Home Economics Lessons: How to Tape Intex Pool

Intex inflatable and frame pools are very popular. They are quick and easy to install, they can be repeatedly transferred from one place to another. Caring for the pool does not require much time, effort and special investments. The disadvantage of this product is that it is easily punctured. Nails, sharp pebbles, thin dry branches, pet claws are the first enemies of an inflatable pool. Therefore, before installing it on the site, carefully inspect the surface of the earth and clean it. But if nevertheless a puncture happened, do not rush to get upset. Your inflatable pond can be saved. How and what to seal the Intex pool with? The answer to this question is presented in the following information.

What does the manufacturer offer?

how to seal an intex pool

Intex company for the repair of inflatable pools and mattresses produces special sets of materials. What is included in them? Adhesive for bonding PVC surfaces and vinyl patches. In use, the repair kit is very simple and convenient. But these latches will be used during the first puncture, but what to do with repeated "accidents"? We are exploring other methods of repairing an inflatable pond.

Method number 1 - fast

how to seal an Intex frame pool

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how to seal an intex pool

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