All children are completely different. However, we must not forget about the features of mental and physiological development characteristic of a given age. What is this about? There are advantages and disadvantages, limitations inherent in each age. The kid, who is one year old, begins to walk and tries to master the first words, the five-year plan is a cute little thing, a child of ten looks at the world and those around him with an almost adult look. Let's look at the main age features of children.
Up to a year - a year
For babies, active emotional communication is characteristic - this is their leading activity at this stage. Everything that newborn babies do happens on an instinctive level, unknowingly: they suck a bottle or breast, cry when they are hungry, make movements with their legs or arms. After a couple of months, they begin to consciously smile, say the first "aha," purposefully reach for the toy. Age features of children of six to eight months of age allow them to crawl and actively learn the world around them. They establish a connection between the subject and the word denoting it. The first words appear in the dictionary.
Two years
A two-year-old baby can independently do simple actions: eat with a spoon, put on panties. Children of this age are very mobile: they run, walk on toes, jump, can stand on one leg. They like to write letters: leave squiggles, circles, dashes on paper. By the age of three, drawings become recognizable, “calligraphy” is being improved.
Three years
Three-year-olds show interest in books and the printed word. They like to listen to fairy tales, poems, nursery rhymes. Often they retell what they heard, and sometimes they compose. True, since the age characteristics of children are still not identical, some of them can only now begin to talk, replenish the vocabulary.
Four years
At the age of four, babies begin to "clam." This is absolutely natural. The child realizes that he is a person. So he might like something, but something he doesn't like. It was at this time that parents should begin to explain that everyone has responsibilities, and sometimes “do not want to”, but “do”. The age characteristics of four-year-old children allow them to understand you well.
These babies are Mom’s first mates. They try very hard, performing the activities entrusted to them, and are very happy when they are praised. Fine and large motor skills are being improved. They easily throw a ball over their heads, go down the stairs, jump on one leg, maintain their balance, swinging on a swing, circle around the contours, and copy simple images. Kids of this age are perfectly able to solve logical problems.
Four-year-olds easily master the degree of comparison (the largest, the closest), understand the time (use the present and past). Age features of children allow them to count at least ten. Some people already know how to solve elementary problems, like "1 + 1", "2 + 1", etc. At four years old, the child sees geometric shapes in surrounding objects , distinguishes between the left and right hands, knows the seasons.
Children aged five to six realize that they are going to school soon. They are proud to have become such “adults,” and behave accordingly. Age features of preschoolers are associated mainly with the manifestation of independence and initiative. They begin to argue with adults, if they don’t like something, they can openly create conflict situations.
The skills and abilities of the kids are increasing: now they already know how to roller skate or a two-wheeled bicycle, carefully cut out pictures, write letters and numbers, collect complex puzzles, supplement the picture with missing details. Also, age-related changes are expressed in improving the child's speech development: he begins to use antonyms, synonyms.
A six-year-old kid knows the letters of the alphabet and knows how to write them. Determines how many syllables and sounds in words, knows the places of letters and correctly places stresses. (at the beginning, middle, end of the word). He expresses poetry and retells little stories with expression.
The main activity of preschoolers is role-playing, during which the child’s behavior is formed, mediated by the image of a person.