Domestic lynx: cat breeds, content, character and characteristics

Lynx is a wayward wild cat living in a remote taiga and not seeking to communicate with people. It grows in size from a large dog and has sharp claws and teeth. Despite the fact that it poses a serious danger to humans, many daredevils would not refuse such a pet. Especially for them, breeders bred several breeds of domestic cats, similar to a lynx, a review of which will be presented in today's publication.


In fact, this is not a cat at all, but a species of lynx adapted for keeping at home. The first caracals were tamed back in Ancient Babylon in the 3rd-4th centuries BC. e. This is confirmed by images of animals found during archaeological excavations.

Caracal is a strong, graceful animal that deserves admiration. On a rounded head with an elongated face there are ears ending in neat tassels and large expressive eyes. The graceful rectangular case is covered with a thick, shiny, densely packed wool of light yellow or red-brown color.

domestic cats lynx breed

When getting such a pet, you need to remember that this is a real domestic lynx. Keeping cats of caracal breed is fraught with a number of difficulties. Due to their non-social character, they cannot coexist peacefully in the same territory with other animals. Plus, they are not suited for living in urban apartments. Keep them better in insulated enclosures. Otherwise, you will have to regularly update furniture and make repairs.


These wayward and surprisingly beautiful animals will surely attract the attention of lynx enthusiasts. The breed of a domestic cat, later called the Caracat, has a relatively poor history. It was bred in 2001 by crossing abyssinians with wild caracal.

Caracat is a fairly large animal, growing up to 45 cm at the withers and weighing about 12 kg. It is easy to recognize by its graceful body covered with a thick sand coat, and black ears with neat tassels.

Like any domestic lynx, a cat caracat, the subtleties of caring for which must be studied before acquiring the beast itself, is endowed with a wayward character. She is very active, jumping and agile. Therefore, it cannot be kept in small-sized city apartments. You can feed such a pet exclusively with natural food. In addition, it is recommended to regularly walk on a leash.


This is one of the youngest breeds of domestic cat lynx. She was bred in the United States thanks to the purposeful breeding work of the then-famous felinologist named Carol Ann Brever.

domestic cat lynx-like breed

Pixibob is a fairly large animal, the weight of which varies between 4.5-10 kg. On a large proportional head with a wide muzzle there are deep-set eyes and neat ears with tassels at the ends. The harmonious body with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles is covered with thick soft wool, which has a spotty color. Their main feature is the presence of extra fingers and the presence of a short tail, the length of which is at least 5 cm.

Pixibob is endowed with a friendly and accommodating disposition. He loves active games and gets along well with children. It can be kept both in the apartment and in the country house. Caring for such a pet comes down to timely high-quality feeding and regular hygiene procedures.

Maine Coon

These animals, whose homeland is considered America, have a very complicated story. According to one version, they came from a regular cat and raccoon. According to another theory, among their ancestors were North American lynxes. The breed of domestic cats, called Maine Coon, survived several periods of ups and downs. And once it was even recognized as irretrievably lost.

cat lynx domestic breed called

Maine Coon is a large cat that stands out from its relatives. On a massive and moderately elongated head with raised cheekbones there are widely set oval eyes and triangular ears decorated with tassels. The stretched body with well-developed muscles is covered with thick wool of different lengths. As for color, the standard does not provide any restrictions.

Maine Coons are endowed with an unusual character. They are very courteous, kind and affectionate. However, they are distrustful of outsiders and are in no hurry to make contact with strangers. Caring for these animals comes down to regular combing of a luxurious fur coat, cutting their claws and cleaning their ears. You can feed them both natural and industrial food.

Norwegian Forest Cat

These popular semi-long-haired animals have a very rich history. According to one version, they descended from British cats brought to Norway by the Vikings returning from the Crusades. According to unverified data, over time, the descendants of these animals began to cross with Siberians and Turkish Angora.

lynx cat breed

Norwegian Forest is distinguished by its large size. Its weight varies within 9 kg, and the tassels on the ears give a resemblance to a trot. Domestic Norwegian forest cats are easily recognizable by their luxurious thick coat of various colors.

They are endowed with a gentle and calm disposition. These animals quickly become attached to their owners and do not seek conflict. They are very smart, contact and playful. Those who plan to bring such a pet to the house need to be prepared for the fact that from this moment they will have to spend a lot of time caring for it. Luxurious wool requires special attention. To maintain it in good condition, it is recommended to comb it out at least three times a week. Bathe the Norwegian forest should be as pollution. And it is advisable to do this using special shampoos.

American bobtail

There are many white spots in the history of these short-tail animals. According to one version, they were bred by crossing an ordinary domestic cat with a wild trot. According to another theory, we owe their appearance to a natural mutation.

lynx-like cat review

American bobtail is a relatively large breed of domestic cat, similar to a lynx. The average adult weight can reach 7 kg. On a wide wedge-shaped head with rounded cheekbones, there are slanting almond-shaped eyes and neat ears crowned with tassels. To the best of the stretched body with well-developed muscles covered with thick short or long hair of different colors. A distinctive feature of this animal is the presence of a short tail, the sizes of which vary within 2.5–8 cm.

The American Bobtail is endowed with an energetic and at the same time intelligent disposition. He is not prone to damage to household property, does not require specific care and is easily adapted to any conditions of detention.

Kurilian Bobtail

This is an indigenous breed, the formation of which took place on the islands of the same name. Her ancestors were crossed with Japanese bobtail and taken to the mainland.

domestic cat breed lynx content

Due to the relatively large dimensions and the presence of brushes on the ears, they are compared with a trot. The name of the domestic cat breed, endowed with the appearance of a predator, many of you probably hear for the first time, which means that you will be interested to learn about their main features. Kurilian Bobtail - massive animals weighing in the range of 5-10 kg. On the wedge-shaped head with wide cheekbones, there are bright walnut-shaped eyes and triangular, ears tilted forward. The compact body is covered with short or long hair of almost any color. The standard does not allow the existence of chocolate, chinchilla, purple and cinnamon.

The Kuril Bobtail is endowed with an active disposition, high intelligence and a well-developed hunting instinct. He perfectly adapts to different conditions of detention and does not need special care.

Instead of a conclusion

lynx domestic cats

From the foregoing, it becomes clear that all breeds of cats similar to the lynx have several common features. Each of them is relatively large in size and has fluffy tassels on the ears. Moreover, they have a rather freedom-loving disposition; far from all of them are suitable for living in city apartments.

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