hide your face behind your palms and ask the crumbs: "Where is mom?" Then you need to open your face and say: "Here is mom!"

You need to pronounce your actions:

  • "Mom is preparing to eat."
  • "Mom cooks soup."
  • "Mom dresses her daughter (son)."
  • "Mom cleans the nose."
  • "Mom strokes her tummy, etc."

Thus, you can teach to pronounce the word mom, and then other names of objects and phenomena.

Reasons for delayed speech development

what time does the child begin to speak first

There are times when a small child by the second year of life does not master the speech at a sufficient level or is completely silent. The reasons for the delay in the speech development of the baby can be biological and social in nature. Medical problems may include fetal abnormalities. In addition, birth defects, genetic abnormalities, as well as problems with the auditory analyzer and articulation apparatus can become the causes of RRM.

The reasons may have a psychological aspect. A delay in speech development may result from bilingualism or a lack of fresh impressions and communication and emotional contact with adults, especially with parents.

It is worth considering that the development of speech and the speed of the appearance of new words can be affected by individual characteristics of the character of the baby, as well as his temperament. It is known that phlegmatic children begin to talk a little later than children of the same age related to choleric or sanguine people. In this case, you should carefully observe the behavior of the baby.

If the child is silent

If the child has reached the age of two, and his vocabulary is much less than two hundred words, or the baby does not talk at all with others, it is necessary to contact specialists, a neurologist and a pediatrician. They will conduct a thorough examination and prescribe additional studies to identify the causes of delayed speech development. You can start to sound the alarm earlier if the child did not start to agitate, to walk or in time did not have babble, and then the first syllables and words. It is worth considering that the development of each baby is purely individual and a deviation to a greater or lesser extent from the average indicators is not a pathology and does not require medical intervention (in the absence of diseases).

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know what time the children begin to speak the first words. The development of the baby's speech is an important stage in the life of the crumbs. The ability to speak greatly simplifies the process of communication between an adult and an infant, and helps parents better understand the needs of their child. That is why the newly minted mother and father are very concerned about the question of how much the children begin to speak the first words and how the development of speech in a small child occurs.

Specialists claim that each child is individual. That is why it is impossible to give a clear answer to the question of what time the child begins to speak. The baby will pronounce the first word only when the development of his brain reaches a sufficient level. According to experts, this happens at the 10-12th month of the baby's life. It is worth noting that parents need not only to actively communicate with their child, but also to create a favorable emotional background for the development of crumbs. Studying questions about the development of the baby’s speech by parents and understanding what time the child should start talking is extremely important.

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