Many owners of cats, noticing that their pet behaves somehow unusual, does not play, refuses to eat, think about the state of her health. Like humans, cats have a fever during illness. How to find out a cat’s temperature in this case?
Touch the tip of the nose? But it happens that in a stuffy room it dries up and becomes hot, and in case of illness it remains cool. As an indicator, the tip of the nose does not always give an objective picture.
Put a thermometer under your arm? Under which paw? Rear or front?
And what should be the temperature in healthy cats and cats sick, what indicator to focus on?
The normal rate for a cat is from 38.4 to 39.5 degrees Celsius. In most cases, it does not depend on the time of the year and on the temperature in the apartment, but it can change upwards during stress, after sleep, with excitement.
There is another important point - the procedure for measuring this important indicator is unpleasant for a cat, a thermometer must be introduced into the rectum. And after this process, the temperature can also increase slightly.
To find out what the temperature should be in cats, to determine the presence of the disease, you need to prepare in advance.
Would need:
- a thermometer is better than an electronic one; it has a finer tip;
- soft large towel;
- substance for greasing the tip of the thermometer, cream or oil;
- 2 pairs of reliable hands - this is desirable, one without a habit can not cope.
The hind legs and head are fixed with prepared material, the tail of the cat is carefully lifted vertically and the thermometer precoated with grease is carefully inserted into the anal opening of the cat by the rotational movement to the depth of the tip.
Of course, it is better to take your beloved pet to a veterinarian if you suspect a disease, but even an experienced doctor, knowing what the temperature should be in cats, can make a mistake in a particular case.
Cats are as individual as humans. And, as in people, their temperature indicator can be increased or decreased. There are times when the veterinarian refuses to perform manipulations with the animal brought for vaccination, arguing that this is an increase in temperature. And this cat has such an individual feature.
Therefore, every responsible owner should know how to determine the temperature in a cat. He also needs to know that in small kittens up to 2.5 months, a temperature of 39.5 is considered normal, the temperature is increased in females during estrus and pregnancy, and that lowering the temperature is much more dangerous than raising it. If the cat has a temperature of about 37 degrees - the call to the veterinarian should be immediate.
You can try to stop a slight increase in temperature yourself if there are no side symptoms: discharge of pus from the ears or nose, vomiting or diarrhea. For this, cold compresses are applied to the area of the cat's shoulder blades.
Knowing what the temperature should be in cats, the owner of the pet will not miss the disease .