Motherhood is a serious and responsible step in the life of a woman. However, on the way to it there can be various dangers for both the mother and the fetus. One of the most common phenomena is considered to be a miscarriage in early pregnancy. What is it and what danger does it carry?
An early miscarriage is called spontaneous termination of pregnancy. This can occur at any period up to 32 weeks, but most often occurs in the early stages. Often there are cases of abortion before the onset of its symptoms.
Some statistics
According to research, about 15% of all pregnancies, unfortunately, end in a miscarriage. At the same time, the number of women whose miscarriage happened even before the onset of menstruation remains unknown, since the pregnancy is terminated for up to 3 weeks, when the expectant mother does not even suspect her condition. In this case, it is very difficult to distinguish spontaneous abortion from the onset of menstruation, especially if the woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome.
Gynecologists also argue that the number of previous miscarriages significantly affects the woman's ability to bear the fetus in the future. Thus, the probability of recurrence after the first case is 15%, after the second 30%, and after the third 45%.
Modern medicine does not know for certain why miscarriage occurs early (2 weeks or later). However, there are a number of alleged reasons that could provoke this condition:
- infectious diseases in early pregnancy, especially if it is an infection of the genitourinary system;
- environmental toxins (such as the release of chemicals in the workplace);
- hormonal disruptions, especially those that occur against the background of malfunctioning thyroid gland;
- defects in the uterus or its cervix;
- unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking alcohol, malnutrition, overweight);
- disturbances in the immune system;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- type 1 or type 2 diabetes;
- exposure to radioactive radiation;
- late age;
- genetic abnormalities;
- psycho-emotional overstrain;
- physical injuries.
In the vast majority of cases, it is not possible to find out the exact cause of a miscarriage in early pregnancy. In addition, there is a genetic predisposition to these processes, therefore, before pregnancy, a woman is recommended to study the family tree from both parents, as far as possible.
How does a miscarriage occur?
The following stages of fetal rejection are distinguished:
- The threat of a miscarriage is intrauterine bleeding, which may be accompanied by cramps or aching pain in the lower back.
- Detachment of the placenta, due to which the fetus experiences acute oxygen deficiency. At the same time, it is no longer possible to stop the process, since the child is dying.
- Detachment of the ovum. During this period, the placenta is no longer attached to the uterine wall and advances to the exit.
- The exit of the embryo from the uterus.
Spontaneous abortion does not occur at one time. The process of miscarriage can last for several hours or several days.
Varieties of miscarriages
Unfortunately, this process occurs in 25% of all pregnancies. However, several main types are distinguished:
- Risk of miscarriage.
- Incomplete miscarriage characterized by cervical dilatation and bleeding.
- Miscarriage - the exit of the fetus from the uterine cavity. The process is accompanied by bleeding, after which it is necessary to cure the internal part of the organ.
- A failed miscarriage is an early pregnancy fading.
- Familiar miscarriage - several miscarriages that occur in a row in the first trimesters.
- Anembryonic pregnancy - the attachment of an egg to the uterine wall without subsequent development.
How does a miscarriage occur in early pregnancy? In this case, the woman notes a delay of menstruation for a period of about 10-14 days, after which menstruation begins, but much more intense and painful than usual. If a woman is aware of pregnancy, then there are pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, and then bleeding, which can be with clots. This condition requires medical supervision and curettage of the uterine cavity in order to avoid infection.
The probability of a miscarriage by week
Doctors note that there are periods at which the probability of abortion is highest:
- In the first trimester, there is a threat of miscarriage in the early term - 3 weeks or 14-21 days, as well as from 8 to 12 weeks.
- In the second trimester, the danger appears at 18-22 weeks.
- In the third trimester, the probability is from 28 to 32 weeks of pregnancy.
This can occur due to a lack of progesterone in the body of a woman or other factors.
Miscarriage is the rejection of the fetus from the uterine cavity, as shown in the photo.
Symptoms of a miscarriage in the early stages are as follows:
- acute pain in the lower abdomen;
- spotting from the vagina (can have both a red and a brownish tint);
- increased tone of the uterus;
- feeling sick - fever, headache, weakness in the body.
In the early stages, a woman can take a miscarriage for a delayed menstruation and not attach any importance to it. However, if pregnancy was known, then you should definitely consult a gynecologist. If the discharge was with a slight admixture of blood, there is a possibility of continued pregnancy.
Miscarriage or menstruation?
It is sometimes difficult to identify a miscarriage in early pregnancy, as its symptoms may resemble regular periods. In this case, you can resort to the following methods of determination:
- Measurement of basal body temperature. It must be measured without getting out of bed after waking up. An indicator of 37 degrees is considered normal during pregnancy, if the temperature is reduced - this may indicate spontaneous termination of pregnancy.
- Bleeding with an early miscarriage can be longer than with menstruation. In addition, in some cases, a woman may notice translucent discharge, similar to the remains of a fetal egg.
You can also take a blood test for hCG, the level of which will significantly decrease with a miscarriage.
If there is a risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, you should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will help to find out the type of pathology, as well as prescribe the necessary treatment. Diagnosis of a pathological condition begins with a medical survey in which a woman must describe in detail the symptoms experienced. Then follows an examination on a gynecological chair and examination using an ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, as shown in the photo.
An early miscarriage will be evident when an ultrasound is performed.
A blood sampling is also prescribed to study the level of hCG (the hormone that is released during pregnancy). With a miscarriage, its concentration in the blood will decrease significantly.
Based on the data obtained during the studies, the woman is prescribed the necessary therapy, which is aimed at maintaining the life of the fetus, if the threat of miscarriage can still be stopped or the cleaning of the uterus, which helps to cleanse the body of the remains of the placenta.
Threat Treatment
If the first symptoms that may indicate spontaneous abortion are detected, therapy is prescribed to reduce the risk of miscarriage. In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions. Treatment of an early miscarriage involves the following points:
- it is necessary to observe bed rest, since any activity can adversely affect the woman and the fetus, often doctors recommend an inpatient hospital regime to maintain pregnancy;
- it is important to avoid stressful situations, unrest;
- in the presence of infectious and other diseases, it is important to undergo appropriate treatment under the supervision of a doctor;
- in rare cases, surgery may be required to stitch the cervical canal of the cervix, which helps keep it from opening prematurely, while the sutures are removed immediately before delivery.
To maintain the body, such drugs can be prescribed:
- sedative medications to reduce anxiety;
- hormonal preparations containing progesterone, for example, Duphaston;
- antispasmodics to eliminate uterine tone;
- folic acid and vitamin complexes for pregnant women.
In addition, a woman during this period needs the most proper nutrition. Products should contain a large number of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for normal intrauterine development of the child.
Treatment for miscarriage
If it was not possible to stop the miscarriage at an early date, then the doctors choose one of the possible treatment tactics for this pathology:
- Expectant implies the absence of any active actions in the hope that the woman’s reproductive system will recover on her own.
- Medication is necessary if the uterus is unable to cope with a miscarriage on its own. It involves taking medications that help the body cleanse.
- Surgical treatment is necessary with structural features of the organ that prevent it from getting rid of the remains of the embryo and the ovum, and also with possible complications.
When choosing any tactics for treating a miscarriage, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the woman, as well as to conduct an ultrasound examination in order to make sure that the uterine cavity is completely clean.
Surgical intervention
If the uterus has not cleared itself of the remnants of the embryo and the ovum, surgical curettage of the organ cavity is necessary. The process can be seen in the photo. An early miscarriage with neglect of medical examinations or necessary surgical intervention can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as inflammatory processes or even infertility.
The procedure is performed under anesthesia using gynecological instruments that are inserted into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal.
The rehabilitation period is about 2 months. At this time, a woman needs to exclude sexual intercourse.
Psychological rehabilitation
Physical recovery of the reproductive system after a miscarriage is not too long, but the return of the psyche to normal can take a longer amount of time, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited. During this period, a failed mother is easily susceptible to stress, depression, neurosis, sleep disturbances.
Support from loved ones is very important.
In severe cases, mental disorders that are associated with obsessions can develop. At such moments, the help of a qualified psychologist is needed.
Possible consequences
Like any pathological condition, an early miscarriage can have negative consequences:
- Septic abortion. It occurs when an infection enters the uterine cavity, which, in turn, causes severe inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs or even sepsis.
- Repeated miscarriages that may occur in subsequent attempts to become pregnant and bear a child. In severe cases, this can lead to the inability to have children.
- Posthemorrhagic anemia, which occurs as a result of the loss of a large amount of blood.
- Endometritis is an inflammatory process in the endometrium of the uterus. Often accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, atypical vaginal discharge.
- The placental polyp is the part of the fetal egg that remains in the cavity of the organ. Pathology occurs with insufficient surgical treatment of the vaginal cavity after a miscarriage.
Such terrible consequences are rare. Most often when using various folk remedies to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. In most cases, a woman’s body is able to independently get rid of the membranes and the embryo without consequences.
Preparation for pregnancy
Often, after a miscarriage, women do not abandon attempts to become pregnant again. However, so that it does not happen again, doctors advise you to follow these recommendations:
- Attempts to become a mother should not be made immediately, since at least 6 months should pass after a miscarriage. This time is necessary for the body to recover from an injury, as well as to stabilize the mental state of a woman who has survived the loss of an unborn child.
- In order to avoid repeated miscarriage, it is important to carry out a full range of medical examinations - tests for sexually transmitted infections, ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs, hormonal background studies, genetic tests, blood compatibility tests for future parents. This is necessary in order to solve possible problems before pregnancy.
- It is important for the expectant mother to give up drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy planning, as well as saturate her diet with important vitamins and minerals.
Some doctors also recommend vaccinations against measles, rubella, and chickenpox so that these infectious diseases do not appear during the period of gestation.
Unfortunately, it is not always possible to minimize the risks of miscarriage in the early stages of the home. Some pathologies can occur only with the onset of pregnancy. How to prevent an early miscarriage? There are no universal tips, but there are general recommendations:
- It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, which includes proper nutrition, moderate physical activity and rejection of bad habits;
- it is necessary to monitor weight, since excessively full or pathologically thin women are more prone to miscarriages than people with normal body weight;
- development of stress tolerance is necessary to minimize stressful situations in life that can lead to depressive states;
- you need to maintain a normal level of vitamins in the body by eating various healthy foods.
Also, one of the important methods of preventing miscarriage is to stop taking medications that are prohibited during pregnancy in the initial stages.
In addition, when choosing a gynecologist for pregnancy, it is necessary to rely not only on cost and location, but also on positive and negative reviews. Miscarriage in early pregnancy can also occur due to the carelessness of a doctor who did not notice a pathological condition in a timely manner.