Treating cough during pregnancy

A pregnant woman continues to go to work, she needs to constantly visit the clinic, and therefore there is always a risk of catching some virus and falling into bed. That's just the treatment process takes longer, so you can’t drink ready-made medicines. There are drugs that can be used to treat cough during pregnancy, but still it is not always safe.

Many expectant mothers wonder if coughing is dangerous during pregnancy. Of course, panic is not worth it, but still you need to immediately begin treatment. Firstly, if the cough during pregnancy is strong and debilitating, then there is a chance that muscle tension can occur that can cause bleeding if the placenta is low. Secondly, a harmless cough can suddenly develop into other degrees of the disease, and this will have to be fought with shock methods.

Do not forget that dry cough during pregnancy can be treated with a gargle. This will soothe the mucous membrane and relieve redness. Rinses should be carried out after each meal and between them, a total of six times a day. For rinsing, use salt and soda, as well as herbal preparations.

It is necessary to adhere to the drinking regimen: the drink should be warm and non-allergenic - fruit drinks, teas, herbal preparations, milk. It is very useful to add Borjomi to warm milk. You can also mix one part of milk and birch sap and add a little starch to the resulting mixture.

There are several folk recipes for herbal decoctions with which you can relieve cough during pregnancy. But it must be borne in mind that folk remedies do not help everyone, besides they can cause allergies, and therefore people usually use several recipes, trying to find something of their own.

For example, you can make a mixture of half a kilogram of onion, four hundred grams of sugar and two tablespoons of honey. All this must be boiled for three hours in a liter of water. You need to store such a wonderful medicine in the refrigerator and eat one spoonful five times a day.

You can drink the following mixture at night. Fifty grams of raisins are poured with one glass of boiling water for thirty minutes, and then three spoons of onion juice are poured there. During the day, you can drink four glasses of blackcurrant infusion. A glass of boiling water should take two tablespoons of berries. Cabbage juice with honey is considered a good expectorant. Sweet tooth will like the following recipe: grind four bananas with a blender and pour two glasses of boiling water. Boil all this by adding sugar, and then drink this mixture throughout the day.

Do not forget that coughing during pregnancy can be treated with inhalation. It must be borne in mind that a wet cough will pass faster if you breathe over decoctions of coltsfoot, plantain, eucalyptus leaves, lingonberries. But with a dry cough, you need to use St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, sage. If there is no special inhaler, then you can breathe over the pan, hiding in a warm towel.

Heated honey can be used for massage. To do this, it must be rubbed with light movements in those places where mustard plasters are usually placed. Also, honey can be applied to the cabbage leaf, cover it all with a towel and so sleep all night.

Eat mashed potatoes diluted with a very large amount of milk for lunch. Add chopped onion and a clove of garlic to it. Such mashed potatoes will not hurt if you eat it several times a day.

If it is not possible to deal with decoctions and inhalations, then you can consult a doctor and purchase modern drugs that are allowed to be taken by pregnant women. For example, all types of Doctor Moma, Bronchipret, Gedelix, as well as plantain syrup. But with licorice syrup it is still worth being careful, because it can cause uterine tone.

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