Accustomed to the existing order of things, we think little about the fact that someone can live according to other laws. In fact, this is not the saying of the Dalai Lama, but a description of one of the office problems that Excel regional settings may cause. Its essence lies in the fact that in different countries, even using the same Arabic numerals, it is customary to write down the numbers in slightly different ways. A striking example of this difference, which usually leads to problems, is the sign that separates the fractional part of a number from the whole. In Russia, and indeed in the former post-Soviet space, it is always a comma, but in the countries of the West - a point.
Point value in Excel
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In this article, we presented quick and really working ways to adjust the presentation of the type of digital data in the Excel program. Putting them into practice will help save your nerves and time while working in spreadsheets.