In the physical education of children of all ages, sports and outdoor games are actively used. They are interesting and useful. However, only proper physical education benefits. There are certain recommendations regarding the conduct of certain games in specific age groups, there are some restrictions and safety rules.
The importance of motor activity
From childhood, children need to be accustomed to physical training. The human body needs physical activity, physical activity, regardless of age. An active lifestyle brings about positive changes. Thanks to physical training, the likelihood of many diseases is reduced, health is improved, the development process is regulated and made more harmonious.
If children are not vaccinated from an early age the need for movement, they will grow weak. Inadequate physical activity affects the muscles. They do not properly support the body in the correct position. As a result, muscle weakness leads to the development of poor posture, curvature of the spine.
However, to accustom children to an active lifestyle is not so simple. They are not eager to do, for example, daily exercises, they do not like physical education classes in schools. Developing a need for movement is recommended in a playful way. This is one of the methods of physical education. Its essence lies in performing motor actions and following a certain invented plot.
The game method can be embodied in various sports and outdoor games. This type of motor activity is of interest to children of different ages. Many games attract primarily a competitive element. Every child wants to win, get the title of the strongest, dexterous or fast. Of interest is the "plot" organization of most games. The idea is often borrowed from real life. Imitation of hunting, any domestic or labor activities - possible options for the plot of the games.
Sports and outdoor games with rules of varying complexity not only develop muscles and make children strong, agile and fast, but also contribute to the emergence of important mental and moral qualities. Physical education forms independence, initiative. Games have a great influence on mental development, because children in the process of motor activity comprehend the plot, come up with effective tactics of action.
The tasks of active pastime in a playful way
Carrying out sports and outdoor games allows you to solve 3 problems. One of them is wellness. In order for this task to be carried out, it is necessary to organize classes correctly - it is imperative to take into account the age characteristics of children and their physical fitness. With proper organization, the following result is achieved:
- the bone-ligamentous apparatus, the muscular system is strengthened;
- all types of metabolism are activated (mineral, protein, carbohydrate, fat);
- it has a positive effect on the nervous system (provided that the games are well organized and evoke positive emotions in children);
- the body is hardened (this result appears when playing games in the fresh air).
Especially useful games for sick children. This category of people with motor activity is necessary for special medical purposes. Movements provide a functional and emotional lift and, as a result, have a healing effect.
The second task of sports and outdoor games is educational. Its essence lies in influencing the process of personality formation. In the process of motor activity with a competitive element, children develop the ability to analyze the situation, make decisions, draw conclusions, interact with other people, and organizational skills appear when performing certain roles. Great benefits to preschoolers and primary school students bring games with objects (balls, pins, etc.). Thanks to such exercises, muscular-motor, skin-tactile sensitivity is increased, and the motor function of the hands and fingers is improved.
The third task of the games is educational. It is understood as the upbringing of important physical qualities in children:
- Agility. This quality is developed by moving, sports games, the theme of which is related to the constant change of conditions or rules, the rapid transition from one action to another.
- Forces. For the manifestation of this quality in children, games with moderate physical activity are necessary.
- You were fast. The upbringing of this quality is facilitated by a large number of games that provoke quick reactions to tactile, visual, sound signals and are built on the need to perform any action in the shortest possible time.
- Stamina. This quality is formed during repeated repetitions of intense movements.
- Flexibility. The development of this quality is possible in games based on frequent changes in the direction of movement.
Game classification
Before studying classifications, it is important to define sports and outdoor games. These are slightly different concepts. Sports games are the highest form of outdoor games. They, as the name implies, are related to sports and are based on competition. Simple moving or moving games based on sports are those that are based on running, jumping, throwing, etc.
Sports games are usually divided into 2 groups. The first of these is the team. In such games, competitions are held between groups. As an example of these games can be called basketball, volleyball, hockey, football. The second group is personal-team. Specific participants compete in them. Similar is observed in tennis, chess, checkers.
The existing classification of outdoor games is based on the main motives of physical activity and the relationships of the children involved. In accordance with it, 3 groups of games are distinguished:
- non-team;
- transitional;
- teamwork.
In non-team games there are certain rules. Children fulfill the conditions set, act in their personal interests and at the same time do not interact with other participants. This means that there is no common goal for the players.
In transitional games, there is no permanent common goal for all participants. Children act in their own interests. Each player has a specific goal. At a certain stage of the game, interaction with other children is necessary. As a result, all participants are included in the collective activity.
In team games, children come together in teams. Each group has a common goal. To achieve it, the participants act together. All children completely subordinate their personal interests to the aspirations of their team to achieve victory. Team games are especially useful. They teach children to establish contacts in a group, interact with other participants, and find a common language.
Safety measures for sports and outdoor games and their principles
When working with children of any age, you must strictly follow safety precautions. Ignoring it can lead to harm to health (illness, injury). Safety precautions are as follows:
- The venue for sports and outdoor games must be checked. If the lesson is held on the street, then the surface should be non-slip. If the games are planned to be organized in the building, then care should be taken that the room is well-lit and ventilated.
- First, children are explained the rules of sports, outdoor games. Before the game, the teacher, teacher or one of the parents reminds that collisions, shocks and blows should be avoided. If someone falls, then you need to stop the lesson and help that child get to his feet.
- Before the start of the game, the presence of a tracksuit and sports shoes is checked, sports equipment is inspected.
It is important in working with children in the process of physical education to observe not only the safety precautions for sports and outdoor games, but also the principles for their implementation. Only when this condition is fulfilled, classes will benefit health and not cause harm. Here is a list of key principles:
- accounting for age development;
- systematic;
- availability;
- gradualness;
- alternating loads;
- visibility.
Important attention should be paid to the fact that not all children successfully master any movements, exercises, tactics. Weak players must be treated very tactfully, not requiring them to follow complex rules. Otherwise, such children may be harmed by both physical and mental health.
If something does not work out for some students, this does not mean that they are lazy, naughty, misunderstood something, or they simply don’t like the proposed themes of outdoor and sports games. Failures are often manifestations of the individual characteristics of the body. The task of educators, teachers and parents in this case is not to demand that what does not work out, patiently strive to ensure that weak children gradually develop and come closer to the general level of the team’s game preparedness.
General rules for the selection and organization of games
Of great importance is the right choice of game. It depends on the age of the children, their development, preparedness, number of students. Be sure to take into account the form of classes (for example, a break, lesson or holiday). At the break, short games are held to relax from mental activity. At the physical education lesson, they are already offered longer ones that contribute to the development of strength, dexterity, speed and other qualities. At festive events, mass games are in demand.
Participation in various types of sports and outdoor games causes slight fatigue. This feeling is helpful. It, arising systematically, helps to adapt the body to increased physical activity, increase efficiency. But sometimes children are still overworked due to individual characteristics or for the reason that they are very fond of games, too emotionally react to everything that happens. It is very important to dose physical activity so that it does not cause overwork, because it causes lethargy, decreased appetite, and disturbed sleep.
External signs of fatigue include excessive shortness of breath, sudden redness of the face, increased sweating, and decreased coordination of movement. Children are less interested in the game. They sometimes begin to complain of fatigue, slight dizziness. With such signs, you need to stop the game. It is worth noting that there are cases when signs of overwork are not observed. Children who are very interested and keen on the game begin to ask the teacher, teacher or parents to continue. However, in such cases, you should not go on about the children. It is important to complete the game on time.
Of course, a lot of children participate in conducting outdoor, sports games. In a large group, it is difficult to take into account the level of preparedness and individual capabilities of each child, so optimal loads should be planned. At the very beginning of the lesson, games are never offered that require significant strength, speed, and dexterity, because a warm-up is first required. If in children the day was quite busy (with great mental and physical stress), then it is worth offering a sedentary game. If the day was not stressful, then it is recommended to alternate intense games with low-intensity ones.
Work with children in kindergarten
Experts recommend conducting outdoor games in kindergarten. Sports games at this age are poorly perceived. It is best to offer them to those children who are already preparing for school. How to organize physical education based on age? Children from younger groups are very active, mobile. They like to run, catch up, throw something, but their coordination is poorly developed. Children at this age perceive simple games well. They especially like classes with an invented plot.
One of the most suitable games for children from younger groups is Sparrows and a Car. They begin it with a story addressed to the imagination of kindergarten pupils:
“In the large garden there lived — there were little sparrows. All the birds on the trees had their own nests. On sunny days, sparrows flew out of the nests and landed on the ground. They were looking for grains, insects. Sometimes the birds flew up to the puddles and drank some water. Once a red car appeared in the garden and buzzed: "BBC." The birds got scared and scattered across their nests. ”
After the story, they offer the children to play such a game. At first, the role of a car can be played by a kindergarten teacher or one of the parents, if the game is played at home. Sparrows will be children, and their nests will be chairs. The rules are as follows: if the car does not buzz, the young participants of the game get up from their chairs, lower themselves to the floor and demonstrate a search for seeds or water; when the car starts beeping, the kids quickly run away to the chairs and sit on them.
Kindergarten pupils from middle groups are offered more complex outdoor games. Classes with a certain fictional plot continue to be actively held. Fairy-tale game images encourage children to perform certain roles. Suitable story games are “Kittens and Puppies”, “Mousetrap”. Gradually, children begin to get acquainted with non-plot games.
In addition to the plot and non-plot games, children from older groups are offered games with competition elements. Pupils are selected such rivals who are equal in physical strength and the development of motor skills (i.e., they have equal chances of victory). In preparatory groups for school, relay games, various sports games and exercises are additionally held.
Relay games for preparatory groups
Relay games are team outdoor games with a competitive element. They are held, as a rule, at the end of the main part of the physical education classes, at sports events, and on hikes. The goals of relay games held with older preschool children are as follows:
- general and special warm-up;
- improving the emotional state of children;
- repetition and consolidation of previously learned exercises.
A variety of movements are included in relay games - running with throwing, overcoming obstacles, dribbling the ball, etc. It is important that all actions performed by children do not carry any danger in themselves. It is not recommended to include in the relay climbing rope, acrobatic somersaults back and forth, running along a narrow boom. The danger is represented by such outdoor games in the gym, in which you need to run to the wall and touch it. Some children in preschool age still can not brake in time.
Relay Games for PreschoolersRelay title and required items | Final goal | Instructions for outdoor sports games (relay races) |
"Sun", hoop and gymnastic sticks | Development of speed, dexterity, team abilities in children | The start of the relay starts with a signal. The first child takes a hoop and runs to the opposite side of the gym. There, the participant leaves the hoop, returns to his team and passes the baton. The second participant takes a gymnastic stick and runs to put a "little ray" to the hoop, and then returns. The following participants repeat this action. The team that first draws the sun wins |
“Hat”, stand and hat | The development of speed, agility, speed and power abilities of the legs | At the signal, the first participant from each group runs to the stand installed on the opposite side of the hall, removes the cap from it and returns with it to the team. The cap is transferred to the second participant. He runs to the counter, puts on a thing, returns and passes the baton. The team that completes the game the fastest wins |
Sports games and exercises for preschoolers
In the physical education of preschoolers, sports are very important. They strengthen large muscle groups, develop psychophysical qualities (strength, agility, endurance, quick-wittedness), nurture responsibility, will, determination, help relieve nervous tension, release emotions.However, without initial preparation, it is not recommended to introduce children to sports games. Initially, it is best to carry out outdoor games with elements of sports games.
One suitable sports game for preschoolers is badminton. It uses a shuttlecock and a racket. The goal is to prevent the shuttle from hitting the court and landing it on the opponent’s side. In kindergartens, before acquaintance of children with badminton, educators conduct preparatory work. With the help of sports exercises and outdoor games with elements of sports, specialists:
- ;
- develop appropriate posture among the pupils;
- form a throwing skill;
- develop mobility of the hand;
- form the necessary physical qualities (speed of reaction, impact force);
- introduce the rules;
- practice the basic methods of playing badminton.
Basketball is another game that can be offered to preschoolers. She is quite complex, emotional. It includes jumping, fast running, throwing the ball. Some children cannot quickly master the tricks of the game. Successfully mastered by those pupils who already possess the skills of various manipulations with the ball. Before the game of basketball, preparatory work is also carried out. Teachers learn outdoor games with children before playing sports, perform such exercises that contribute to learning the technique of moving and holding the ball, transferring it, leading it, throwing it into the basket.
Badminton and basketball are not the only games that can be introduced to preschoolers. It will be interesting and useful for children to learn about tennis and table hockey. Along with sports games, it is worthwhile to carry out the usual sports exercises - ice skating, skiing, swimming, etc. They are performed in the fresh air. In children, thanks to them, the body's defenses increase, metabolic processes accelerate. An additional benefit is that girls and boys gain knowledge about natural phenomena, gain understanding of the properties of snow, ice, water.
Physical education of schoolchildren and sick, weakened children
In the life of schoolchildren, games continue to occupy an important place. For primary school students, entertainment is thought up with a plot. For children from middle and senior classes, competitive classes, sports relay races, sports and outdoor games are held. Examples of games:
- for students of grades 1-3 - "Karasi and pike", "Polar bears", "Geese-swans", "Fox and hens", etc .;
- for students in grades 4–6 - “Hunters and Ducks”, relay races with climbing and climbing, with balance elements, football, basketball, volleyball;
- for students in grades 7–9 - tug of war, team running, competitions “Who is stronger”, “Who is faster”, games “Two balls through the net”, “Ball to the middle”, “Ball to the captain”, relay race with dribbling and throwing the ball into the basket ;
- for students in grades 10–11 - “Jerk for the ball”, “Interception of the ball”, “Race with elimination”, “Race with the ball”, “Volleyball with the elimination”.
Sick and debilitated children with various deviations in health status (with diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system), in a hospital or at home, also require physical exercise. For this category of people, children's sports and outdoor games were divided into 4 groups: I - with a light load, II - with a moderate load, III - with a tonic load, IV - with a training load.
Sample games for sick and debilitated children
Outdoor games of groups I and II are used in a hospital setting. They are also offered to those children who have insufficient general physical training or who are in a sanatorium. Games of group I are recommended to be carried out from 2-3 weeks after a decrease in the activity of the pathological process, i.e., during the period of remission. As an example, “Kach-kach”. This is a game designed for children aged 2 to 9 years. Starting position - lying or sitting on the floor with legs extended. At a command, the children begin to swing their feet to the right and left side, as well as bend and unbend, accompanying these actions with the words “swing-swing”. Repeat this game from 2 to 6 times.
The games related to the next group begin to be offered to sick and weakened children 3-4 weeks after a decrease in the activity of the pathological process. During physical activity it is allowed to sit, stand, walk. The game is allocated from 10 to 15 minutes. An example of the game is “Sculptor” for children from 7 to 14 years old. The organizer of the game (one of the adults) becomes the center. Children form a circle around him. The organizer, playing the role of a sculptor, imitates any movements. Children go around and imitate them. At one point, the sculptor claps his hands and freezes. All the children stop, also freeze in any desired position and as if turn into statues. The best “statue” becomes the new “sculptor,” and the game continues.
Sports entertainment, outdoor games from group III are used six months after recovery. They are offered in hospitals, and in sanatoriums, and in pioneer camps, and in kindergartens of the sanatorium profile. These games are designed for those children for whom the tonic regimen is recommended, as well as for schoolchildren of special and preparatory groups. Classes lasting 30 minutes are held in the gym, on the street in summer and winter in good weather. One suitable game is the Ball School for children from 6 to 14 years old. It can be a set of exercises:
- throwing the ball, clapping behind the back and catching the ball;
- throwing the ball up, turning around and catching the ball;
- throwing the ball, taking a sitting position on the floor with legs crossed and catching the ball, etc.
Games from group IV are designed for children in a state of persistent remission of an existing disease. Classes, as a rule, consist of quite a variety of exercises. Children are required to move with a large amplitude, running, speed of reaction.
In conclusion, it is worth noting that sports and outdoor games for a walk, at school or kindergarten are irreplaceable methods of physical education. They not only develop and strengthen the children's body, but also contribute to the acquisition of knowledge about the world, the development of thinking, ingenuity, and important moral-volitional qualities.