Fun wedding contests for guests - a guarantee that your wedding will be remembered for many years

Many people know what an exciting moment this is - preparing for the wedding. Both the groom and the bride, and their parents, are usually nervous. After all, both those and others want their guests to remember their triumph, and to themselves, as the best. After the traditional ceremonies: murals in the registry office, a trip around the city and photos of the main attractions, young people and guests go to a cafe or restaurant.

wedding contests for guests

And here begins the most interesting part of the celebration. And in order for the evening to be fun and to be remembered for a long time, to take care only of refreshments is not enough at all. After all, there are many weddings at which tables are bursting from all kinds of food and drink, and guests are frankly bored.

Of course, you can invite a professional host to entertain young people and guests. But you can save on this, because a wedding is an expensive pleasure, and you will probably spend a lot of money anyway. Therefore, such an important assignment as entertaining guests can be given to someone from relatives: girlfriend, sister, uncle. The main thing is that the leader should be a cheerful person. You just have to prepare a scenario of entertainment at the wedding. Be sure to find beautiful witness congratulations at the wedding. Do not forget the toasts. But this is not the main thing! Wedding contests for guests, honeymooners and witnesses - this is what you need to prepare in considerable numbers. Because after toasts for the health of young souls will require fun!

The only thing you will need to consider is age, financial situation, in general, what contingent will be walking at your wedding. Because the competitions in which they will participate in a student’s wedding are not quite suitable for a businessman’s wedding.

So, rule number one - wedding contests for guests should be fun!

entertainment at the wedding

Kiss a Girl Contest

To conduct this competition, we invite three to four men and one girl to the center of the hall. The first cavalier kisses the girl and then says: “I kissed Katya on the cheek”, which means that the next participant can no longer kiss the girl on the cheek. For example, he kisses her forehead and says: "I kissed Katya on the forehead," etc. The player who has no more options for a kiss loses.

Hat Case Contest

Wedding contests for guests are designed to amuse as many people as possible. In the following, everyone can participate. To do this, you need to prepare such a props as a hat. So the music turns on and everyone starts dancing. A hat is put on one of the dancers, he must wear it to someone else. During the whole dance, props are transmitted in a circle. The music stops, and the one on whom the hat is at that moment approaches the presenter. The host read out the list of duties: “I undertake to come to the young people every Saturday and wash the dishes”, “I undertake to invite the young people to a picnic”, “I undertake to call every morning for a month and congratulate the young people on their wedding” and so on. The losing participant puts a tick in front of the offer they like. And at the end of the evening, the host reads the entire list young.

Competition "Passionate Balloon Dancing"

wedding witness congratulations

Wedding competitions for guests are usually massive. For the next, you need to invite a few pairs and give them a balloon. Music is turned on, for example, “lambada”, and the presenter announces to the participants that the ball must be clamped between the stomachs. And so, holding the ball, the participants dance. The music and the location of the ball changes, the participants dance the next dance. The pair that did not hold the ball leaves the game.

Entertainment at the wedding is an important part of the celebration, so there are a lot of competitions to come up with.

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