Sometimes in an emergency there is a need to attract attention. But how to do that? The easiest and most effective way is to learn how to whistle with two fingers. It is on such a whistle that everyone turns around, because it is the loudest. It will be useful for each person to master the technique of this skill, since no one will ever be able to say where they will have to look at others, and under what circumstances this will happen. If the child whistles, then in addition to additional attention, he feels a sense of joy and enthusiasm., , , . , ? , . , .
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To master the technique of such a whistle, you need to learn how to cover your teeth with your lips. Lips must be turned inward and held above the teeth, we will fix them with your fingers, which are best placed mirrored in the center of the mouth, immersing them there before the second phalanx begins. Try to learn these positions, and over time you will be able to understand how to whistle with two fingers.
It does not matter which fingers you use for whistling, since the volume does not depend on it. The main thing is that it is convenient for you. Some people use the fingers of one hand to whistle, while others use four fingers (two on each hand). In the ability to whistle with two fingers, the main thing is that the latter fix their lips, not allowing their teeth to be exposed.
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Start blowing, and experiment with the positions of the lips and tongue. Do not worry if you get something that doesn’t look like a whistle. Try, experiment, not forgetting to combine all the “tools” (tongue, lips, fingers) in different ways, increase and decrease the intensity of the air flow. Experiment with different language positions. Bend it up, not down. Each person is individual, and it is possible that you will be able to find your own way. Having found the ideal position of the tongue, lips, and fingers for the whistle, record all operations in your memory, and, if necessary, repeat, repeat and repeat again until you bring your whistle to automaticity.How to whistle with two fingers? Nothing is impossible! Now you can teach your friends and acquaintances yourself.